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Focus Story

 formulation of an economic     Apart from investments,   employment opportunities.   driving job creation and   advancements by actively   intensity of extreme   The government should   5. Investing in Digital   the Ease of Doing Business   and solar modules.  promote a culture of
 policy framework to set the   boosting consumption,   Further, the initiatives to   economic growth.   A PORTION OF THE   adopting and integrating   weather events due to   announce a Green   Leveraging  Transformation and   (EoDB) are transforming India   2. Developing industrial   innovation and support the
 scope for reforms which will   which has the largest share   enhance women’s     As India builds its   LENDING SUPPORT   new age technologies.   climate change, addressing   Transition Fund, leveraging   Industry 4.0 technologies,   into a preferred destination   corridors and clusters,   creation of new products and
 catapult the economy to   in GDP, is also a   participation in workforce,   manufacturing capabilities,   SHOULD BE   Offering grants to AI/deep   water security has become   funds earmarked for green   such as Artificial   for global investments. These   solutions.
 sustained economic growth.   sine-qua-non for sustaining   such as setting up of   it can tap into international   EARMARKED FOR   tech startups at the   an urgent priority. The   initiatives, CSR funds, and   Intelligence, Robotics,   initiatives are pivotal in   which provide
 Effective implementation of   the domestic high growth   women hostels, creche   markets through increased   MSMES  product development stage   government should set up   private sector and   Internet of things, and   driving economic growth and   state-of-the-art   These changes are solidifying
 these reforms hinge on the   trajectory. Enhancing   facilities, women specific   exports. With global trade   and introducing   a National Mission on   philanthropy contributions.   Cloud computing, which   fostering a conducive   infrastructure, connectivity,   India's position on the global
 collaboration between Centre   incomes in the hands of   skilling programs and   restructuring, India can   4. Research, innovation   challenge/hackathons for AI   Water Security that   A portion of the lending   India’s  can improve productivity,   ecosystem for businesses to   and facilities for   stage. With the mantra of
 and the states, hence,   individuals, by offering a   promoting market access   benefit by building reliable   and technology   startups at the   monitors water resources   support should be   efficiency, and innovation.  thrive. At a Government level,   manufacturing units. These   “Minimum Government,
 institutional platforms should   marginal relief in income   for women-led self-help   and resilient supply chains   adoption are critical to   commercialization stage   through a public database   earmarked for MSMEs.   some steps that India is taking   include the Delhi-Mumbai   Maximum Governance,” India
 be established to build   tax at the lower end of the   groups, will drive inclusivity   through enhanced   remain competitive on   will promote technological   and lays out strategic goals   Finally, a National   6. Strengthening Human   to improve the manufacturing   Industrial Corridor, the   continues to foster an
 state-level consensus on   slab spectrum, the recent   in the employment   manufacturing and exports.   the global stage:   advancement. The   for sustainable water   Commission on Adaptation   Capital and Skill   footprint are as follows:  Chennai-Bengaluru   ecosystem where businesses
 reforms in areas such as land,   announcement in the   landscape.   Establishing a Global Trade   Research and innovation   government should ensure   management. Promoting   should be set up to   Manufacturing  Development, especially   Industrial Corridor, and the   can thrive and contribute to the
 labour, power (including   Union Budget on the     In addition, a slew of   Promotion Organization   are crucial to stay   responsible use of Artificial   climate-smart agriculture   address India's vulnerability   in the areas of Science,   1. Implementing the   Amritsar-Kolkata Industrial   nation's economic growth.
 renewable energy),   income tax changes in the   measures announced for   will support domestic   competitive in a rapidly   Intelligence (AI) by   and other water-efficient   to climate change. This   Technology, Engineering,   Production Linked   Corridor.
