Page 9 - CII Artha Magazine
P. 9

Focus Story

 Truant  At CRISIL, we measure the

         impact of monsoons via its
         proprietary index Deficient
         Rainfall Impact Parameter
         (DRIP) as rainfall data does
 Monsoon  not tell the complete story.
         DRIP measures the impact by
         combining the shock that
         arises deficiency in rain
         (measured as deviation from
 and India’s  LPA) with the vulnerability of
         region (measured as irrigation

         In terms of precipitation,
 Growth  among major states, rains have
         been deficient in Bihar (-27
         per cent below the LPA),
         Jharkhand (-33 per cent), and
         Kerala (-41 per cent). But
 Prospects  Jharkhand, Maharashtra,
         when measured via DRIP,
         Madhya Pradesh, and
         Karnataka show high

         With El Niño conditions
         getting entrenched, rains in the
         rest of the season have
 IN AUGUST, HEADLINE   become crucial to lift
 INFLATION CAME   agricultural output and rural
 DOWN TO 6.8 PER   demand and subdue inflation.
 T he deficit in rainfall   norm now rather than an   CENT WITH FOOD   Although inflation spiked to
 exception. The good part is,
 continues as we inch
 closer the end of the   this has not had any   INFLATION AT AN   7.4 per cent in July and   CRISIL HAS RAISED   We expect GDP growth to   IMPACT OF 250 BASIS
 southwest monsoon season,   meaningful impact on   PER CENT  remained above 7 per cent in   ITS  INFLATION   slow to 6 per cent in the
 which runs from June to   agricultural output or inflation.  August, this was largely   FORECAST TO 5.5 PER   current fiscal from 7.2 per   POINTS RATE HIKE
 September and provides   localised to food. In July, food   CENT FOR THE   cent in the last fiscal as the   FROM RBI WILL BE
 over 70 per cent of India’s   For example, agricultural GDP   inflation rocketed to 11.5 per   CURRENT FISCAL   lagged impact of 250 basis   FELT IN THE SECOND
 annual rains.  growth has been healthy in the   to the development of EL   The august rainfall this year at   cent, whereas fuel and core fell   FROM 5 PER CENT   points rate hike from RBI will   HALF WHEN THE
 past four fiscals despite the   Niño conditions which are   36 per cent below LPA was   3.6 per cent and 4.9 per cent,   EARLIER  be felt in the second half when
 The season is crucial because   uneven distribution.  associated with dry conditions.   the weakest in 123 years.  respectively. In August headline   the global slowdown is   GLOBAL SLOWDOWN
 only 52 per cent of India’s   Additionally, the backdrop has   inflation came down to 6.8 per   expected to intensify. India’s   IS EXPECTED TO
 gross sown area is irrigated.  Foodgrain production rose   been of high food inflation. Of   This kharif season, sowing has   cent with food inflation at an   will have to keep its eyes   merchandise exports have   INTENSIFY
 steadily and is estimated to   the six El Niño years since   been the weakest for pulses   uncomfortable 9.9 per cent.   peeled for developments on   been contracting for last six
 Overall, rains up to September   have it a record high in   1991, agricultural growth   (-8.6 per cent lower than last   this front. If sustained, food can   months and this will continue
 12, 2023 are 10 per cent   2022-23. Farmers seem   was negative in four,   year as on September 9). In   If we take food out, headline   become a concern because it   through the rest of the fiscal.
 below the long period average   to be gradually   and retail   contrast, sowing picked up for   inflation was 4.8 per cent in   can then spill over to other   Rains also influence ground
 (LPA), which puts it in the   adjusting their   inflation was   rice (2.7 per cent).   both July and August. Food   components and steer the   Monsoon performance,   water and reservoir levels for
 deficient category.   sowing patterns   above 6 per   inflation is, therefore, the   headline CPI inflation above   therefore, adds another risk to   the rabi crops, which are
 over time,   cent in only   With overall sowing at last   major worry. Within food,   the RBI’s target. And this can   output and inflation. If rains   largely irrigated. On a positive
 Equally worryingly, their   according to   three.  year’s levels, the rains in rest of   while the spike in vegetable   constrain monetary policy as   remain suboptimal in rest of   note, the Indian Metrological
 distribution over time and   monsoon   the season become critical for   prices is correcting, that in   central banks do respond to   September, some adverse   Department expects the rains
 geographies has been patchy   conditions.   protecting the yields of crops   foodgrains (cereals and pulses)   inflation when it starts   impact on agricultural GDP   to improve September. But till
 with some parts of the   that have been sown.    remains in double digits.   becoming generalised.  We   and overall GDP too can play   September 12, cumulative
 country getting excess rains   But this fiscal is a   have raised our inflation   out. And if inflation stays high,   rains were deficient.
 and others very little.   bit different from   Even if food inflation is   forecast to 5.5 per cent for   interest rates too will stay   Fingers crossed for rest of the
 the past four due   localised right now, the   this fiscal from 5 per cent   higher for longer.   season, therefore.
 To be sure, some abnormality   Mr Dharmakirti Joshi, Member, CII Economic   Reserve Bank of India (RBI)   earlier.
 in the rainfall pattern is a   Affairs Council & Chief Economist, CRISIL

                                                                                           QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS
 SEPTEMBER 2023                                                                                      SEPTEMBER 2023
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