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Special Articles

 measure, the central and state  Enhancing   We believe that to address   cent to 28 per cent,                                             The key framework that      ceditable Sustainability   processes. This could involve   Sustainability Assurance
 Meanwhile, as a short-term
 including engine
 these concerns, the
                                                                                                                                                                       Reporting practices.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  promoting the use of digital
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Engagements (SSAE) 3000, 16
                                                                                                                                           governs sustainability
 Governments may consider   Government can consider   components, which   Sustainability                                                   reporting in India is the                              tools, data analytics, and   Social Audit Standards (SAS
 reducing the excise duty and   India's MRO   several steps.   hampers the industry's                                                      ‘Business Responsibility and   In the above backdrop,   artificial intelligence to collect,   100 to 1600), Sustainability
 Value-Added Tax (VAT) on ATF,   competitiveness.                                                                                          Sustainability Report’ (BRSR)   potential focus areas   analyse and report        Reporting Maturity Model
 respectively. This will provide   Capabilities  •   While airlines enjoy                                                                  introduced by the Securities   concerning sustainability   ESG-related data.      (SRMM) Framework and has
 relief to airlines, fostering a   customs duty exemption,   •   Developing policies such   Reporting :                                    and Exchange Board of India   reporting standards on a                            also started Certification
 healthy aviation ecosystem,   components and spares   as Production-Linked                                                                (SEBI). Recently SEBI revised   global level can encompass-  Capacity Building    Course on BRSR. In 2022,
 and boosting tax collections.   As India's skies swarm with an   required for MRO   Incentives (PLIs) for                                 its BRSR format, integrating                                                      ICAI hosted the World
 Lower tax rates on ATF   expanding fleet, robust   continue to attract full   components and spares,                                      BRSR Core consisting of a set   Harmonization and      Promoting efforts to enhance   Congress of Accountants at
 stimulate passenger numbers,   maintenance, repair, and   duty, making Indian MROs   along with tax waivers and   India Committed                                                                the capacity of companies,
 resulting in increased revenue   overhaul (MRO) capabilities   less competitive.   priority sector lending, can                           of Key Performance          Standardization            especially smaller and     Mumbai, the first ever
 and socio-economic growth   are now imperative. Ensuring   incentivize capital                                                            Indicators (KPIs) / metrics   Exploring globally recognized   medium-sized enterprises, to   carbon-neutral Congress.
 for states.  aircraft safety and reliability   •   A 0 per cent customs   investments in the MRO                                          under 9 ESG attributes. From   sustainability reporting   effectively report on their
 demands significant   duty and expedited   sector.                                                                                        the financial year 2023-24, the   standards to ensure   sustainability performance.  India’s culture is rooted in
 investments in MRO   customs processing for   Towards a                                                                                   updated BRSR format is to be   consistency and comparability                      sustainability, as it reflects a
 Financing and   infrastructure and expertise.   these critical components   •   Co-recognizing DGCA                                       used for BRSR disclosure    across different companies   Regulatory Support       philosophy and values that
 This effort not only enhances
 regulations through
 may be considered.
                                                                                                                                           adherence as a part of their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             foster a respectful and
                                                                                                                                                                       and industries.
 the Cape Town   safety but also fosters job   •   Ensuring that there are no   bilateral agreements and   Green Future                    Annual Reports which is                                Engaging with governments to   harmonious coexistence with
 creation and technological
                                                                                                                                                                                                  create an enabling regulatory
 memorandums of
                                                                                                                                           already mandatory for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             nature and its resources. With
 Convention  advancement in the aviation   restrictions on Goods and   agreement between FAA                                               leading 1,000 listed entities   Promoting ESG          environment that encourages   this philosophy and values
                                                                                                                                                                       Integration in
 Services Tax (GST) input
 and EASA can streamline
                                                                                                                                                                                                  companies to adopt and
 credits for Indian airline   regulatory processes.                                                                                        based on market             Decision-Making            implement high-quality     India is well placed to lead the
                                                                                                                                           capitalization. Notably, SEBI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             G20 and global agenda of
 As India embraces this aviation   Presently, MRO is   customers can significantly   for the World                                         has now outlined that       Beyond reporting, the B20   sustainability reporting   sustainability.
 boom, the need for   decentralized because no   support the MRO sector.  •   Establishing guidelines and                                  commencing from the         could encourage businesses   standards.
 infrastructure and policies to   single entity controls all   policies to facilitate                                                      financial year 2023-24      to integrate ESG
 sustain growth is evident, given   aspects, and critical segments   •   It is essential to confirm   convergence between civil            foremost 150 listed entities   considerations into their   As a key partner for B20
 the impending arrival of over   are contractually governed by   that MRO services   and defence MRO sectors                               shall mandatorily undertake   strategic decision-making   India, The Institute of
 2,700 new airplanes. As lessors   OEMs. While India handles line   provided to foreign   will ensure the efficient                        reasonable assurance of the   processes. This would involve   Chartered Accountants of
 play an expanding role in   and hangar maintenance (Less   aircraft flying into India,   utilization of available                         BRSR Core, which will       recognizing the business value   India (ICAI) is a member of
 India's aviation, considering   than 20 per cent of total MRO   even for transit purposes,   infrastructure and capacity.                                             of sustainability and its   the ESG Action Council and
 he Indian domestic    India's burgeoning middle   for narrowbody conversions,  Navigating   robust financing mechanisms is   expenditure), over 80 per cent   are zero-rated for GST.   T oday the world is   performance by companies.   gradually to be adopted by all   potential to drive innovation,   actively engages in diverse
 e-commerce drives demand
 passenger air traffic has   class with increasing   paramount. However, a critical   goes abroad, primarily for   This aligns with facilities in   In summary, as India's aviation   concerned about   India, as a growing economy is   1000 companies by the
 not only rebounded but has   disposable incomes fuels the   and the expansion of India's   Aviation Fuel   challenge lies in the absence of   component and engine   competing hubs like Dubai   sector ascends to new heights,   environmental and social   taking major steps to   2026-27.   risk management, and   policy-making endeavors
 already surpassed   demand for air travel, both   electronics manufacturing   India's ratification of the Cape   maintenance. India missed the   and encourages foreign   it's crucial to prioritize   impact made by businesses.   strengthen sustainability   long-term resilience.  within the B20 framework.
