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Domestic Trends

 reduction in imports of   software, travel and business                                                                                                 CII remains optimistic about   investment, and an anticipated
 Components of Current Account Balance (in US$ billion)  vegetable oils, gems and   services.  A Turbocharged                                            India's economic prospects,   rebound in global trade.
 jewellery (excluding gold),                                                                                                                             projecting an impressive   Headwinds from geopolitical
 200.0  163
 143  chemicals and related   In addition to the strong                                                                                                  growth rate of 8 per cent in   tensions, volatility in
 101  106  products, plastic and rubber,   services trade performance,                                                                                   the current fiscal year. This   international commodity
 100.0  and transport equipment,   net private transfer receipts,   Indian Economy                                                                       optimism is rooted in three   prices, and geoeconomic
 among others, further   primarily driven by workers’                                                                                                    key factors: stabilization of   fragmentation, however, pose
 contributed to the overall   remittances, have                                                                                                          inflation, resurgence in private   risks to the outlook.
 decline in the import bill.  demonstrated a growth of 5.1
 per cent to US$107 billion in
 -46  -50  Set for 8%+
 -100.0  2023-24 from US$101 billion
 ROBUST SERVICES   in the previous fiscal year.
 -200.0  EXPORTS AND   Overall, the narrowing of
 INCREASING   India's current account deficit   Growth in FY25
 -300.0  -265  REMITTANCES ALSO   can be attributed to a
 Goods  Services  Primary  Secondary  CONTRIBUTED TO   significant reduction in the
 Income  Income
 NARROWING CAD  merchandise trade deficit,
 2022-23  2023-24  robust growth in services
 Source: RBI  exports, and increasing
 Merchandise imports saw a   imports fell by 14.5 per cent,   Complementing the   private transfers, particularly
 more pronounced decline of   from US$209 billion in   narrowing merchandise trade   remittances, which have   he Indian economy has   next five years, as per the
 7 per cent, decreasing from   2022-23 to US$179 billion in   deficit, robust services   collectively fortified India's   T demonstrated remarkable   projections of the
 US$686 billion to US$638   2023-24. The decline in crude   exports cushioned the   external sector and provided   resilience and strength,   International Monetary Fund
 billion over the same period.   oil prices led to diminished   current account balance. The   a buffer against global   defying prevailing global   (IMF). During this period, as
 The more significant drop in   import bill for petroleum   services trade surplus surged   economic and geopolitical   economic and geopolitical   per CII Research projections,
 the import bill is largely   products, despite a modest   to US$163 billion (or 4.6 per   uncertainties. As India   headwinds. With a   India’s GDP is projected to
 ndia recorded a surplus in   US$1.3 billion deficit (or 0.2   explained by a substantial   0.8 per cent increase in the   cent of GDP) in 2023-24, up   continues to navigate these   higher-than-expected real   more than double from
 the current account after a   per cent of GDP) during the   decrease in imports of   volume of petroleum   from US$143 billion (or 4.3   challenges, strong external   GDP growth of 8.2 per cent   US$3.5 trillion to US$ 8
 gap of 10 quarters, marking a   same quarter in the previous   petroleum crude and   products imported in   per cent of GDP) in the   position will be essential for   in 2023-24, India has firmly   trillion, thereby gliding to its   Private consumption remains   domestic demand drivers,
 significant turnaround in its   year. On an annual basis, the   products, which constitute a   2023-24. Crude oil prices fell   previous fiscal year. This   ensuring sustained economic   established itself as the fastest   position as the third-largest   strong with steady   therefore, appear robust,
 external dynamics. The   current account deficit   significant 26.5 per cent of   from US$93.5/barrel in   increase is largely driven by   growth and stability.   growing major economy in   economy globally.   discretionary spending in   providing a strong buffer
 current account posted a   moderated to US$23.2 billion,   India’s import basket (as of   2022-23 to US$82.3/barrel in   the growth in service exports,   the world for three   urban areas. The one   against looming challenges.
 surplus of US$5.7 billion,   representing 0.7 per cent of   2023-24). The value of these   2023-24.  Additionally,   particularly in sectors such as   consecutive years. In tandem   The remarkable performance   year-ahead, RBI’s consumer
 representing 0.6 per cent of   GDP in 2023-24, a   with its strong growth   of the Indian economy is   confidence remains in the   On the external front, India’s
 GDP in the fourth quarter of   remarkable reduction from   potential, India's stock market   underpinned by robust   optimistic terrain in May.    resilient services export
 2023-24, a stark contrast to   US$66.9 billion (or 2 per cent   recently crossed the US$5.0   macroeconomic fundamentals,   Rural demand is also reviving   growth has played a pivotal
 US$8.7 billion deficit (or 0.1   of GDP) in the preceding   trillion valuation, making it the   thriving manufacturing and   with improvement in farm   role in stabilizing the
 per cent of GDP) recorded in   fiscal year.  Annually, goods trade deficit   fourth largest equity market   services sector, and buoyant   sector activity. Growth of   economy, keeping the current
 the preceding quarter and   contracted from US$265   globally and giving it a place   domestic demand. Further,   retail two-wheeler sales,   account deficit at manageable
 billion (7.9 per cent of GDP)   among the world’s stock   the government’s strategic   moderation in contraction of   levels, and mitigating the
 in 2022-23 to US$242 billion   market superpowers.  focus on investment in   tractor sales and pick up in   impact of global economic
 (or 6.8 per cent of GDP) in       infrastructure- both physical   FMCG volume growth     fluctuations. In 2023-24,
 2023-24.                          & digital- while maintaining   suggest a recovery in rural   services exports surged by
          INDIA’S ASCENDANCE       fiscal prudence has fortified   demand. The reduction in   4.9 per cent to US$341
 The turnaround into a surplus  This contraction can be   AS A RISING   macroeconomic growth and   demand for MNREGA jobs by   billion, propelled by the rapid
 in Q4 of 2023-24 was majorly  traced to a larger decline in   ECONOMIC POWER  stability. The robustness of the   14.3 per cent year-on-year in   proliferation of Global
 attributed to narrowing of the  merchandise imports   economy is evident from the   May 2024 reflects an   Capability Centres (GCCs) in
 merchandise trade deficit. The  compared to exports.   high-frequency data, including   improvement in regular   India. Additionally, foreign
 goods trade deficit   Specifically, merchandise   The increasing prominence of   rising manufacturing and   employment. Further, the   direct investment (FDI)
 contracted to US$50.9 billion  exports fell by 3.3 per cent,   Indian economy on the global   services PMI, high credit   prospects of an above-normal   inflows have shown robust
 (or 5.4 per cent of GDP) in   amounting to US$439 billion   stage is also reinforced by its   growth, and robust GST   monsoon by the Indian   growth in recent years, with
 Q4 of 2023-24, a notable   in 2023-24, down from   substantial share in global   collections in the first quarter   Meteorological Department   India maintaining its status as
 reduction from US$69.9   US$454 billion in 2022-23   GDP, which is expected to   of current fiscal, confirming an   (IMD) are expected to boost   the leading destination for
 billion (or 7.7 per cent of   due to slowdown in the   rise from the current 16 per   improvement in industrial   agricultural productivity and   greenfield FDI in the
 GDP) in the preceding   global economy coupled with   cent to 18 per cent over the   activity.   bolster rural demand. These   Asia-Pacific region.
 quarter and US$52.6 billion in  geopolitical disruptions that
 Q4 of the previous fiscal year.   weakened external demand.

                                                                                           QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS
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