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India’s   until it reaches a maximum of   Additionally, India's weight in   attracting approximately   MIXED RECOVERY   rebound to 0.3 per cent in   WHILE HEADLINE   Organization’s (FAO) Food   CENTRAL BANKS   inflation to decline slowly, and   Similarly, the WTO projects a   shipments, underscoring
                                                                                                                                                                                 worries that slowing overseas
                                   Price Index has been slowly
                                                                                                                                                      recovery in world
                                                                                          the rate reductions are
 Q1 2024 as against the
 10 per cent by March 2025.
 the MSCI Global Standard
 US$2 billion in investments
 inclusion in   Consequently, India will share   Index, which tracks emerging   into India.  US  FDI inflows (US$ billion)  311  WITNESSED ACROSS   contraction of 0.2 per cent in   INFLATION IS EASING   increasing over the past six   NAVIGATE INFLATION   projected to gather pace next   merchandise trade volume   economies will complicate
                                                                                          year. For 2024, the Fed eyes
                                                                DYNAMICS WITH
                                   months following declines
                                                                                                                                                                                 policymakers' efforts to wind
                                                                                                                                                      with growth of 2.6 per cent in
 the previous quarter. The UK
          UP, FOOD PRICES
 equivalent weight with
 stock markets, has reached
                                                                                          only one rate cut in the
 Global Bond   countries like China, Indonesia,   another record high and is   Furthermore, India’s   China  163  economy continues to face   CONTINUE TO POSE   over much of 2023. The index   DIVERSE STRATEGIES  second half of the year.   2024 and 3.3 per cent in   back on stimulus. Weak
                                                                                                                                                                                 exports are particularly
                                   inched up to 120.8 in July
                                                                                                                                                      2025, following a significant
 tepid household consumption,
 inclusion in these global
 anticipated to rise from the
 and Mexico. India’s inclusion is
 Indices  likely to redistribute weights   current 18.2 per cent to 19   bond indices would also   France  42  Among the major economies,   business investment, exports   A SIGNIFICANT   2024 as compared to 117.7 in   Easing of inflationary   The cost-push inflation in   decline of -1.2 per cent in   worrisome for Japanese
                                                                                                                                                                                 policymakers who are banking
                                   the beginning of the year in
 contribute to lower 10-year
 and imports.
 per cent. This adjustment will
 within the J.P. Morgan
                                                               pressures have prompted
                                                                                          Japan prompted its central
 Emerging Market Bond Index,   narrow the gap with China,   bond yields due to   the pace of growth is slower   January. Indices for cereals,   major central banks to initiate   bank to increase rates for the   Among key global economies,   on external demand to help
 India's inclusion of sovereign   potentially reducing the shares   whose weight is expected to   participation of wider set of   Germany  37  than the previous three years.   Japan, which had been posting   vegetable oils and dairy   interest rate cuts, shifting   second time in about 17 years   exports from the UK, China,   counter weak domestic
 bonds in global indices such   of Thailand, Poland, and the   decrease slightly from 25.4 per   investors in the global   The US economy slowed to   a robust growth in the   With the inflation print falling   products led to the price rise.   their focus towards bolstering   to 0.25 per cent in its July   and the US have   consumption.
 as the J.P. Morgan Bond Index   Czech Republic over the next   cent to 25 per cent during the   market.   India  28  2.9 per cent in Q1 2024 as   previous quarters, contracted   faster than expected in most   The food and beverage price   their economic growth   meeting.   demonstrated notable   Meanwhile, the European
 starting June 2024 and   10 months.  same period, potentially   compared to 3.1 per cent in   0.2 per cent in Q1 2024. The   regions, in the midst of   index released by IMF, too,   trajectory.  improvements, contrasting   Union's export sector has
 Bloomberg Index from   Indonesia  22  the previous quarter. The   economy was squeezed by   unwinding supply-side issues   shows an uptrend.   Meanwhile, central banks in   with lacklustre performance   faced challenges due to
 January 2025 marks a   21  slowdown primarily reflected   and restrictive monetary   Among selected countries,   Most central banks including   some advanced countries,   seen in the Eurozone and   declining energy prices, and
 significant milestone. It   Japan  slower growth in consumer   weaker consumption and   policy, the IMF expects global   inflation in the US remained   the US Fed have maintained a   including the ECB, Canada,   Japan. Both the latter   further exacerbating
 reflects heightened   spending, exports as well as   external demand, thereby   inflation to decline steadily   on the upper side of the   pause in their interest rates in   Switzerland Sweden and Bank   economies are grappling with   economic pressures.
 confidence and interest   2023  2022  throwing a fresh challenge to   from 6.8 per cent in 2023 to   target band, averaging 3.2 per   recent meetings to allow the   of England have begun to ease   subdued demand. Exports
 among foreign investors in   FDI outflows (US$ billion)  state and local government   the policymakers.   5.9 per cent in 2024 and 4.5   cent in the second quarter of   impact of hikes done so far to   their rate cycles, leading to an   from Japan were dragged
 India's growth trajectory. The   US  404  spending. The employment   per cent in 2025. The Fund   the current year.   work through the system.   improvement in the global   down by China-bound chip
 move is expected to lower   rate in the US also rose to a   On the other hand, the   expects the advanced   demand and growth outlook.
