Page 21 - CII Artha Magazine 2022
P. 21

State of States

 Export   Table 2: Bottom 5 States in Terms of Overall Ranking    States  Table 4: Bottom 5 States Under Policy Pillar



                                               Decrease in
                                                                                                      Decrease in
 Preparedness      Nagaland   Index 2020   Index 2021   value w.r.t      Puducherry   Index 2020   Index 2021   value w.r.t

                                               2020 index

                                                                                                      2020 index
 Index     Arunachal    28.28      11.18                          Pradesh                 0.00        - -
                                                                  Dadra Nagar &  0.00
                                                                  Daman and Diu
           Lakshadweep  12.4
                                                                  Lakshadweep   0.00
        Being closer to the coast, by   promotion policies and
        itself, does not necessarily help   provided a conducive   followed by Dadra, Nagar and
        states to qualify for a high score   institutional environment to                   DELHI TOPS THE
        in the index. Industrial activity at   boost exports at the   Haveli and Daman & Diu,   LIST IN ATTRACTING
                                                                Arunachal Pradesh and Delhi.
                                     sub-national level. It comprises
        the state level and a conducive
 I ndia’s vision of emerging as a   has announced the Export   business environment are also   of two sub-pillars namely   A comparison with the   INVESTMENTS AND
                                                                                            CREATING THE
 Preparedness Index (EPI),
 US$5 trillion economy in
        among the key export drivers.
                                     Export Promotion Policy
 near future is inextricably   2021. The Index ranks the   This is made evident from the   and Institutional   aggregate rankings shows that, in   REQUISITE
 linked to the export-oriented   states and Union territories   fact that West Bengal, Kerala and   Framework.   general, a conducive policy   INFRASTRUCTURE
 approach to development.   based on their preparedness   R&D infrastructure, export   heels are the landlocked   Goa, despite being coastal states,   environment has a positive   FOR BUSINESS
 This would entail a rapid   to promote exports. The   diversification, and growth   states while the Himalayan   are in the middle rung in terms   influence on exports at the   EXPANSION
 expansion of India’s external   purpose is to promote   orientation.  states and the city states/   of export preparedness   MADHYA PRADESH   sub-national level. Hence,
 trade through a mix of   competition among states   union territories account for   rankings. The city state of   LEADS THE WAY IN   Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka   and creating the requisite
 infrastructure support and a   which would help improve   COASTAL STATES   lower scores on the index.   Lakshadweep brings up the   ADOPTING EXPORT   and Tamil Nadu, which have the   infrastructure for expanding
 prudent policy push- to   their export performance and   The coastal states, which also   bottom in the Index followed by   PROMOTION   top score in the EPI, also do well   business. An efficient business
 achieve US$1 trillion worth of   enhance their readiness to   EMERGE AS BEST   boast of high industrial   Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram,   POLICIES  under the policy pillar. Similarly,   ecosystem strengthens the
 merchandise exports in the   scale up the overseas   PERFORMERS ON   activity, lead in the rankings of   Meghalaya and Nagaland.  Madhya Pradesh, which has the   backward and forward
 near term.  A concerted   transactions. The Index would   EXPORT PROMOTION   export preparedness.   first rank in the policy pillar is   linkages of the exporting
 government effort in this   also help the states to   PREPAREDNESS  Accordingly, the top ranking   Let us now look at the   The state level ranking shows   also among the top in the index   industry, thereby enhancing its
 direction has resulted in the   benchmark their performance   has been accorded to the   performance of states on four   that Madhya Pradesh has   with a high seventh rank.  output and growth. The
 export target of US$400   against the best-ranking states   coastal state of Gujarat. This   major pillars which are the   notched the top score on the   Business Ecosystem pillar
 billion being surpassed in   and learn from their   The ranking, at the aggregate   is followed by Maharashtra,   key enablers which would   policy pillar. This is closely   Nevertheless, the comparison   evaluates states’ performance
 FY22, a landmark achievement   experience.   level, suggests that coastal   Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.   facilitate export growth. The   followed by Maharashtra,   also indicates that policy alone   across four sub pillars namely
 which, if sustained and   states are among the best   The land-locked state of   first is the Policy pillar. This   Karnataka, Gujarat and Odisha.   does not upscale the state’s   business environment,
 improved upon, would   The overall ranking of 36   performers. Close on the   Haryana is fifth in the ranking.  pillar shows whether the state   The lowest score has been   position. This is borne out from   infrastructure, transport
 catapult India to the league of   states and union territories is   has adopted facilitative export   awarded to Lakshadweep   the fact that Haryana occupies   connectivity and access to
 major exporting nations,   a result of a state’s ranking       the 5  position in EPI despite   finance.
 going forward. However, the   across the four pillars of       ranking 17  under the policy
 continuation of this robust   export preparedness namely   Table 1: Top 5 States in Terms of Overall Ranking  Table 3: Top 5 States Under Policy Pillar   pillar. Similarly, Assam is placed 7    Delhi has the highest score
 export performance would   policy, business ecosystem,         in the policy pillar which is ahead   under this pillar. This is followed
 depend essentially on active   export ecosystem and export   States   Export  Export  Increase/  States   Export  Export  Increase/  of Tamil Nadu but has a 15  rank   by Maharashtra, Karnataka,

 Decrease in
 participation of the states   performance. For a      Index 2020   Index 2021   value w.r.t     Preparedness  Preparedness   Decrease in   in EPI while Tamil Nadu is fourth   Haryana, Gujarat and Tamil
 which would work in tandem   comprehensive and granular            2020 index     Index 2020   Index 2021   value w.r.t  in the EPI ranking. Bihar is   Nadu- states which are also
 with the Centre in this   analysis, the index takes into            2020 index  another state which have done   the front ranking exporting
 pursuit of expanding India’s   consideration eleven   Gujarat   75.19   78.86�  Madhya Pradesh   49.47   94.66  well in policy but lags in the   states with an outstanding EPI
 global footprint.    sub-pillars namely export   Maharashtra  75.14   77.14  overall score.  score. The bottom ranking
 promotion policy, institutional   Maharashtra    75.14   82.47                            goes to Lakshadweep followed
 To assess the preparedness of   framework, business   Karnataka  55.17  61.72  Karnataka    55.17   81.12  The second is the Business   by Ladakh, Nagaland, Andaman
 states to promote exports,   environment, infrastructure,   Tamil Nadu    64.93   56.84  Gujarat    75.19   80.03  Ecosystem pillar.  This relates   & Nicobar Islands, Arunachal
 the NITI Aayog, in   transport connectivity, access   Haryana    56.03   53.20  to the enabling and facilitative   Pradesh and Meghalaya. These
 collaboration with the   to finance, export   Odisha    58.23   79.66  environment provided by the   states are also in the bottom
 Institute of Competitiveness,   infrastructure, trade support,   state for attracting investments   rung in terms of the overall EPI.
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