Page 23 - CII ARTHA India’s Growth Prospects
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Sector in Focus

 inflation print within target   hikes done so far work
 GLOBAL BORROWING   are likely to keep borrowing   through the system.   Empowering
 COSTS COULD STAY   costs higher for longer than   Outlook and
 HIGHER FOR LONGER  expected.   Further, the People’s Bank of
 China, too, maintained its   Prospects
 With the easing of   Most central banks including   lending rates steady in its
 inflationary pressures, central   the US Fed, Bank of England   latest meeting in February at   for 2024  India's Green
 banks across the globe have   and the European Central   a record low of 3.45 per cent,
 somewhat scaled down the   Bank have kept their interest   as the central bank continued   The global economy’s
 pace of monetary tightening.   rates on pause in recent   its attempt to revive the   future health in 2024 rests
 However, continued interest   meetings to let the impact of   economy.  critically on the successful
 rate hikes to bring the
 calibration of monetary   Hydrogen
 policies across countries,
 geopolitical stability as well
 Policy Rates of Major Global Central Banks (%)  as effective global
 6.0  4.0
 5.50  cooperation.
 5.0  5.25  Revolution
 4.25  Experts believe, with signs
 of easing of inflationary
 3.0  pressure, it would be                                    Green Hydrogen             sunshine days, wind energy,
 3.5                                                                                      vast wasteland, long coastlines,
 2.0  ‘premature’ to pivot   Challenges, Potential, and
 3.45                                                                                     and a skilled workforce, India
 1.0  towards cutting of interest                              Growth Potential           has the potential to produce
 rates. The Fed has also
 0.0  -0.10  indicated a gradual   Key Strategies for                                     green hydrogen and its
 -1.0  3.0  reduction in policy rates                                                     derivatives at scale to cater to
                                                                                          both domestic and interna-
 Q4 2022  Q1 2023  Q2 2023  Q3 2023  Q4 2023  Q4 2022  Q1 2023  Q2 2023  Q3 2023  Q4 2023  Q4 2022  Q1 2023  Q2 2023  Q3 2023  Q4 2023  Q4 2022  Q1 2023  Q2 2023  Q3 2023  Q4 2023  Q4 2022  Q1 2023  Q2 2023  Q3 2023  Q4 2023  by end of 2024. This would   a Sustainable Future  HYDROGEN AND   tional demand. However,
                                                                AMMONIA ARE
 impact the slowing down
 of overall growth of the                                       ENVISAGED TO BE           realizing this potential
 US  Eurozone  UK  Japan  China (rhs)                                                     necessitates coordinated
 major economies.                                               THE FUTURE FUELS
 Source: National Sources                                                                 efforts from various stakehold-
                                                                TO REPLACE FOSSIL         ers, including governments,
 Geopolitical scenario is                                       FUELS                     industries especially in the
 another big risk on the                                                                  hard-to-abate sectors, and
 GLOBAL TRADE LIKELY   are a lot of downside risks to   quarterly data, exports have   horizon. The ongoing   s the entire world   complete decarbonisation is   financial institutions, among
 TO REMAIN WEAK IN   the forecast for the current   started to lose momentum as   tensions such as the   A grapples with a severe   only possible through   According to Strategy &   others.