 the cost of capital by   Japan  184  high of 4.3 per cent in July, the   Chinese economy advanced   economies to return to their   Moreover, the US Fed
 attracting additional   highest since October 2021.   5.3 per cent in Q1 2024,   inflation targets sooner than   indicated that it expects
 investment, thereby   China  148  Meanwhile, the labour force   marking the steepest   the emerging market and   THE UN FOOD AND
 supporting the country's   participation rate edged   expansion since Q2 2023,   developing economies. Core   AGRICULTURE
 financing requirements and   Germany  101  higher to 62.7 per cent in July   lifted by continued support   inflation, on the other hand, is   ORGANIZATION’S   Policy Rates of Major Central Banks (%)
 boosting private sector   from 62.6 per cent in June.   measures from Beijing and   projected to decline more   (FAO) FOOD PRICE   6.0  5.50  4.0
 investments.  France  72  spending related to the Lunar   gradually.   INDEX HAS BEEN   5.0  5.25
 Eurozone, which was largely   New Year festival. In the first   4.0                4.42
 On 28th June 2024, India   Saudi Arabia  16  affected by the global turmoil,   Despite the softening of   SLOWLY INCREASING   2.0  3.5
 officially joined J.P. Morgan's   showed some resilience by   three months of the year,   inflationary pressures, global   OVER THE PAST SIX   1.0  3.45
 Government Bond Index –   India  13  China’s fixed investment also   food prices remain elevated   MONTHS   0.0  0.10
 Emerging Markets, initially   rising to 0.4 per cent in Q1   grew by 4.5 per cent, the   owing to geopolitical conflicts,   FOLLOWING   -1.0  3.0
 with a one per cent weight.   2023  2022  2024. UK’s growth marked a   most in nearly a year.  extreme weather conditions,   DECLINES OVER   Q2 2023  Q3 2023  Q4 2023  Q1 2024  Q2 2024  Q2 2023  Q3 2023  Q4 2023  Q1 2024  Q2 2024  Q2 2023  Q3 2023  Q4 2023  Q1 2024  Q2 2024  Q2 2023  Q3 2023  Q4 2023  Q1 2024  Q2 2024  Q2 2023  Q3 2023  Q4 2023  Q1 2024  Q2 2024
 This weight is set to increase   Source: UNCTAD World Investment report 2024  high input costs and increased
 gradually, rising by one   demand the world over. The   MUCH OF 2023  US     Eurozone  UK     Japan  China (rhs)
 percentage point monthly
 In terms of outflows, FDI   Conversely, outward   UN Food and Agriculture        Source: National Sources
 flows from the developed   investment from European
 nations increased by 4 per   countries fell by 11 per cent,   Trajectory of Real GDP growth (y-o-y%)  Global Inflation Trends (y-o-y%)
 Global   billion, while flows to   economies, US, India and UK   Notably, investments are   cent to US$1.1 trillion in   with notable decreases   5.3  10.0  WORLD TRADE   geopolitical tensions.
 observed in Germany, Sweden
 2023. The United States and
 developed economies fell by
 increasing in sectors like
 also appear in the top five
 Investment   15 per cent.  destinations for both   automotive and electronics,   Japan emerged as the leading   and Spain, which are major   8.0  EXPECTED TO   While global economic
 sources of outward
 sources of outward
                                                                                          growth has slowed and
 greenfield projects as well as
 particularly in regions with
 Flows  FDI inflows declined for most   international project finance   access to major markets.   investment, with both   investment.   2.9  4.0  3.2  2.5  2.7  external demand weakened
 Further, FDI outflows from
 countries seeing significant
                                                                                          initially, signs of a trade
 reporting economies. About
 However, many developing
 two thirds of developed   countries continue to face   increases. Outward FDI from   developing countries slowed   2.0  2.1  0.3  In recent years, global trade   recovery are becoming
 by 11 per cent to US$491
 US increased by 10 per cent
 Global foreign direct   economies saw declines and   Looking ahead to 2024, while   difficulties in attracting foreign   and by 14 per cent from   billion in 2023. This decline   0.4  0.3  0.0  has faced a convergence of   evident. According to the IMF,
 investment (FDI) fell by 2.0   about half of the developing   challenges persist, there is   investment and integrating   Japan, going against the overall  was widespread across most   -2.0  challenges known collectively   world trade growth is
 per cent to US$1.3 trillion in   ones. US continued to remain   potential for modest growth   into global production   trend for developed   regions, although South-East   US  Eurozone  UK  Japan  -0.2  China  Q2 2023  Q3 2023  Q4 2023  Q1 2024  Q2 2024  Q2 2023  Q3 2023  Q4 2023  Q1 2024  Q2 2024  Q2 2023  Q3 2023  Q4 2023  Q1 2024  Q2 2024  Q2 2023  Q3 2023  Q4 2023  Q1 2024  Q2 2024  Q2 2023  Q3 2023  Q4 2023  Q1 2024  Q2 2024  as the "poly-crisis". This   forecasted
 2023, influenced by economic   the largest FDI recipient,   driven by improved financial   networks, underscoring   countries.  Asia experienced a continued   Q12023  Q22023  Q32023  Q42023  Q12024  US  UK  Eurozone  Japan  China  includes disruptions from the   0.3 per cent in 2023 to 3.0
 slowdowns and geopolitical   accounting for almost a   conditions and efforts to   ongoing disparities in global   growth in outward   COVID-19 pandemic, supply   per cent in 2024, further
 tensions. Inflows into   quarter of global flows. China   facilitate investment through   economic participation.  investment.  Source: National Sources  Source: National Sources   chain interruptions, and   accelerating to 3.3 per cent in
 developing countries,   accounted for another ~12   national policies and   heightened trade policy   2025.
 previously robust, declined by   per cent. Among the top   international agreements.   uncertainties driven by
 7.0 per cent to US$867
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