Page 35 - CII Artha Magazine
P. 35

This has been possible with   For the Budget Estimate of   Rolling stock is also being   connected with Vande Bharat   On the government's side,
 record allotment of CAPEX   2023-24, Rs 2.60 lakh crore   upgraded to provide energy   trains. For freight   focus will continue to be given
 of Rs 2 lakh crore in 2022-23   CAPEX has been provided   efficient, better speed and   transportation, high   on capital spending as well as
 including gross budgetary   with gross budgetary support   technology integrated means   horsepower locomotives are   timely execution, which will
 support of Rs 1,59,100 crore.  of Rs 2,40,000 crore.   of transportation. Vande   being inducted for enabling   lead to growth of investment
 Enhanced GBS will give a   Bharat trains are the most   heavy haul of freight   and consumption demand in
 major boost to capacity   anticipated trains in every   commodities at higher speeds.
 INCREASED   augmentation and network   part of the country. The   Wagon induction of about 1.5   the economy. I am sure the
 ALLOCATION OF   expansion, bringing down the   indigenously designed and   lakh has been planned till   joint efforts of Railways and
 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE   overall logistic cost for the   produced Vande Bharat have   2030. All the above efforts   industry will establish India as
 IN THE RAILWAY   economy.  state of the art amenities and   with focus on 100 per cent   a key player in the global
 SECTOR TO PROVIDE A   features of modern world   electrification will ensure   supply chain and will also keep
 BOOST TO CAPACITY   travel. Many more cities and   seamless rail connectivity in   the momentum of India’s
 AUGMENTATION  states will continue to be   environment friendly manner.  march towards becoming a
        developed economy.

 Railway Contribution Towards Green India
 Vision: India@2047
 Capital Expenditure (Cr.)
 3,00,000  FY23 (Today)  2030  2047       User Centric World Class Railway System

 2,50,000  2,45,300  Net Direct Emissions by  27  0  0                                             Vision: India@2047
 2,00,000  1,90,267  Railways (million-ton CO )  FY23 (Today)              2030                 2047
 1,50,000  1,33,377  1,48,064  1,55,181  Electrification of network  90%  100%  100%  Number of passengers  8 Bn  9 billion  10 billion

 1,00,000  Enhancing Electric Capacity  3,200  13,000  50,000
 (2 X 25KVA) (RKm)  Doubling track (Lakh KM)      1.06                      1.4                  2
 -  EV charging stations in railway  -  5,000  7,000+
 18-19  19-20  20-21  21-22  22-23  stations/premises (nos.)  High-Speed Rall Network  0  1,000 KM  7,000 KM
 Source: Ministry of Railways
 Source: Ministry of Railways
          Freight Corridor Expansion            1750 KM                  3,300 KM             7,800 KM

 Station redevelopment is   Railways and the industry to   Rail industries expectation   projects, elevated rail   Freight modal share of rall  29%  38-39%  40-45%
 another area of focus, with   grow simultaneously. Regular   from the Railways is   corridors, signalling system
 1275 stations identified under   interactions are being carried   continuance of asset addition   projects and research &
 the Amrit Bharat Scheme.   out with Industry members in   and infrastructure upgrade as   development of new   Seml High Speed Corridor  0  1,000 km  10,000 KM
 Indigenously developed
 KAVACH will bring the next   Railway sector, to discuss   well as faster execution of the   technologies, the private
 level of safety on our tracks.   several issues to explore   ongoing projects. I am sure,   sector’s role and expertise   Station development (nos.)  3  1275  4000
 Policy interventions of Land   business opportunities for   industry as a whole is   would be a key enabler for IR
 management and Gati Shakti   Railway-Industry through   enthused by the credible   and support of the entire
 terminals will further help in   partnership, industry-railways   steps taken by the Indian   industry will be requisite to   Indigenously developed  12  800  4,500
 adding infrastructure for multi   engagements through policy   Railways in this direction.  meet this vision of the   Vande-Bharat trains (nos.)
 modal connectivity of all   related issues, events such as   Government and the
 types of commodity   supplier meets and
 transportation and   There is a clear vision, and a   Railways.  PM Gati-Shakti Cargo Terminals (nos.)  38  500  1,500
 accordingly ease of doing   interaction on a variety of   number of opportunities are
 business for our businesses   matters including technology,   available, which would go a   There is a need to maintain a
 and industries alike.  contract management, etc.  long way in attracting   synergy between industry and   100% Automatic Train Pretection (Kavach)  1400 RKm  35,000 Rkm  Entire IR network
 investments into the sector   Indian Railways. I am sure that
 Indian   CONTINUOUS JOINT   and Indian Railways would like   CII will play a role of bridge   Elimination of Level Crossings (LC remaining)  18,500  10500  0
 between both the parties and
 more industry members to
 Railways and   EFFORT OF   be a part of the ongoing   put forward all constraints
 being faced by industry
 transformation. With Ministry
 Industry  INDUSTRY IN THE   of Railways announcing   players for faster resolution   Source: Ministry of Railways
 HELP ESTABLISH INDIA   development of stations to   of issues faced by them and
 international standards
 help in delivery of
 In the above-mentioned   AS A KEY PLAYER IN   including under public-private   un-interrupted quality
 context, there is plenty of   GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN  partnership, High Speed Rail   services to all consumers.
 scope for both Indian
                                                                                           QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS
 MAY 2023                                                                                               MAY 2023
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