 2024 AS WELL  year. Weaker global economic   the global economy has   lingering war in Ukraine,   climate crisis, natural disasters   technologies like green   Research, global green
 growth, worsening geopolitical   sustained multiple shocks   security situation in Middle   hydrogen demand is expected
 tensions, new disruptions in   such as ripple effects from the   wreak havoc on millions of   hydrogen and its derivatives.   to exceed 530 million tons by  Government
 Trade continues to be a key   the Red Sea on the Suez and   war and the related food &   East, disruptions to   lives and livelihoods annually   These technologies offer
 driver for building resilience in   Panama Canal are likely to   energy crisis.  Import demand   shipping in the Red Sea   across the globe. To ensure the   transformative potential for   2050, equivalent to around 7   Initiatives
 the global economy, but it is   drive the projections   too started to soften as the   and further escalation of   survival of life on our planet,   countries like India to establish   per cent of global primary
 likely to remain under   downwards for 2024.   growth slowed in major   war in West Asia which   energy transition has become   themselves as global hubs for   energy consumption. This
 pressure due to the softening   Moreover, as per the latest   economies.  could affect supply chains   more crucial, given that critical   producing green hydrogen,   would displace 10 billion   In line with this, the
 of global demand. This makes   for months and lead to a   thresholds have already been   often referred to as the ‘next   barrels of oil equivalent per   Government of India has
 it even more important for   shortage of tankers   surpassed. Failing to take   oil’.  year, approximately 37 per   launched the National Green
 governments to avoid trade   Merchandise Exports Growth (y-o-y%)  needed to transport fuel.   sufficient action will lead to   cent of the current global oil   Hydrogen Mission with a
 fragmentation and refrain   This could also have an   even more severe conse-  production.  financial outlay of Rs 17,490
 from introducing obstacles to   40.0  40  impact on global   quences. Thus, adopting a   crore for supply-side
 trade.   commodity prices and   multifaceted approach to      However, the green hydrogen   incentives for electrolyzer
 20.0  20  international trade. In   energy transition is essential   market in India is likely to   manufacturing and green
 The World Trade Organisation   addition, the upcoming   to reduce carbon emissions.   reach US$30-35 billion by   hydrogen production. It has
 (WTO) in its October report   elections scheduled to be       2035-2040, as per ICF - a   also set targets of at least 5
 had projected the volume of   0.0  -0.6  0  held in a clutch of major   In line with this, there has   global advisory and technology   MTPA of green hydrogen
                                                                                          production capacity by 2030,
 world merchandise trade to   -5.8  -5.4  -3.1  been increased impetus on   services provider.  which could increase up to 10
 grow by 0.8 per cent in 2023   -20.0  -10.8  -20  economies next year, pose   renewable power generation   MTPA with export aspirations.
 and rise to 3.3 per cent in   a challenge to the global   for electricity and electric   With an abundance of natural   Its domestic hydrogen demand
 2024. However, the head of   Q3 2022  Q4 2022  Q1 2023  Q2 2023  Q3 2023  Q3 2022  Q4 2022  Q1 2023  Q2 2023  Q3 2023  Q3 2022  Q4 2022  Q1 2023  Q2 2023  Q3 2023  Q3 2022  Q4 2022  Q1 2023  Q2 2023  Q3 2023  Q3 2022  Q4 2022  Q1 2023  Q2 2023  Q3 2023  outlook.  vehicles for mobility. However,   resources, including over 300   is expected to reach 11 MTPA
 international trade in the   US  Eurozone  UK (rhs)  Japan (rhs)  China                  by 2030, including a 46 per
 organisation, in a recent   Source: National Sources  Vineet Mittal, Co – Chair, CII Renewable   cent share of green hydrogen,
 comment has said that there                    Energy Council and Chairman, AVAADA Group

                                                                                           QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS
 FEBRUARY 2024                                                                                        FEBRUARY 2024

 according to Niti Aayog and   are hesitant to   under Article 6 of the Paris   consider implementing a
 RMI. The move encourages   finance/refinance large-scale   Agreement. It will help   nationwide policy mandating
 manufacturers and project   green hydrogen projects.  create a marketplace for   the use of Green M15 fuel i.e.
 developers to invest in green   •  The production cost of   Indian green fuels like green   mixing 15 per cent green
 hydrogen and its derivatives   various green fuel   hydrogen and its   methanol with petrol, in
 like green ammonia and   technologies, such as green   derivatives, green methanol,   transportation and other
 methanol, putting India among   hydrogen and its   and SAF, among others, in   applicable sectors, supported
 those leading countries, such   derivatives, is higher.   the international market.  by incentives for producers
 as the United States and the   However, grey hydrogen,   •  There’s a need for speeding   and consumers to adopt this
 European Union, which have   alongside various grey   up strategic interventions   fuel. This could be a pivotal
 allocated public funding for   manufacturing methods, has   for the Green Hydrogen   step in India's journey
 green hydrogen.  towards a greener and more
 historically benefited from   Transition Program by
 subsidies. Without a robust   offering incentives for both   sustainable future.
