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Message From Director General

                                                                            Chandrajit Banerjee, Director General, CII

        B  y achieving an impressive GDP     2024-25, down from 5.6 per cent in the   enhance agricultural productivity and
           growth of 8.2 per cent in 2023-24,
                                             previous year, combined with a sustained
                                                                                 uplift rural livelihoods. Simultaneously, the
        India has affirmed its status as the   emphasis on capital expenditure, reflects a   government has introduced a range of
        fastest-growing major economy globally   balanced approach to fostering growth   initiatives to support MSMEs and
        for the third consecutive year. India’s   that has been crucial in establishing a   promote labor-intensive manufacturing.
        growth story is particularly striking given   strong foundation for long-term growth.  Enhanced credit guarantees, increased
        the sluggish global economy, characterized                               limits for MUDRA loans, and the
        by subdued growth and persistent     However, this optimistic outlook is   establishment of E-Commerce Export
        inflationary pressures. The economy’s   tempered by certain risks. Persistent food   Hubs are among the measures aimed at
        ability to sustain high growth rates while   inflation has driven headline inflation up   invigorating MSMEs, fostering
        managing inflation highlights its    to 5.1 per cent in June 2024, an increase   entrepreneurship and driving job creation.
        macroeconomic strength and resilience.   from 4.8 per cent in the previous two
                                             months. Additionally, recent turbulence in   Further, a strong emphasis on skills
        A critical element of India’s resilience lies   global financial markets, marked by   development and workforce
        in its ability to navigate external shocks   recession fears in major economies and   empowerment, including provisions for
        while maintaining economic stability. The   escalating geopolitical tensions in the   internship opportunities, education loan
        nation’s foreign exchange reserves, which   Middle East, presents potential challenges   subsidies, and employment-linked
        reached a record US$652 billion in June   to India's growth trajectory. Despite these   schemes, reflect a strategic focus on
        2024, serve as a testament to its robust   risks, India's strong domestic economy   bridging the skills gap and enhancing
        economic health. Further, India’s strong   and substantial buffers provide a solid   employability. These measures are
        performance in services exports and   foundation to weather global       expected to generate job opportunities
        remittance receipts have been        uncertainties and sustain its growth   and strengthen India’s position as a global
        instrumental in moderating the current   momentum.                       manufacturing hub.
        account deficit, which has decreased to
        0.7 per cent of GDP in 2023-24 from 2.0   The Union Budget presented by the new   Government has also made significant
        per cent in the previous year. Strong FDI   government provides a strong impetus to   strides in committing to environmental
        inflows along with the economy’s     set in motion a virtuous cycle of   sustainability while balancing development
        attractiveness as a leading destination for   investment and employment while   goals. Measures like developing climate
        greenfield investment in the Asia-Pacific   ensuring macroeconomic stability and   finance taxonomy and setting targets for
        region provide a substantial buffer against   enabling inclusive growth. By outlining   reducing emissions in hard-to-abate
        global fluctuations.                 nine key priorities, the budget presents a   sectors will be instrumental in India’s
                                             comprehensive framework for         transition to a net-zero economy.
        The steady progress of south-west    transforming India into an inclusive,
        monsoon, coupled with increased kharif   sustainable, and globally competitive   The Budget sets out a clear strategy for
        sowing and improved water reservoir   economy, aligning with the broader vision   inclusive and sustainable development.
        levels, signals a promising boost in   of becoming Viksit Bharat by 2047.
        agricultural production and thus, a revival
        in rural demand. There are also visible   Government’s emphasis on agriculture
        signs of pickup in private investment   and rural development, reflected in
        bolstered by expansion in bank credit.   increasing allocations for rural
        Further, the government’s commitment to   infrastructure, supporting
        fiscal discipline, evident from the targeted   farmer-producer organizations and
        fiscal deficit of 4.9 per cent of GDP for   advancing natural farming practices, will   Chandrajit Banerjee
                                                                                 Director General, CII

                                                                                      ANALYSIS, RESEARCH, THOUGHT LEADERSHIP & ADVOCACY  05
                                                                                           QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS
                                                                                                      AUGUST 2024
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