Page 25 - CII ARTHA India’s Growth Prospects
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Sector in Focus
 according to Niti Aayog and   are hesitant to   under Article 6 of the Paris   consider implementing a                                             AELs operate by passing an   are still primarily in the                                                              •  Research & Development :   scalable, and flexible   Conclusion:                renewables, technological
 RMI. The move encourages   finance/refinance large-scale   Agreement. It will help   nationwide policy mandating   Powering                        electric current through   research and development                                                                     The ongoing research in    systems capable of                                  advancements, and supportive
 manufacturers and project   green hydrogen projects.  create a marketplace for   the use of Green M15 fuel i.e.                                    water in the presence of a   phase.                                                                                     electrolyzer technology is   adjusting to the variable                         policies. This isn't solely about
 developers to invest in green   •  The production cost of   Indian green fuels like green   mixing 15 per cent green                               liquid alkaline electrolyte,                                                                                            focused on enhancing       nature of wind and solar  A Golden                  energy; it signifies economic
 hydrogen and its derivatives   various green fuel   hydrogen and its   methanol with petrol, in                                                    typically potassium or                                                                                                  efficiency, reducing reliance   power, thereby maximizing                      growth and environmental
 like green ammonia and   technologies, such as green   derivatives, green methanol,   transportation and other   India’s                           sodium hydroxide. Their   Unleashing                                                                                    on rare materials, and     hydrogen production      Opportunity                stewardship. Leveraging
 methanol, putting India among   hydrogen and its   and SAF, among others, in   applicable sectors, supported                                       advantages include
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       during peak renewable
 those leading countries, such   derivatives, is higher.   the international market.  by incentives for producers                                   relatively lower costs and   India's Green                                                                              improving durability.      energy generation periods. for India                resources and market
 as the United States and the   However, grey hydrogen,   •  There’s a need for speeding   and consumers to adopt this                              proven reliability over                                                                                                 Efforts include developing                                                     demand, India can lead the
 European Union, which have   alongside various grey   up strategic interventions   fuel. This could be a pivotal                                   long-term operation.     Hydrogen and                                                                                   new catalysts that reduce                           India's endeavour towards   global clean energy shift.
 allocated public funding for   manufacturing methods, has   for the Green Hydrogen   step in India's journey   Green Future:                       However, AELs have lower                                                                                                the need for precious    These targeted interventions   Green Hydrogen and Green   Collaboration among
 green hydrogen.  towards a greener and more                                                                                                        efficiency compared to   Ammonia                                                                                        metals, exploring        will not only alleviate financial                     government, industry, and
 historically benefited from   Transition Program by                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Ammonia heralds a pivotal
 subsidies. Without a robust   offering incentives for both   sustainable future.                                                                   newer technologies and                                                                                                  alternative electrolyte   hurdles for project       opportunity for a sustainable   research entities will be
 Establishing a market for green   and liquid global carbon   green hydrogen production   •  To ensure widespread                                   require highquality water   Potential:                                                                                  materials, and improving   developers but also foster a   energy transition. The   pivotal. This opportunity
 ammonia and methanol is a   market, pricing the value of   and electrolyser   availability of Green M15 fuel,   Building the                       to avoid damaging the                                                                                                   system designs to optimize   dynamic ecosystem conducive                       symbolizes not just
 global issue. In India,   carbon and embedded   manufacturing. These   there’s a need for investment                                               electrolyte.                                                                                                            performance and reduce   to the rapid growth of India's   National Green Hydrogen   technological progress but
 forward-thinking standards by   emissions in the production   initiatives will catalyze   in the necessary                                       2. Proton Exchange         Policy                                                                                         costs.                   Green Hydrogen and         Mission underscores India's   also economic rejuvenation
 the Bureau of Indian Standards,   and usage of grey hydrogen   industry growth.  infrastructure for its   Electrolyser                             Membrane (PEM)                                                                                                                                   Ammonia sector. By         commitment to cleaner      and environmental
 such as blending DME with   becomes challenging. This is   production, distribution, and                                                           Electrolyzers:  PEM      Imperatives                                                                                 •  Renewable Energy                                    energy. Looking ahead,
 LPG and methanol with diesel,   why, initially, green   •  The cost of renewable   storage.                                                        electrolyzers use a solid                                                                                               Integration : There is a   proactively collaborating and   strategic initiatives   fortification. Embracing this
 are significant steps towards   hydrogen seems more   energy can be further   Ecosystem for Green                                                  polymer electrolyte and   for Sustainable                                                                               growing interest in      implementing these policy   encompassing technology,   golden chance, India is poised
 integrating green fuels.  reduced through energy   •  Campaigns should be                                                                                                                                                                                                  integrating electrolyzer   levers, India can unlock the   policy, and infrastructure are   to drive innovation,
 expensive than grey   surplus banking provisions,   launched to educate the                                                                        operate at higher                                                                                                                                immense potential of these                            sustainability, and prosperity.