 Establishing a market for green   and liquid global carbon   green hydrogen production   •  To ensure widespread
 ammonia and methanol is a   market, pricing the value of   and electrolyser   availability of Green M15 fuel,
 global issue. In India,   carbon and embedded   manufacturing. These   there’s a need for investment
 forward-thinking standards by   emissions in the production   initiatives will catalyze   in the necessary
 the Bureau of Indian Standards,   and usage of grey hydrogen   industry growth.  infrastructure for its
 such as blending DME with   becomes challenging. This is   production, distribution, and
 LPG and methanol with diesel,   why, initially, green   •  The cost of renewable   storage.
 are significant steps towards   hydrogen seems more   energy can be further
 integrating green fuels.  reduced through energy   •  Campaigns should be
 expensive than grey   surplus banking provisions,   launched to educate the
 especially for sectors   public and other stakeholders
 •  The cost of funding remains   mandated to use green   about the benefits of using
 a persistent bottleneck,   hydrogen.   Green M15 fuel and address
 presenting a considerable   •  The government should   misconceptions.
 challenge for project   implement targeted
 developers, impacting the   incentives to boost the   By adopting these
 optimization of capital   export of green molecules.   recommendations, India can
 expenditure and project   It will help establish India as   make significant strides towards
 execution.  energy self-reliance,
 a global leader in   environmental sustainability, and
 renewable energy.
 Suggestions  •  A mechanism should be   economic growth.

 developed to facilitate   Conclusion
 Challenges  To address the challenges, we   low-cost financing and
 provide benefits like
 suggest that the government
 take several steps to provide a   accelerated depreciation   This is the time to take
 Despite government efforts   much-needed boost to the   for green hydrogen   immediate action to overcome
 to promote green hydrogen   industry, such as:  infrastructure investments.  all the bottlenecks on the road
 and its derivatives, the sector   •  The government should   towards leading the global
 is still in its infancy, and   •  As in the initial days of   expand the FAME India   transition to sustainable energy.
 acknowledging and addressing   renewable energy, the   (Faster Adoption and   With right policies in place and
 the hurdles that impede our   government mandated its   Manufacturing of (Hybrid   the development of a market for
 full potential in this critical   usage through Renewable   &) Electric Vehicles in India)   green methanol and ammonia,
 sector is essential. Among the   Purchase Obligation (RPO).   Scheme to include green   India can unlock the full
 various challenges are -  potential of green hydrogen and
 Similarly, we suggest that a   methanol vehicles in it. It   its derivatives. Moreover, it will
 •  There isn’t much existing   quota should be mandated   will not only boost the   provide a much-needed boost
 demand and a developed   for the use of green   market but also provide   for the production, distribution,
 market ecosystem for   hydrogen in sectors like   support to the green   and usage of green hydrogen and
 green hydrogen and its   fertilizers, chemicals, steel,   hydrogen ecosystem in the   its derivatives across sectors.
 derivatives like green   and power generation.   country.  Such initiatives will not only help
 ammonia and methanol, not   Creating demand through   •  There’s a need for funding   India in achieving targeted
 only in India but also   policy will spur sectoral   and support for research   climate goals but also position it
 globally, compared to other   growth and reduce the   and development in the   as a leader in the green energy
 conventional fuels.   production cost of green   areas of green hydrogen   revolution.
 •  Project developers face   and methanol-based
 difficulty in getting final   •  Leveraging its international   technologies. It will further
 offtake agreements signed.  relations, the government   help enhance efficiency and
 should expedite the signing   reduce costs.
 •  In the absence of advance
 offtake contracts, lenders   of bilateral agreements   •  The government should
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