 agriculture, education, health,   new tax regime is hence   boosting MSMEs through   exporters and help the   evolving technological   developing a   farming practices will also   commission should develop   and Mathematics (STEM),   Incentive (PLI) scheme,   3. Boosting research and
 water, and fiscal sustainability.   welcome and would   increased MUDRA loan   country reach the target of   landscape and sustain the              which are essential for the   which provides incentives   development (R&D)
 These platforms can help to   hopefully facilitate   limit, introduction of credit   US$2 trillion in exports of   growth momentum.   comprehensive framework   help address water stress.   policies based on risk   Potential  future of manufacturing.  to domestic and foreign   capabilities and fostering
 foster collaboration between   consumption among the   guarantee scheme, credit   goods and services. This   for the ethical use of AI.   To achieve the net-zero   assessments, engage with   manufacturers for   innovation and
 central and state   middle class.  support during stress   body should set up   Operationalization of the   Besides, establishing robust   target by 2070, clean   experts and stakeholders,   These steps, along with the   increasing their production   entrepreneurship. The
 governments, ensuring that   2. Focus on health,   period, setting up of   branches in key trading   Anusandhan National   data governance policies.   energy transition is   and build grassroots   existing initiatives of the   in India and enhancing their   Government has launched
 reforms are effectively   education and   e-commerce export hubs,   hubs worldwide to   Research Fund with a   Addressing AI skill gaps by   imperative.   capacity to enhance   Government, can help India   exports. The scheme
 implemented across the   employment   among others, will further   facilitate global market   financial pool of Rs 1 lakh   initiating skill training     Several policy measures to   resilience and adaptive   realize its potential as a global   covers 14 key sectors,   several initiatives, such as
 country.   crore dedicated to spurring   programs, also require   expedite energy transition   capability. The path to a                          manufacturing hub and a key   including electronics,    the Atal Innovation Mission,
 generation is critical for   drive employment.  access for Indian products.   private sector research and   priority consideration.   resilient and sustainable                                           the National Research
 inclusive and   announced in the budget,                                                                                                          player in the post-pandemic   automobiles,              Foundation, and the
 Apart from this, we list out   sustainable     Government may consider     The government has   innovation at commercial   5. An integrated approach   including taxonomy for   future requires an   world. The Government's   pharmaceuticals, textiles,
 the 5 key thrust areas which   development: Education   establishing an   implemented numerous   scale in the union budget   for addressing water   climate finance and setting   integrated approach that   concerted efforts to improve   Startup India program to
 should underline the focus of   and health are critical   International Mobility   reforms to improve the   will propel research and   security, clean energy   up of energy targets for   addresses water security,
 the new government.  Authority under the   ease of doing business, and   innovation.    promotes clean energy and
 pillars for achieving   Ministry of External Affairs   this pace of reforms should   and adaptation is key to   hard-to-abate industries,
 1. Government should   inclusive and sustainable   (MEA) to leverage global   be continued to enhance     India should be at the   a sustainable future:   are laudable steps towards   builds adaptive capacity.
 continue its thrust on   growth. The government   manpower shortages and   the investment climate and   forefront of technological   With rising frequency and   clean energy transition.
 he Indian economy has   First quarter of   This initial period should   capex and boost   should announce roadmaps   open overseas employment   manufacturing   M  anufacturing is a key   These initiatives need to be   1. Create a Culture of   3. Leveraging our
 exhibited remarkable   focus on laying a clear and   consumption demand   to increase expenditure on   avenues for Indian   competitiveness. Defining   driver of economic   complemented by a   Quality and   Strengths in Sectors like
 strength and resilience amidst   the new   detailed roadmap, prioritizing   while focusing on fiscal   education to 6 per cent of   workforce.  timelines with deemed   growth, employment,   comprehensive and coherent   Competitiveness in the   Construction Equipment,
 a challenging global   reforms, and implementing   prudence: Investment,   GDP and on health to 3   3. Thrust on building   approvals for regulatory   innovation, and exports. India   strategy that addresses the   Industry. If India has to   Textiles, Pharmaceuticals,
 impressive growth rate of 8.2  government   key initiatives that will drive   particularly public capex,   per cent of GDP to ensure   manufacturing and   permissions, establishing a   has a large and diverse   structural and systemic   compete with the rest of   Automobiles, and
 environment. With an
 has been the key driver of
 affordable and accessible
 the nation forward. Each
                                                                the world, it has to be on
                                                                                            Electronics, and diversifying
        manufacturing base and today
                                   challenges. While there can be
 per cent in 2023-24, India has   action taken should signal a   India’s growth story in the   quality education and   export competitiveness   centralized online   Indian manufacturing has   various aspects which are   the basis of merit of the   into new and emerging
 grievance redressal
 emerged as the fastest   should set the   strong commitment towards   post-pandemic period.   healthcare for all.  should continue:   mechanism, decriminalizing   gained respect the world over.   structural based, there are   product or the service   areas like Capital Goods,
 growing major economy in   continuing the reform   Government should     India's young population,   Complementing the   business laws, and   certain factors which the   being offered. This culture   Renewable energy,
 the world for three   tone for   trajectory and accelerating   continue its thrust on   with a median age of 28   services sector growth,   introducing self and   To achieve its vision of   industry needs integrate   of excellence has to down   Biotechnology, and
 consecutive years. This   growth.  One of the foremost tasks for   capital formation. Along   years, represents a vibrant   rapid manufacturing   third-party certifications   becoming a US$5 trillion   within itself if it has to   to the last level, the SMEs,   Aerospace.
