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State of States

         AUTO & COMPONENTS         underperformance. The      construction materials sectors                                   Trends in
         AND CONSUMER              improvement in external    experienced a decline in net   Outlook
         DURABLES ARE              demand may have been       sales compared to the same
         DRIVING THE               reflected in the net sales in   quarter in the previous year.
         CORPORATE                 the first quarter. The                                 Looking ahead, the
         PERFORMANCE IN            consumer durables sector   Additionally, sectors including   outlook for corporate          State Capex
         Q1FY25                    saw robust growth, driven by   auto & components, FMCG,   profitability remains
                                   an unusually early onset of   Healthcare and IT reported   positive, contingent on
                                   summer and extreme         higher PAT margin during the   both domestic and global
        On the sectoral front, several   heatwaves, which spurred   first quarter of the current year,   economic developments
        industries such as agri, auto &   higher demand for cooling   indicating improved profitability   shaping the business
        components, capital goods,   products from households.   in these areas. Encouragingly, in   landscape in the coming
        consumer durables and      The automotive sector also   the FMCG companies, the raw   year.
 he Indian corporates have   On the expenditure front,    textiles achieved double-digits   delivered a strong   material prices have largely   C  entral government led   Rs 14,186 crores released in
 sustained a robust   companies managed to curtail   net sales growth. Notably, the   performance, bolstered by   stabilized and tailwinds from   There are upbeat   capital spending has   2021-22 and Rs 11,830 crores
 performance in the first   their costs significantly, with   textile sector exhibited signs   substantial sales of passenger   lower input prices are also   indicators emerging in   been among the key engines   paid during 2020-21.
 quarter of the current fiscal,   expenditure growth slowing   of recovery in Q1FY25, after   vehicles. In contrast, the   pointing towards a more   sectors like textiles and   driving a synchronous
 as early indicators suggest.  to 2.0 per cent in Q1FY25,   several quarters of   logistics, metals & mining, and   volume led growth.   consumer durables,   rebound in the Indian   Further, the Centre provided
 down from 3.8 per cent in                                                                which are showing signs              economy. Hence, despite    around Rs 1.09 lakh crore in
 the previous quarter and 14.3                                                            of an upturn in growth.              being ravaged by the       50-year interest-free loans in
 per cent in Q1FY24. This                                                                                                      pandemic and geopolitical   2023-24 to all states for
 notable reduction in spending   Sectoral Performance of Corporates in Q1FY25             Additionally, the                    disruption, the economy is   capex which is 4 per cent
 was primarily due to a   16.0                                                            improvement in external              doing exceptionally well as   higher than the revised
 moderation in employee cost,     IT       Healthcare                                     demand is expected to                demonstrated by its        estimate of Rs 1.05 lakh crore
 which grew by just 5.2 per   14.0                                                        bolster the performance              phenomenal growth          during the year. In the Union
 cent and a 0.2 per cent                                                                  of export-oriented                   performance. But for growth   Budget, the amount was
 As per CII’s analysis of ~670   contraction in the cost of   12.0                        sectors. However,                    to be sustained, it is vitally   increased to Rs 1.5 lakh
 non-financial companies from   services & raw materials   Aided by both lower interest   is making enough profits to   FMCG  companies may face   important that state capital   crore. This is in response to
 Ace Equity, excluding   during the first quarter.   expenses and stable profit   meet its interest liabilities.   10.0  Metals & mining   Auto & components   challenges in maintaining   expenditure should   the increased demand and
 petroleum products, early   Meanwhile, profit margins   rates, companies have            margins as global                    complement the center, to   rising absorptive capacity of   the state capex during the last   State capex has more than
 trends suggest a moderation   surged to 10.2 per cent in   demonstrated a notable   In Q1FY25, the ICR at 7.7   3$7 0DUJLQ       8.0  Construction   Chemicals   Capital goods   commodity prices have   jointly enhance the overall   loans by states which are   five years. States have also   doubled from Rs. 3.48 lakh
 in net sales to 4.2 per cent in   Q1FY25, higher than the 9.8   enhancement in their interest   was higher than 7.3 in the   materail   stabilized at relatively   productive capacity of the   deploying additional funds to   contained their revenue   crore in 2019-20 to Rs 6.54
 Q1FY25 as against substitute   per cent margin in Q4FY24 as   coverage ratio (ICR). The ICR,   previous quarter and 7.4 in   6.0  Agri  Infrastructure  high levels.   economy.  fill infrastructural gaps across   deficit which has provided   lakh crore in 2023-24. The
