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Trade   rate of the rupee needs to be   IN TERMS OF REER,   account and loss in trade   Thus, examining India’s REER   been appreciating and has   As can be seen from the above   The exchange rate movement
                                                                                         also has other policy
                                                             panel, India’s exports are
                                  played a part in our reduced
        and non-oil non-gold CAB is
 looked at not only vis-à-vis
 Competitiveness   USD, but relative to all major   THE RUPEE HAS   India’s fall in oil and gold   more instructive. India’s   trade competitiveness as   strongly correlated with global   implications. The Government
                                                                                         of India has embarked on an
                                                             growth. While FY22 saw strong
        REER and non-oil non-gold
                                  seen from the worsened
 trading partners of India.
                                                             global growth, with global
 imports on account of falling
                                                                                         ambitious project of building
        CAB have a strong negative
                                  non-oil non-gold Current
 Further, it needs to be adjusted
 and Current   to changes in inflation in India   APPRECIATION  crude oil prices in the last   relationship. Our REER has   Account Balance (CAB).  recessionary risks & demand   Atmanirbharta. However, an
 decade, have masked the
                                                             slowdown in FY23 negatively
                                                                                         appreciating REER is likely to
 relative to the instead of these
 Account  major trading partners. This   An increase in REER (i.e.   simultaneous deterioration   impacting India’s exports, it   go counter to this project as it
 in India’s non-oil non-gold
                                                                                         reduces India’s external trade
                                                             becomes even more important
 requires examining the nominal
 REER appreciation) implies
 Effective Exchange Rate,   that exports become more   trade competitiveness, an   80.0  REER vs Non-Oil & Gold CAB/GDP  14.0%  that India’s real exchange rate   competitiveness. India thus
 Fourthly, to get a true picture of   Effective Relative Price, and  expensive and imports   area where India has had a   85.0  13.0%  vis-à-vis its major trading   needs an appropriate exchange
 trade competitiveness and   the Real Effective Exchange   become cheaper, putting   sustained current account   90.0  12.0%  partners remains competitive.  rate policy in conjunction with
 current account, the exchange   Rate of India.  downward pressure on the   surplus (Chinoy and Jain,   95.0  10.0%     schemes like PLI (Production
 former and upward pressure   2018 ). Further, the impact   9.0%                         Linked Incentives).
 on the latter. Therefore, an   of higher oil price in rupee   100.0  8.0%
 Nominal Effective Exchange   currency ‘i’ against the   increase in REER indicates a   terms will happen, but oil   105.0  7.0%
 Rate (NEER) is a measure of   numeraire in index form. A rise   worsening of the current   prices have started moving   110.0  5.0%
 the value of a currency   in ‘e’ or ‘e/ei’ represents an   down in the last few months.   2004-05  2005-06  2006-07  2007-08  2008-09  2009-10  2010-11  2011-12  2012-13  2013-14  2014-15  2015-16  2016-17  2017-18  2018-19  2019-20  2020-21  2021-22
 against a weighted average of   appreciation of the rupee
 several foreign currencies. RBI   relative to currency ‘i’ and vice
 uses 40 currencies of India’s   versa. ‘P’ and ‘Pi’ represent price   Brent Price vs Oil & Gold Imports/GDP (2004-05 to 2021-22)  REER  non oil non gold CAB/GDP (rhs)
 major trading partners with a   indices of the home economy   Source: RBI and CII Research
 base year of 2015-16.   and the trading partner ‘i’,
    respectively. ‘wi’ denotes   40.0%  120.0
 trade-/export-based weight   110.0  This REER appreciation has   relatively held up well when
 assigned to foreign   35.0%  100.0  continued into this recent   compared to many of India’s
 Further, REER is the real   currency/trading partner ‘i’,   30.0%  90.0  crisis period, unlike earlier   major trading partners. In
 effective exchange rate (a   while ‘n’ is the number of   80.0  crisis periods where REER   fact, the currencies of India’s
 measure of the value of a   currencies (other than home   25.0%  70.0  significantly depreciated.   major trading partners have
 currency against a weighted   currency) included in   60.0  Between February’21 and   fallen much more than the
 average of several foreign   NEER/REER basket.  20.0%  50.0  October’22, REER has   rupee that it has lowered
 currencies) divided by a price   (Source: RBI)  40.0  appreciated by 0.1 per cent.   India’s trade competitiveness
 deflator or index of costs.   15.0%  30.0  This is because the rupee has   over this time frame.
 The price deflator or the
 index of costs is called the   2004-05  2006-07  2008-09  2010-11  2012-13  2014-15  2016-17  2018-19  2020-21
 Effective Relative Price (ERP).   Global Financial  2013 Taper  Feb’21 to
 where ‘e’ represents the   It is the weighted average of   oil and gold imports/GDP  brent price ($/barrel) (rhs)  Crisis  Tantrum  Oct’22
 exchange rate of the rupee   the ratios of CPI in the   REER  -9.7%  -4.7%  0.1%
 against a numeraire, i.e., the   country with CPIs of its   Source: EIA, RBI and CII Research  NEER  -13.8%  -10.3%  -2.4%
 IMF’s Special Drawing Right   major trading partners   ERP  4.8%  6.3%  2.6%
 (SDR), in index form, and ‘ei’ is   included in calculating
 the exchange rate of the foreign   the NEER.  Non-Oil & Gold CAB/GDP (2004-05 to 2021-22)  Source: RBI and CII Research
          Note: negative/positive REER and NEER change implies depreciation/appreciation
                  Correlation between Global Growth and Exports
 India: NEER, REER and ERP
 12.0%                  27.0%
 150                    25.0%
 140  10.0%
 130                    23.0%
 120  8.0%  real export growth (%)  21.0%
 100  6.0%              19.0%
 90                     17.0%
 80  4.0%
 70  Taper Tantrum    Recent   -4.0%  -2.0%  15.0% 0.0%  2.0%  4.0%  6.0%  8.0%
 60  Global financial crisis     2004-05  2006-07  2008-09  2010-11  2012-13  2014-15  2016-17  2018-19  2020-21
 Apr-04  May-05  Jun-06  Jul-07  Aug-08  Sep-09  Oct-10  Nov-11  Dec-12  Jan-14  Feb-15  Mar-16  Apr-17  May-18  Jun-19  Jul-20  Aug-21  Sep-22  real world GDP growth (%)

 NEER  REER  ERP  non oil non gold CAB/GDP (rhs)  Source: WB WDI, RBI, CII Research
 Source: RBI and CII Research  Source: RBI and CII Research   The panel looks at data from 2005 to 2021. It shows that growth rate of India’s exports is
            significantly impacted by global growth.
 1   Chinoy, Sajjid Z. & Jain, Toshi, 2018-19. “What Drives India’s Exports and What Explains the Recent Slowdown? New Evidence and Policy Implications,”
   India Policy Forum, Volume 15. New Delhi: National Council of Applied Economic Research.
                                                                                           QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS
 DECEMBER 2022                                                                                       DECEMBER 2022
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