 achievement is underpinned   actioning high   the new government is   with the focus on   workforce that requires   growth is essential for   under various laws are   economy by 2025, India needs   compete with the rest of the   where the bulk of the
 by robust macroeconomic   building consensus on   infrastructure, government   decent job opportunities.   realizing the goal of  Viksit   crucial measures that can   to significantly accelerate its   world.  manufacturing actually
 fundamentals and solid policy   growth and   next-generation reforms.   should also prioritize   Generating employment   Bharat. Government   enhance ease of doing   4. Enhancing our
 reforms that have fortified the   Sustained reforms have   health, education, and rural   and livelihoods is critical to   initiatives such as the   business. Additionally,   manufacturing growth and   takes place.  integration with Global
 economy and weathered it   development   propelled India to its current   infrastructure, such as   Production Linked   enhance its global   2. Developing and   Value Chains (GVCs)
 from global shocks. As the   position, but to maintain this   irrigation, warehousing, and   reap the benefits of   Incentive (PLI) scheme,   government should   competitiveness. The   upgrading our   and regional trade
 new government takes the   driven agenda  high growth, next gen reforms   cold chain infrastructure.   demographic dividend and   which have helped tap   continue its focus on   Government has launched   Industrial Clusters and   agreements (RTAs), which
 reins, it inherits an economy   in areas that fall under state   While continuing the   drive inclusive growth in   India’s vast manufacturing   reducing the cost of doing   several initiatives to promote   corridors, which can   can offer opportunities for
 at a high tipping point which   or concurrent domains are   thrust on capex, the   the economy. The budget’s   potential, need to be   business. Including   manufacturing, such as Make   provide economies of scale,   market expansion,
 is poised for further growth   The first quarter of the new   crucial.  The Union Budget   government must adhere   massive thrust on job   sustained. Expediting the   petroleum products and   in India, Atmanirbhar Bharat,   better infrastructure, and   technology transfer, and
 and development. The task   government will be crucial in   2024-25 has identified next   to fiscal prudence to   creation, including the   implementation of labour   electricity in GST will help   Production Linked Incentive   access to skilled labour and   quality improvement.
 ahead is to maintain this   setting the tone for actioning   generation reforms as a key   maintain macroeconomic   announcement of three   codes and launching   reduce power and logistics   (PLI) scheme, and National   markets.
 momentum and steer the   a high growth and   priority area, emphasizing the   stability, targeting the   schemes under   national missions for   costs. A task force may also   Infrastructure Pipeline.
 country towards becoming a   development driven agenda.   budgeted fiscal deficit of   Employment Linked   advanced manufacturing   be set up to examine ways
 developed economy by 2047.  4.9 per cent of GDP for   Incentives (ELI) and   and materials will further   to reduce high shipping
 FY25.  increased allocation   enhance India's   costs for Indian exports   Mr Deepak Shetty, Chairman, CII Manufacturing Council
 towards skilling is poised   manufacturing capabilities,   and imports.
 to generate significant                      and CEO & Managing Director, JCB India Limited

                                                                                           QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS
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