 the by a growth of 5.9 per   well as 9.7 per cent in the   calculated as a ratio of profit   the corresponding quarter   Logistics   Textile             varied sectors such as     them with the fiscal space for   latest data shows that state
 cent in the previous quarter.   comparable quarter last year.   before interest and tax (PBIT)   last year. This improvement is   4.0  Consumer Durables   Moreover, the corporate   CENTRE AIMS TO   housing, roads, irrigation etc.   capital investment and it is   capex has gone up by as much
 This growth was also much   Lower growth in expenditure   and the interest cost,   particularly encouraging given   Crude oil   sector is likely to see   BOOST STATES IN   Fund disbursal went up   hoped that the trend will   as 23.8 per cent year-on-year
 lower as compared to the   and interest costs have   indicates the debt servicing   the context of prevailing   2.0  more volume-led growth,   CAPITAL EXPENDITURE   further to Rs 95,000 crores   continue in 2024-25.   in 2023-24 as against 16.7 per
 11.9 per cent net sales   contributed positively to   capability of a company as it   higher interest rates in the   supported by the stable   THROUGH 50-YEAR   during April-February 2024 as                  cent in 2022-23 supported by
 growth recorded in Q1FY24.   profit margins.  shows whether the company   country.  0.0 -10.0  -5.0  0.0  5.0  10.0  15.0  20.0  25.0  30.0  35.0  40.0  growth environment in   INTEREST FREE LOAN   special assistance to states for   Presently, states are marching   their robust revenue growth
                                          Net Sales (y-o-y%)                              the economy.                          TO STATES                 capital investment. The    in lockstep with the Centre   and the Centre’s interest-free
                                                                                                                                                          interest-free loans from the   to accelerate their investment   capex loans.
                             Note: Based on analysis of ~685 non-financial companies in 14 key sectors                                                    Centre have contributed, in a   in infrastructure development.
                                          Source: Ace Equity
                                                                                                                               To provide a requisite push to   major way, towards helping
                                                                                                                               state capex, the Centre has   the states increase their
                                                                                                                               started with the ‘Scheme for   capex.                                 State Capex in Last Five Years
                                                                                                                               Special Assistance to the                                                  (Rs lakh crore)
                                                                                                                               States for Capital Investment'   17 LARGE STATES                                                6.54
                                                                                                                               in 2020-21, which has seen a   HAVE SEEN A                                             5.28
                                                                                                                               steady rise in allocation since   ROBUST EXPANSION                            4.52
                                                                                                                               then. Disbursements by the   IN THEIR CAPEX                  3.48     3.46
                                                                                                                               Centre to the states under   SPENDING IN LAST
                                                                                                                               this Scheme have been        FIVE YEARS
                                                                                                                               showing a sharp rise over the
                                                                                                                               initial two years of its
                                                                                                                               announcement. The Centre   In fact, a review of the          FY20    FY21     FY22     FY23     FY24
                                                                                                                               released Rs 81,195 crore to   finances of 17 large states         Note: Includes capex spending by select 17 large States
                                                                                                                               states in 2022-23 which is   have shown that there has                      Source: CAG
                                                                                                                               significantly higher than the   been a significant expansion in

        22   ANALYSIS, RESEARCH, THOUGHT LEADERSHIP & ADVOCACY                                                                                                                                               ANALYSIS, RESEARCH, THOUGHT LEADERSHIP & ADVOCACY  23
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS
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