Page 5 - CII Artha Magazine 2022
P. 5
Focus Story
The 40 39.2 Distribution of Working Age Population by Status (million)
Worker Population Ratio (%)
Employment 38 35 35.8 33.9 34.1 35.9 34.7 35.3 38.2 198.3 228 90.6 98 91.7 101 380.5 427
Challenge 32 Rural Source: PLFS Reports and CII Research Total Self-Employed Source: PLFS Reports & CII Research Total
Looking at the gender agriculture and cottage between Q1 and Q3FY22.
dynamics, we find that more industries. The proportion of THROUGH THE THREE Second quarter was led by
women are entering not only regular wage/salaried ROUNDS OF THE QES IT/BPO while third quarter
C reating job strategies and suggestions for the labour force but also the employees saw an increase in SURVEY, THE NUMBER was led by manufacturing in
absorbing the surplus
employment generation.
opportunities for those
workforce. There were 112
both rural & urban areas and
who choose to work is workforce in the productive million women in the labour for both males & females. At EMPLOYED IN THE As was with PLFS, women’s
central to inclusive economic process. Hence, this month, force in 2017-18, which rose the same time, the proportion SAMPLED FIRMS HAS share in total employment
growth. An increase in job the focus is on the to 149 million in 2019-20. of casual labour showed a RISEN BY 9.2 LAKH stood at 31.6 per cent in
opportunities, in turn, employment challenge. The More importantly, the rise in decline. This implies an Q3FY22 (99 lakh 39
encourages more spotlight is on the WPR has been primarily improvement in employment thousand employed). More
working-age people to seek labour-intensive MSME sector GENERATING driven by women as women’s quality. However, anecdotal women have entered into
employment. This expands the and emergence of new ADEQUATE worker participation ratio experience suggests that more updated picture of the self-employment.
pool of potential workers, a avenues for employment EMPLOYMENT rose from 16.5 in 2017-18 to during the pandemic, there formal jobs scenario in the
key input to faster economic growth such as the gig 21.8 in 2019-20. has been a rise in casual country, which reflects the With the above background
growth. Given the importance economy among others. OPPORTUNITIES workers which have given impact of the pandemic as in place, experts proffer
of generating enough job Before we dwell on these REMAINS AN Moving to the employment rise to a burgeoning gig well. As per the results of their insights on employment
opportunities for the bulging issues in detail, it is imperative IMPERATIVE FOR the three rounds which have opportunities created by the
working age population, it to provide a brief background GROWTH status, it is evidenced that economy. been released so far, total emerging gig economy
would be useful to analyse, on the latest set of self-employment remains the Apart from the annual PLFS employment stood at 3.14 paradigm and the need to
with the help of experts, the employment numbers for major source of employment surveys, the quarterly crore in the three quarters scale up MSMEs for
prevailing constraints to job setting the context. For collecting data on However, a mere addition to with close to 53 per cent of employment survey (QES) was led by the manufacturing improving the jobs scenario
creation and look at the workforce, highlighting the sector. Further, net 6 lakh in the country.
employment, the government the labour force does not importance of Indian also started last year to give a new jobs were created
has initiated many surveys in imply being gainfully
the past which provide a employed. Hence, a look at
Labour Force Participation Rates (%) snapshot of the employment the worker population ratio
42 levels in the economy, the (WPR) is more pertinent. Women in the Workforce (%) Total Employment as per QES Survey (in crores)
40.1 latest one being the annual Worker population ratio has
40 PLFS (Period Labour Force risen from 34.7 in 2017-18 to 21.8 3.16
38.6 Survey) 2019-20. 35.8 in 2018-19 and finally to 17.6 3.14
38 37.7 37.5 38.2 in 2019-20. This rise has 16.5 3.12
37 36.8 36.9 36.9 According to NSSO's latest been particularly driven by 3.10
Periodic Labour Force Survey rural areas where WPR rose
36 52.1 52.3 53.9 3.08
(PLFS) report, India’s labour from 35 to 39.2 from 2017-18 3.06 3.08 3.11 3.15
force participation rate rose to 2019-20. This implies that
34 3.04
2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 to 40.1 per cent in 2019-20 an increasing number of rural 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Q1 FY22 Q2 FY22 Q3 FY22
from 37.5 per cent in 2018-19, young are getting work.
Rural Urban Total Men Women
implying an addition of 44 Source: QES Survey
Source: PLFS Reports and CII Research million to the labour force. Source: PLFS Reports and CII Research
1 Ratio of the country’s labour force (whether employed or unemployed) to its total population
2 Percentage of employed persons in the population
MAY 2022 MAY 2022