Page 42 - CII Artha Magazine
P. 42

Countless businesses have
        benefited due to the support
        and expansion of the rail
        network. In fact, the rise of the
        textile industry in Mumbai, the
        jute industry in Kolkata's
        environs, and the coal industry
        in Jharkhand can all be
        attributed to the construction
        of railway networks.        (DFCs) are intended to    per cent of the country's GDP.    as well will connect regions
                                    transport goods at higher   The rail network connects the   in the national capital region
        Railways and metros provide   volumes and faster speeds.   country's agriculture sector,   (NCR) offering
        an affordable mode of daily   Through faster transit of freight   farmers and their produce to   high-frequency,
        transportation for people,   trains, double stack container   various parts of the country.   point-to-point travel
        especially migrant labourers   trains, and heavy haul trains, the                   allowing commute over long
        who oftentimes have to travel   unit cost of freight transport   Thanks to train operations, IR   distances with fewer stops.
        long distances in search of   will reduce. The DFCs will also   can transport agricultural
        work. Connecting people to   strengthen the supply chain in   produce such as grains, fruits   •  Freight Transportation
        remote areas of the country   areas which lead to the growth   and vegetables from even the
        enables entrepreneurs and the   of exports. Work is also   most remote parts of the     There are two new
        government to create        underway on developing the   country to urban centres   dedicated freight corridors
        economic progress by        concept of multi-modal    ensuring that the produce     (DFCs) in the works, being
        providing job opportunities.   transportation, which will   reaches consumers in a timely   built specifically for
        Railways is also connecting the   strengthen the connectivity   and cost-effective manner.   high-capacity freight trains.
        furthest parts of the country   between air, road, sea and train   Farmers can now sell their   After the completion of the
        faster, be it Northeast or   transport networks. The PM   produce to even the most   DFCs, freight trains will
        Jammu & Kashmir with some   Gati Shakti National Master   distant locations and even sell   operate at 100 kmph with
        of the projects like the Chenab   Plan outlines a “Transformative   them for higher profits on the   minimal interruptions and
        Bridge which once operational   approach for economic growth   global market.       on renewable energy. The
        will be the world’s highest rail   and sustainable development                      eastern and western
        bridge.                     dependent on the engines of   Here's how Indian Railways   dedicated freight corridors
                                    roads, railways, airports, ports,   are shaping the future of   will serve a dual advantage
        The railways' transportation of   mass transport, waterways and   the Indian rail network:  of moving freight faster as
        goods at a reasonable cost also   logistics infrastructure.” The                    well as removing freight
        has a positive impact on the   plan envisages the development                       movement from passenger
        livelihoods of people by    of all modes of transport,   •  Modernising and expanding   network, hence, enabling
        reducing the cost of essential   facilitated by multi-modal hubs,   infrastructure development  faster passenger movement
        commodities.                industrial corridors, defence     RApart from the launch of   as well.
                                    corridors and other strategic   the Tejas and Vande Bharat
        Connecting                  developments.               Express, IR is also building   •  Improving passenger
                                                                                            transportation and boosting
                                                                capacities for its first bullet
        natural                      INDIAN RAILWAYS            train as well as India's first     Indian Railways has been
                                                                dual-track vertical lift railway
        resources and                ARE SHAPING THE            sea bridge connecting       exploring new business
                                                                Rameshwaram. The recently
                                     FUTURE OF THE
                                                                                            models such as the Vista
        beyond                       INDIAN RAIL                launched Chenab Rail Bridge   Dome, which offers a
                                                                in Jammu & Kashmir is the
                                     NETWORK IN A
                                                                                            panoramic view of the
                                     MULTI-DIMENSIONAL          world's highest railway arch   surrounding landscapes to
        India is also a country abundant                        bridge, sitting 359m atop the   boost tourism and create
        in natural resources, and the   PARADIGM                Chenab River. With the      new job opportunities in the
        rail network plays a pivotal role                       fastest acceleration among   hospitality sector. IR is
        in connecting these resources   As a country that takes pride   Indian trains, the Vande   introducing more new trains,
        to critical junctures in the   in its agriculture, naturally, we   Bharat express offers not   upgrading existing trains, and
        pipeline. IR connects coal   are heavily reliant on our   only high-speed travel but   improving station
        mines, iron ore deposits and   agriculture industry.    also has state-of-the-art   infrastructure to enhance
        other crucial natural resources   Approximately 60 per cent of   comfort, sustainability and   the passenger experience by
        to the many manufacturing   the Indian population works in   safety technology built in.   adopting new technologies.
        hubs all over the country.   the agriculture industry,   The upcoming Regional
                                    contributing to a whopping 18   Rapid Transit System (RRTS)
        The dedicated freight corridors

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