Page 40 - CII Artha Magazine
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Sector in Focus

        The 9000HP

        E-loco: Engine                                                                                                        Accelerating

        for future

        growth                                                                                                                the Future of

        In the Railways strategy to
        upgrade its rolling stock, one of
        the key initiatives is to migrate
        from the present 6000 HP                                                                                              Rail Transport
        locomotives to new generation
        of eco-friendly, highly efficient
        9000 HP freight locomotives. The
        factory will manufacture 1200
        high horsepower electric                                                                                              in India
        locomotives over a period of 11
        years and the first of the new
        locomotives will be on the tracks
        in two years.
                                                                                                                                                                                     hydrogen-powered trains, and   initiatives are poised to create
                                                                                                                                                                                     completing the              new job opportunities in the
        Decarbonisation                                                                                                           ince its inception, Indian   India is a country that has   Ahmedabad-Mumbai bullet   areas of technology,
                                                                                                                                                                                     train project.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 engineering, and management
        & exports hub               Partners in                 development of freight and   of Indian Railways is closely     S  Railways (IR) has been an   defied the odds time and time                      in the coming years.
                                                                                                                                                          country’s economy, the Indian  Creating jobs
                                                                                                                                                          again. As a lifeline for the
                                                                                                                               indispensable part of the
                                                                passenger terminals,
                                                                                            linked with development of
                                    progress with               development and operations   the nation, the Central           country's infrastructure and                                                      Connecting
        Indian Railways has set an                              of track infrastructure, etc.   Government is making           economy, the backbone of   Railways has relied on
        ambitious target to cut carbon                                                      record investments to              India’s transportation and   cutting-edge technology and   for tomorrow
        emissions by more than 450-mn   the Indian                                          modernise and upgrade the          logistics industry, and an ideal   efficiency to keep the wheels                  every corner
        tonnes through optimum usage                            The aim is to contribute 1.5   Railways. The upgraded and      partner in its growth and   of industry moving.  Union   IR is one of the largest
        vis-à-vis road transport. The 9000  economy             per cent to the country’s   sustainable Railway system         prosperity. With a vast    budget 2023-24 allocated Rs   employers in the country,   of the country,
        of Dedicated Freight Corridors
                                                                GDP by building
                                                                                                                               network of routes spanning
                                                                                            will not only be a key
                                                                                                                                                          2.40 lakh crore for the
        HP locomotives, which are                               infrastructure to ably      contributor to the                 over 67900 km across the   railways to strengthen     providing jobs to over 1.4   reliably and
                                                                                                                                                                                     million people. Moreover, it
        widely regarded as an engine for   •  Infrastructure augmentation  support 45 per cent of the   Government’s climate goals   country, IR is the largest rail   first-and last-mile connectivity,   indirectly employs several
        future growth, will be integral to                      modal freight share of the   and the country’s net-zero        network in Asia, and the   upgrade existing trains and   million people in the
        the efficient operation of the     The fourth largest Railways   economy. The immediate   transition, but also play a   fourth largest in the world. IR   infrastructure, increasing   manufacturing, construction,  non-stop
        DFCs and are at the core of the   system in the world – and   target under Vision 2024 is   vital role in enabling the   is an institution that has been   Vande Bharat trains,   tourism and service sectors,
        railway’s climate goals. In addition,   the fourth largest rail freight   to achieve 2024 MT freight   National Logistics Policy   instrumental in shaping the   introducing high-tech   making it a major contributor   With a rail network of over
        with initiatives like 100 per cent   carrier – has been identified   loading by 2024. Towards   2030. While stepping up the   country's socio-economic   initiatives like    to the economy. The         67,900 km, IR connects every
        electrification, deployment of   as the engine of sustainable   this, the Railways will   average speed remarkably     development.                                          government's ambitious plans   corner of the country for the
        sustainable technologies and   growth by the Government   electrify the entire network   from the current 22 kmph                                                            to increase investment in the   efficient movement and free
        adoption of sustainable practices,   of India. The highest ever   by the end of this year,   to 50 kmph to cut transit   The IR is a result of decades                       railway sector with the     flow of goods and raw
        Railways will be key contributors   planned capex of US$32   which alone will lead to   time, the national             of ambition and                                       modernisation of existing   materials. It provides an
        to the country’s net-zero     billion has been earmarked   annual energy savings of   transporter also aims to         innovation-growing stronger                           infrastructure, construction of   economical and reliable mode
        transition.                   for 2022-23 alone to      US$1.55 billion as well as   reduce the overall cost of        as the nation sets its sights on                      new high-speed corridors, and   of transport for the freight
                                      develop the Railways’     notably cut carbon          rail transportation by nearly      becoming a global economic                            the introduction of new     industry - it is estimated that
        Driving this climate goal journey,   infrastructure and overhaul   emissions.       30 per cent. The eventual          superpower.                                           technologies such as the    around 27 per cent of India's
        will be the new generation of   the operations to make it                           aim is to reduce the logistics                                                           semi-high-speed Vande Bharat   freight is transported via
        state-of-art, highly efficient and   future-ready for decades to   •  Rail Ki Gati, Desh Ki Pragati:   cost from the current 14   Large ambitions such as this               Express and 9000 HP and     railways, and work is ongoing
        eco-friendly 9000HP locomotives   come. Besides budgetary   Key enabler of National   per cent of the GDP to less      may often seem like                                   12000 HP locomotives are    to increase this to 45 per
        that will combine environmental   allocations, the Government   Logistics Policy 2030  than 10 per cent while          starry-eyed dreams, but                               primed to pump these        cent by 2030. By connecting
        protection with extreme       is also sustainably partnering                        aligning the climate goals                                                               numbers even more. These    natural resources, production
        cost-effectiveness using green   with the private sector in     Keeping with the    with the policy.                                                                                                     hubs and various markets, the
        technologies to set new       areas like operations and   Government’s stated                                                                                                                            railways have become a vital
        standards in freight transport.  ownership of rolling stock,   position that development                                                                  Ms. Sujatha Narayan, Senior Vice President and
                                                                                                                                                                 Regional Leader - India Region, Wabtec Corporation  linking pin in the supply chain.

        40   ANALYSIS, RESEARCH, THOUGHT LEADERSHIP & ADVOCACY                                                                                                                                               ANALYSIS, RESEARCH, THOUGHT LEADERSHIP & ADVOCACY  41
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS
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