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Message From Director General

                                                                            Chandrajit Banerjee, Director General, CII

        T   he Indian economy has maintained   company would range between 75-100   On the domestic front, inflation remains
                                                                                 a significant concern, exacerbated by an
                                             per cent during Q2FY24, which is
            a steady economic performance
        and adroitly navigated the ongoing global   heartening to note. Notably, in the last   erratic monsoon, the looming threat of
        turmoil through stellar macroeconomic   two surveys too, majority of the   El Nino, and upward pressure on food
        management and policy reforms. The   respondents had expected their capacity   prices. Another concern is the interest
        growth momentum generated during the   utilisation to be in range of 75-100 per   rates remaining high both domestically
        year so far is likely to be sustained as   cent, which is an encouraging sign as   and globally which has repercussions for
        reflected in the performance of high   capacity utilisation needs to be   the foreign capital flows and rupee
        frequency indicators including impressive   maintained between 75-80 per cent to   trajectory. Against this backdrop, the
        GST revenue collections, e-way bills, air   fuel fresh investments in the economy.   news of India's inclusion in the JP
        passenger traffic and UPI transactions,                                  Morgan EM index by next year is a big
        among others, which reflects improved   The positive momentum of these high   positive for mobilising foreign capital.
        industrial and commercial activity.   frequency indicators got mirrored in the
                                             impressive GDP growth of 7.8 per cent   On balance, CII believes that India is
        Some more good news is forthcoming   seen in the first quarter.  India is   firmly on track to remain the fastest
        from the results of the latest round of   well-poised to maintain its status as the   growing major economy for the third
        the CII Business Outlook Survey for the   fastest-growing major economy for the   year in a row this fiscal with a real
        Jul-Sep quarter which showed a       third consecutive fiscal year. Yet, there   growth of around 6.5 per cent.
        continuation of improvement in the   are challenges on the horizon, stemming
        business sentiments as the Business   from the prevailing global uncertainties.
        Confidence Index rose to a           The slowdown in major trading partners,
        three-quarter high of 67.1 in Q2FY24 as   such as the US and EU, has indeed
        compared to the reading of 66.1 in the   impacted our merchandise exports, and
        previous quarter and 62.2 in the same   subdued global demand has tempered
        quarter last year.                   FDI flows. Global uncertainties persist,
                                             notably with Brent oil prices reaching
        Further, more than half of the       US$94/barrel in September and a
        respondents of the survey (53 per cent)   discernible tightening of global financial   Chandrajit Banerjee
        expects that capacity utilisation in their   conditions.                 Director General, CII

                                                                                      ANALYSIS, RESEARCH, THOUGHT LEADERSHIP & ADVOCACY  05
                                                                                           QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS
                                                                                                     SEPTEMBER 2023
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