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Given the fact that states now                        flood control, education and   At the individual level, some                                interest free loans to support   sectors such as irrigation and   for taking the state forward.
        have a higher capex spend,   IN FY24, UTTAR           transport, among others. This   states are even exceeding the     GOING FORWARD, THE        the states, an increase from   rural roads. Urban transport   The Centre could consider
        their role has acquired      PRADESH,                 is followed by Gujarat which   budget estimates when it           ALLOCATION UNDER          Rs. 1.3 lakh crore announced   is another area where States   handholding such states or
                                     MAHARASHTRA WERE
        greater significance in building   THE TOP CAPEX      notched up 58.1 per cent    comes to actual spending on           50-YEAR INTEREST          in the interim budget.      should be persuaded to spend   providing incentives so that
        the economic momentum and    SPENDERS IN              growth which could be       capex. For example, Telangana         FREE LOAN SCHEME          Provisions can be made so   more.  Priority should be for   the laggard states also join
        enhancing the productive     ABSOLUTE TERMS           attributed to higher allocation   has surpassed budget            SHOULD BE ENHANCED        that projects with higher   ensuring effective fund    the national mainstream when
        capacity of the economy.                              towards urban development,   estimates by a huge margin           BY 25-30 PER CENT         multiplier and efficiency gains   utilization and timely   it comes to capital spending.
                                                              irrigation, and transport,   with actual spending rising to                                 are prioritized, and viable   completion of projects.
                                   What comes as a surprise is   among others.            118 per cent of budget                                          projects are identified and                            To conclude, it is important
          BIHAR WITNESSED          that capex by Uttar Pradesh                            estimates in 2023-24. Similarly,     In view of the pivotal role   actioned.                A major concern is to      that the thrust on capex
          THE HIGHEST              (UP) has crossed Rs 1 lakh   It is also heartening to note   in Bihar and Madhya Pradesh,   played by states in                                    address the challenge      continues at the state level so
          GROWTH IN CAPEX          crore in 2023-24, which is the   that most states are showing   too, actual expenditure     infrastructure development,   Apart from fulfilling    whereby some states do not   that its multiplier effects
          SPENDING IN THE          highest among states. It shows   significant momentum while   exceeds 100 per cent of       the Union Budget 2024-25   state-specific requirements,   have the capacity to    become visible in terms of
          LAST FIVE YEARS          a growth of around 17 per   investing in asset creation   Budget estimates during the       has announced provision of   States may also be        undertake capital expenditure   asset creation, raising
                                   cent over the previous year.   through capital spending. This   year.  Both Bihar and Madhya   Rs 1.5 lakh crore for 50-term   encouraged to invest more in   to the extent that is required   productivity and jobs.
                                   The state invested Rs 0.93   is borne out from data that   Pradesh have been fully
        An analysis of individual states   lakh crore in 2022-23. UP was   shows that all states taken   utilizing the amounts
        springs a few surprises. For   followed by Maharashtra with   together have spent more   proposed in their budgets on
        example, the cumulative    a capex spend of Rs 0.71 lakh   than 80 per cent of the   capex over the last two years.
        growth of capital expenditure   crore, up 17.7 per cent year   budgeted amount on capex.   However, actual spending on
        in Bihar over the last five   on year compared with Rs                            capex in the states such as
        years, at 30 per cent between   0.61 lakh crore in 2022-23.                       Punjab and Chhattisgarh have
        2019-20 and 2023-24, is the                             ACTUAL CAPEX              been trailing the budget
        highest among states. No   In terms of growth, however,   SPENDING OF             estimates in 2023-24. In fact,
                                                                TELANGANA, BIHAR
        doubt, this has come over a   Telangana, at 148.7 per cent in   AND MADHYA        Punjab has been ineligible for
        low base of 2019-20, but a   2023-24 has done remarkably   PRADESH HAS            interest free loan as the state
        sequential rise in capex over   well and topped the charts on   EXCEEDED THE      has not met specific
        the last five years shows that   capex spending. Sectors which   BUDGET ESTIMATES   conditions specified under
        Bihar has invested significantly   have shown major increases   IN 2023-24        the scheme.
        in asset creation. This is   in capex include irrigation and
        followed by Telangana (26 per
        cent), Gujarat (21 per cent)
        and Odisha (21 per cent).
        Haryana is the only state to                          Actual Capex Spending by the States
        have recorded a drop in      1.20                            (Rs lakh crore)
        capex (-2 per cent) between       1.09
        2019-20 and 2023-24.         1.00

        The latest available data    0.80    0.72
        shows that the cumulative                0.60  0.57
        capex spend of 17 states rose   0.60              0.52
        to Rs 6.54 lakh crore in                              0.44  0.44  0.40  0.35
        2023-24 from Rs 5.28 lakh    0.40                                      0.28  0.26
        crore in the previous year.   0.20                                             0.21  0.16  0.15  0.13  0.11
        And out of a total of 17                                                                            0.05
        states, 8 states namely      0.00
        Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya
        Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha,          Maharashtra  Gujarat  Karnataka  Telangana  Odisha  Tamil Nadu  Bihar  West Bengal  Rajasthan  Jharkhand  Chhattisgarh  Haryana  Kerala  Uttarakhand  Punjab
        Uttar Pradesh, Telangana and       Uttar Pradesh  Madhya Pradesh
        Tamil Nadu accounted for
        almost 75 per cent of the                                    FY23   FY24
        total capital spend. Hence
        there is some concentration                                    Source: CAG
        in terms of capex among

        24   ANALYSIS, RESEARCH, THOUGHT LEADERSHIP & ADVOCACY                                                                                                                                               ANALYSIS, RESEARCH, THOUGHT LEADERSHIP & ADVOCACY  25
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS
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