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Sector in Focus

 Organization’s (FAO) Food   inflation to decline slowly, and   Similarly, the WTO projects a   shipments, underscoring                                  However, the corporate bond   Additionally, navigating the   This re-evaluation aims to   enhancing transparency and
 Price Index has been slowly   the rate reductions are   recovery in world   worries that slowing overseas   Outlook  in commodities such as   Easing    market’s proportion of GDP   listed debt securities remains   tailor the disclosure   investor protection,
 increasing over the past six   projected to gather pace next   merchandise trade volume   economies will complicate   food and energy looms             remains modest, especially   cumbersome, impacting    requirements to reduce     promoting sustainable finance,
 months following declines   year. For 2024, the Fed eyes   with growth of 2.6 per cent in   policymakers' efforts to wind   large due to ongoing        when compared to other     market depth. Empasis on   complexity and resource    and leveraging technology, the
 over much of 2023. The index   only one rate cut in the   2024 and 3.3 per cent in   back on stimulus. Weak   Looking ahead, the outlook   geopolitical events.  Asian markets. The volume of   simplifying these procedures   burdens while ensuring that   reforms aim to create a
 inched up to 120.8 in July   second half of the year.   2025, following a significant   exports are particularly   for global economy hinges            corporate bond issuers rose   for issuers can enhance   essential information for   conducive environment for
 2024 as compared to 117.7 in   decline of -1.2 per cent in   worrisome for Japanese   significantly on geopolitical   Furthermore, logistical   Financial sector  to 40 lakh crore at the end of   accessibility and encourage   investors is adequately   robust market growth. The
 the beginning of the year in   Easing of inflationary   The cost-push inflation in   2023.  policymakers who are banking   stability and effective   disruptions, such as those   FY2022, a significant increase   capital formation. Unlisted   provided. Moreover, adjusting   goal is to build a financial
 January. Indices for cereals,   pressures have prompted   Japan prompted its central   on external demand to help   international cooperation   arising from conflicts in the   from 11 lakh crore at the end   debentures and green   the threshold for classification   ecosystem that supports
 among the friend-shoring
 vegetable oils and dairy   major central banks to initiate   bank to increase rates for the   Among key global economies,   counter weak domestic   countries.    Middle East affecting sea   of FY2012.   financing face challenges due   as a “high-value debt listed   economic expansion, attracts
 shipments between Europe
 products led to the price rise.   interest rate cuts, shifting   second time in about 17 years   exports from the UK, China,   consumption.  Regulations for                       to undefined targets and   entity” from Rs 500 crores to   diverse investors, and fosters
 With the inflation print falling   The food and beverage price   their focus towards bolstering   to 0.25 per cent in its July   and the US have   In 2024 and 2025, inflation is   and Asia, pose additional   incentives, hampering   Rs 1,000 crores could   long-term sustainability and
 risks to trade stability. Rising
 faster than expected in most   index released by IMF, too,   their economic growth   meeting.   demonstrated notable   Meanwhile, the European   expected to gradually abate,   protectionism also remains   engagement. Clear guidelines   streamline compliance efforts   resilience in India's financial
 regions, in the midst of   shows an uptrend.   trajectory.  Meanwhile, central banks in   improvements, contrasting   Union's export sector has   allowing real incomes to   a persistent threat that   and incentives would   for smaller issuers while   markets.
 unwinding supply-side issues   Most central banks including   some advanced countries,   with lacklustre performance   faced challenges due to   grow again in advanced   could undermine the   stimulate sustainability.  maintaining transparency and
 and restrictive monetary   Among selected countries,   the US Fed have maintained a   including the ECB, Canada,   seen in the Eurozone and   declining energy prices, and   economies. Choosing an   broader recovery in global   Double-digit  investor protection standards.
 policy, the IMF expects global   inflation in the US remained   pause in their interest rates in   Switzerland Sweden and Bank   Japan. Both the latter   further exacerbating   appropriate pace of interest   trade through 2024 and
 inflation to decline steadily   on the upper side of the   recent meetings to allow the   of England have begun to ease   economies are grappling with   economic pressures.  rate cuts will also be   2025.  The promotion of sustainable
 from 6.8 per cent in 2023 to   target band, averaging 3.2 per   impact of hikes done so far to   their rate cycles, leading to an   subdued demand. Exports   challenging for central                         finance is also a key focus
 5.9 per cent in 2024 and 4.5   cent in the second quarter of   work through the system.   improvement in the global   from Japan were dragged   banks.  In summary, while there are                           area. Establishing clear green
 per cent in 2025. The Fund   the current year.   demand and growth outlook.   down by China-bound chip   signs of economic resilience   Growth          The Indian financial markets,                         financing guidelines, including
 expects the advanced   Moreover, the US Fed   The adverse trade   and potential growth,                                                                 face significant challenges                           specific environmental
 economies to return to their   indicated that it expects   environment that prevailed   navigating the intricate                                        hindering their potential.                            performance targets, and
 inflation targets sooner than   in 2023 is expected to   interplay of geopolitical                                                                      Regulatory complexities lead                          instituting penalties for
 the emerging market and   Global Exports Growth (y-o-y%)   ameliorate somewhat this   dynamics, trade policies, and                                     to redundant disclosure    Recommendations for        greenwashing practices are
 developing economies. Core   10.0  year and next, providing a   inflation management will be                                                            requirements, burdening    enhancing the listing and   proposed measures to
 inflation, on the other hand, is   boost to goods trade in   paramount for sustaining                                                                   issuers and complicating   delisting framework for debt   encourage greater
 projected to decline more   5.0  4.0  1.5  2024 and 2025.   global economic health in                                                                   compliance efforts. This   securities include establishing   participation in green bonds
 gradually.   0.0  -0.3  Nevertheless, persistent   the coming years.                                                                                    inefficiency undermines    a mandatory three-year     and sustainable investments.
