Page 26 - CII Artha Magazine 1
P. 26

Sector in Focus
 B. Deepening the   supported CAS (conditional
 Component Value Chain   access system) for set top   Electronics:
 across the entire   boxes.
 Similarly, a global innovation
 challenge for designing of
 The domestic electronics   for educational tablets for the  The Fuel for
 industry is characterised by   semiconductors and chip sets
 lack of a component
 ecosystem which leads to its   masses could be encouraged.
 dependence on imports. High   New Age
 dependency on imported   Besides, the next focus should
 inputs raises cost and impedes   be on maximizing domestic   Additionally, high import   software. However, to realize
 competitiveness. A right mix   value addition and promoting   dependency for electronic   this, India needs to address a
 of policy realignment coupled   Design in India, besides Make   parts has heightened the   few challenges like cost
 with new targets is required.     in India. For this, the   Automobiles  vulnerability of the Indian   disadvantages arising out of
                                                              automobile industry from
                                                                                          high land, logistics, capital
 know-how available with                                      global supply chain         transaction costs, etc.
 The government has, no doubt   Government owned R&D          disruptions as witnessed from
 announced the PLI scheme for   laboratories should be made   recent shortage of          Recognizing the above
 components. However, the 5-6   freely accessible to  industry,   semiconductors leading to   challenges, Government has
 per cent incentive on   outsourced R&D needs to be           loss of sales opportunity   3   recently approved PLI for
                                                              estimated at Rs 1,800-2,000
                                                                                          semiconductor and display
 incremental sales, envisaged   incentivized on the lines of   crore  in the past few months.   ecosystem with an outlay Rs
 under the scheme, is not   In-house R&D, Technology   I ndian Automotive Industry   very high value of import   This import dependency of   76,000 crore (> US$10
 enough to achieve scale in this   Acquisition Fund be created   has seen phenomenal   content which continues to   the Indian automotive   billion) to setup over 20
 sector and accordingly would   for liberal assistance in filing   growth and progress in last   increase. In case of   industry is bound to increase   semiconductor design,
                                   automotive electronics
        two decades coupled with
 discourage manufacturers   patents and a Guarantee Fund   intensified use of electronics.   imports, it accounted for   due to advent of C.A.S.E.   components manufacturing
 from indigenizing production.   be created to help R&D   This has coincided with huge   US$2.14 billion  (~Rs 15,000   (Connected, Autonomous,   and display fabrication (FAB)
                                                                                          units. This step is highly
                                                              Shared and Electric) mobility.
 Hence, the government should   houses to raise working   growth and proliferation of   crores) in FY2019-20 which   It is estimated that demand   synergic to earlier PLIs
 review the scheme by   capital.  information technology and   was 11 per cent of total   for India’s automotive   announced in the areas of
 expanding the incentive from   digitization, as also, triggered   automobile imports. The key   electronics will increase from   electronics, autos and ACC
 the present 5-6 per cent and   D. Other Suggestions  by growing concerns around   reasons for such high level of   US$4.29 billion (Rs 30,000   (Advanced Chemistry Cell)
        vehicular emissions, safety and
                                   imports are lack of local
 widen the eligibility criteria. A   impact on environment.  supply chain, technical/design   crores) in FY2019-20 to   having the potential to
                                                              US$10 billion (Rs 70,000
                                                                                          enhance India’s deep
 revamped PLI would facilitate   Similarly, the government   capability for semiconductors   crores) by 2026 .   localization capability, thereby
 scale economies from   should also look at other   & Display Fabrication Units           improving the cost dynamics
 domestic production and also   options such as leveraging   WHILE VALUE OF   (FABs) manufacturing, and   India’s overall electronics   of Indian manufactured
 encourage SMEs to strengthen   upcoming FTAs (UK & the   ELECTRONICS   absence of globally   market is expected to grow   products, making end
                                   competitive scale.
 the supply chain and reduce   EU) towards enhancing   GROWN; HIGH VALUE   and reach US$400 billion  by   products competitive and
 our dependence on imports.  exports, incentivizing   OF IMPORT CONTENT   2025. If India does not take   safeguarding India from global
                                                              steps to localize electronics
                                                                                          supply chain disruptions.
 manufacture of products not   IS WORRISOME                   now, it will not only be left
 C. Encouraging Design-led   currently produced in India,     behind but it will also have
 Manufacturing  facilitating EoDB, among                      huge impact on country’s
 others.   The Indian electronics                             trade deficit. Having one of
        manufacturing ecosystem is
 For ensuring that the industry   still in a nascent stage which   the largest demands for   GOVERNMENT'S PLI
                                                              electronic parts, India is an
 remains competitive (by   To conclude, a robust policy   is predominantly an assembly   attractive investment   SCHEME FOR
 facilitating domestic IP   environment would help the   operation. Although, the value   destination for their   SEMICONDUCTORS
 creation), even after the PLI &   country to realise the huge   of India’s domestic electronics   large-scale manufacturing.   AND DISPLAY
 other benefits expire, a push   opportunity awaiting India to   has grown from US$27.20   ECOSYSTEM BODES
        billion (Rs 1,90,366
 to R&D is most essential. For   emerge as a global hub for   crore) in 2014-15 to   This can also provide   WELL FOR BOOSTING
 this, the government should   electronics and meet the   US$76.0 billion (Rs   India an opportunity   DOMESTIC
                                                                     to leverage its global
 explore innovative solutions   targets envisioned in the NPE   5,33,670 crore ) in   leadership in   PRODUCTION
 for the sector such as a model   2019.  2020-21, this has
 based on the Government led
 domestic manufacturers                                            Mr. Vikram Kirloskar, Past President, CII; Chairman,
                                                   CII Manufacturing Council and Vice Chairman, Toyota Kirloskar Motor Ltd
        1  Ministry of Electronics and
          Information Technology (MEITY)
        2  SIAM
        3  Media sources
        4  SIAM
                                                                                           QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS
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