 pre-pandemic levels,   domestically and   industry, especially in   Taxation  Town Convention, impacting   opportunity to localize these   carriers to choose India   financing mechanisms, taxation   The future of global economy   reporting framework. The   Furthermore, disclosure of   The ICAI has been actively
 showcasing the pent-up   internationally. This prompts   higher-value segments, fuels   the leasing environment.   services a decade ago,   for MRO services.   policies, and MRO capabilities   lies on the path of sustainable   evolution of sustainability   ESG aspects within the value   Stakeholder Engagement  promoting sustainability
 demand for travel and the   airlines to expand their fleets,   cargo demand. The Indian   Without this ratified treaty,   resulting in their establishment   •   Ensuring a 0 per cent   to sustain this remarkable   development, as it is   reporting, from an voluntary   chain will be obligatory for   Emphasizing the importance   reporting in India through
 industry's adaptability. India's   benefiting aircraft   Government's regional   High taxes on Aviation Turbine   creditors lack priority in case   in multiple foreign locations.   airport royalty policy at all   journey. Striking a balance   paramount to bring   activity to a structured and   the foremost 250 listed   of engaging with stakeholders,   various initiatives. One of the
 commercial aviation market is   manufacturers, maintenance,   connectivity schemes open up   Fuel (ATF) in India present a   of airline insolvency. This   The primary challenge lies in   Government-owned   between growth and strategic   Environmental, Social and   standardized practice, reflects   entities commencing from the   including investors, employees,   leading initiatives was
 set to become one of the   repair, and overhaul (MRO)   underserved markets, making   multifaceted challenge to the   scenario introduces a level of   component and engine MRO,   airports is essential.   investments and policies will   Governance (ESG)   the commitment of the nation   financial year 2024-25, on a   communities and customers   establishment of Sustainability
 world's top three by 2041,   providers, and related service   air travel accessible to a   domestic airline industry. ATF   risk for creditors who may   where most spending occurs.   Negotiating a similar   ensure that India's aviation   comply-or-explain basis. These   to understand their concerns   Reporting Standards Board
 with a fleet size nearly   industries. The   broader population.   accounts for a substantial   face potential loss of their   However, new aircraft models   policy at major privatized   narrative continues its upward   consideration as the focal   to the cause.   disclosures of value chain will   and expectations regarding   (SRSB) in 2020, with the aim
 quadrupling since 2019.   growth in   Additionally, India's positioning   portion of airline operating   investment should an airline   driving local repair stations are   hub airports will further   trajectory, delivering benefits   point of financial reporting to   also require limited assurance   sustainability performance.  of formulating comprehensive,
 According to the Boeing   as a global manufacturing hub   costs, sometimes reaching as   default on loan or lease   a decade away. Efforts to   incentivize the sector.   not only to the industry but   counter climate change and   from 2025-26. These steps   globally comparable, and
 Commercial Market   promises increased investment   high as 40-45 per cent, in   payments, resulting in   bolster India's MRO   also to the nation's economy   make earth a better place for   would mandate the industry   understandable standards for
 Outlook 2023, South Asia   in aerospace manufacturing.  contrast to global   significantly higher leasing   capabilities, especially in   •   Implementing a minimum   and its people.  all.  to make committed transition   Integrating Technology   measuring and disclosing
 is about to welcome over   counterparts with fuel costs in   rates for the Indian airlines.   components and engines, are   GST rate on spares and   towards sustainability   and Innovation     non-financial information
 2,700 new airplanes in    While India's civil aviation   the range of 20-30 per cent.   While the Indian Government   essential to support the   components used for   Sustainability reporting   reporting. These   The B20 could explore how   about an entity’s progress
 the next two decades,   sector outlook is promising, it   These high taxes strain   is contemplating the   growing aviation sector, create   MROs is crucial. The   standards is a significant topic   technology and innovation   towards the United Nations
 with 90 per cent destined   faces some challenges amid   airlines' financial viability,   ratification of the Cape Town   jobs, and enhance   current effective GST   of discussion within the B20   developments indicate   can be leveraged to improve   SDG 2030. The ICAI has
 for India. This growth   rapid growth. As the industry   potentially leading to reduced   Convention, a clear timeline   technological prowess.  often ranges from 15 per   and the broader business   regulators resolve towards   sustainability reporting   developed Standard on
 projection also demands   aims for new heights, it must   margins, exit from few routes,   for this process remains to be   community. These standards   adopting and put in place
 approximately 37,000 pilots   navigate a complex airspace of   and fare hikes, hindering the   determined.  focus on the transparency and
 and 38,000 mechanics in the   obstacles.  sector's growth. To alleviate      disclosure of ESG
 region, largely led by India.  this issue, the Government
 may consider bringing ATF
 under the GST regime at an
 optimum rate.
          CA. Aniket Talati, President, ICAI

                                                                                           QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS
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