 geopolitical tensions and   Policymakers must remain   I ndia currently stands as the   offering a diversified                                          market agility and investor   minimum listing period to   These initiatives align with
         fastest growing major
 Despite the softening of   -5.0  -4.5  -3.0  policy uncertainties may   vigilant and adaptive to   economy in the world with a   investment landscape. As   confidence, essential for   prevent premature delisting,   global sustainability goals and
                                   these initiatives take root and
 inflationary pressures, global   -10.0  curtail the extent of trade   mitigate risks and seize   projected GDP growth of 8   evolve, their positive impacts   robust functioning.   implementing a three-year   aim to attract both domestic
 recovery. While many
 food prices remain elevated   economies are likely to see   opportunities in an   per cent for the fiscal year   on economic growth are                 Harmonizing regulations is   cooling-off period for relisting   and international investors
 increasingly interconnected
 owing to geopolitical conflicts,   -15.0  Q1 2023  Q2 2023  Q3 2023  Q4 2023  Q1 2024  Q1 2023  Q2 2023  Q3 2023  Q4 2023  Q1 2024  Q1 2023  Q2 2023  Q3 2023  Q4 2023  Q1 2024  Q1 2023  Q2 2023  Q3 2023  Q4 2023  Q1 2024  Q1 2023  Q2 2023  Q3 2023  Q4 2023  Q1 2024  stronger export growth as   global economy.  2024-25, as stated by the CII   expected to become   crucial to streamline   to maintain market stability,   interested in environmentally
 extreme weather conditions,   external demand picks up,   President, Mr Sanjiv Puri in a   increasingly evident across   Regulatory frameworks are      processes as it reduces    and applying consistent    responsible investments.
 high input costs and increased   US  Eurozone  UK (rhs)  Japan (rhs)  China  the spectre of price spikes   recent interview. This   various sectors of the   FINANCIAL MARKETS   crucial to mitigate this risk   ambiguity and enhances   Intercreditor Agreement
 demand the world over. The   optimism stems from the   economy.  REQUIRE REGULATORY      and promote sustainable                                        market efficiency, fostering a   protections post-delisting.   Technological advancements
 UN Food and Agriculture   Source: National Sources            FRAMEWORKS TO              economic growth.                                               conducive environment for   Additionally, broadening   are poised to play a pivotal
        previous year’s robust                                 MITIGATE RISK AND
        performance where the actual                           FOSTER SUSTAINABLE                                                                        growth. Inadequate         SARFAESI Act applicability to   role in market development. It
        GDP figures surpassed all                              GROWTH                     These regulations mandate                                      transparency and investor   all debt securities will   is crucial to establish a
 geopolitical tensions.   estimates.                                                      capital adequacy ratios,                                       education in the debt market   improve investor protection.   centralized data repository
                                                                                          liquidity requirements, and                                    hinder the trust of the public   Standardized delisting   for corporate bonds to
                                                              Financial markets play a vital   stress testing, thereby                                   and hence their engagement   procedures, enhanced     improve transparency and
 While global economic   The recent interim budget
 growth has slowed and   took on the Viksit Bharat            role by allocating resources   mitigating systemic risks and                               is compromised. It is      disclosure requirements, and   facilitate price discovery.
 external demand weakened   theme, with the government        and creating liquidity for   maintaining financial stability.                              important to enhance       a review of call and put   Enhancing infrastructure for
 initially, signs of a trade   striving to make India a       businesses and entrepreneurs.    Regulatory initiatives                                    transparency and educational   option restrictions will   electronic settlement systems
 In recent years, global trade   recovery are becoming   developed economy by 2047.   They act as intermediaries for   promoting financial               initiatives as it will promote   further ensure transparency   for unlisted debt securities
                                                              lenders and borrowers to get
                                                                                          technology (fintech)
 has faced a convergence of   evident. According to the IMF,   The budget emphasised   a return for excess funds.   innovations have gained              market liquidity and attract   and equity.            could further streamline
 challenges known collectively   world trade growth is   strengthening the financial   However, these markets   prominence in India. SEBI and            broader participation from                            transactions and enhance
 as the "poly-crisis". This   forecasted to rebound from   sector to make   are prone to volatility,   RBI have introduced                               the public.                Enhancing disclosure norms is   market efficiency.
 includes disruptions from the   0.3 per cent in 2023 to 3.0   savings and   fraud, and systematic   frameworks for digital                                                         another crucial aspect of the
 COVID-19 pandemic, supply   per cent in 2024, further   investment   risks without       payments, blockchain                                                                      reform agenda. There is a   Overall, these
 chain interruptions, and   accelerating to 3.3 per cent in   options more   appropriate   technology, and peer-to-peer                                                             proposal to refine the     recommendations underscore
 heightened trade policy   2025.  efficient,                           regulations.       lending, aiming to enhance                                                                expansive disclosure       a comprehensive approach to
 uncertainties driven by                                                                  efficiency, reduce transaction                                                            requirements under SEBI    reforming the Indian financial
                                                                                                                                                                                                               markets. By addressing
                                                                                                                                                                                    regulations for issuers of
                           Mr Nilesh Shah, Chair, CII National Committee on Financial Markets and   costs, and expand financial                                                     unlisted 'specified securities'.   regulatory complexities,
                              Managing Director, Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company Ltd  inclusion.

                                                                                           QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS
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