 hydrogen.    especially for sectors   public and other stakeholders                                                                                efficiencies than AELs. They   Growth                                                                                   systems directly with    clean molecules and propel   imperative.              This isn't just a stride; it's a
 NATIONAL GREEN   •  The cost of funding remains   mandated to use green   about the benefits of using   Hydrogen and                               are capable of rapid                                                                                                    renewable energy sources.   itself towards a sustainable   The roadmap involves   visionary leap towards a
 HYDROGEN MISSON   a persistent bottleneck,   hydrogen.   Green M15 fuel and address                                                                response to changes in                                                                                                  This integration aims to   future.                  seamless integration of    greener and more prosperous
                                                                                                                                                    electricity supply, making
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            create more efficient,
 ENVISAGES TO MAKE   presenting a considerable   •  The government should   misconceptions.                                                         them well-suited for                                                                                                                                                                                   future for generations ahead.
 INDIA THE GLOBAL   challenge for project   implement targeted   By adopting these   Green Ammonia                                                  integration with
 developers, impacting the
 HUB FOR   optimization of capital   incentives to boost the   recommendations, India can                                                           intermittent renewable
 PRODUCTION, USAGE   expenditure and project   export of green molecules.   make significant strides towards                                        energy sources like solar
 AND EXPORT OF   execution.  It will help establish India as   energy self-reliance,                                                                and wind power. This
 a global leader in
                                                                                                                                                    feature is crucial for
 GREEN HYDROGEN  renewable energy.  environmental sustainability, and                                                                               maximizing the utilization
 Suggestions  •  A mechanism should be   economic growth.  I ndia's ambitious National   Electrolysers:   the global push towards   institutions involved in   of renewable energy.                      to cost-competitive      2.  Fostering Regulatory
         Green Hydrogen Mission,
 developed to facilitate   Conclusion  launched in 2023, has   decarbonization and the    advancing electrolyzer                                    However, PEM                                         renewable power through     Certainty and Transparency:
                                                              increasing competitiveness of
                                                                                                                                                                                                         strategic policy levers.
                                                                                                                                                    electrolyzers often involve
 Challenges  To address the challenges, we   low-cost financing and   positioned Green Hydrogen  The Engine of   renewable energy.                  higher costs, partly due to                        •  Customs duty waivers:   •  Harmonized tax incentives:
 provide benefits like
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Establish a level playing field
 suggest that the government
 take several steps to provide a   accelerated depreciation   This is the time to take   and Green Ammonia as   Green Fuel   Governments and industries   Electrolyser   the use of precious metals   India's ambitious Green   Ease import duties on   across states by ensuring
                                                                                                                                                                             Hydrogen and Green
                                                              worldwide are investing in
                                                                                                                                                    like platinum and iridium in
 Despite government efforts   much-needed boost to the   for green hydrogen   immediate action to overcome   central figures in its   Hydrogen technologies as part   their construction.    Ammonia aspirations   critical equipment and   uniform exemption from
        decarbonization strategy.
 to promote green hydrogen   industry, such as:  infrastructure investments.  all the bottlenecks on the road   These clean fuels, synthesized  Production  of their strategy to reduce   Technologies   technologies.               cross-subsidy charges,
 and its derivatives, the sector   •  The government should   towards leading the global   carbon emissions. This trend is                        3. Solid Oxide             necessitate strategic                                   electricity duty, and
 is still in its infancy, and   •  As in the initial days of   expand the FAME India   transition to sustainable energy.   using abundant renewable   Electrolyzers (SOEC):   government interventions to   •  Input tax credit on GST:   surcharges.
 acknowledging and addressing   renewable energy, the   (Faster Adoption and   With right policies in place and   energy like solar and wind,   ELECTROLYZERS   fostering a dynamic and   Electrolyzers, the cornerstone   An emerging technology,   catalyze investments and   Reduce financial burden
 the hurdles that impede our   government mandated its   Manufacturing of (Hybrid   the development of a market for   possess significant potential   ARE THE   competitive market   of Green Hydrogen   SOECs operate at much   ensure long-term success.   for project developers by   •  Comprehensive regulatory
 full potential in this critical   usage through Renewable   &) Electric Vehicles in India)   green methanol and ammonia,   to transform India's energy   environment, with numerous   production, utilize electricity   higher temperatures than   This necessitates a   offering input tax credit on   framework: Implement clear,
 sector is essential. Among the   Purchase Obligation (RPO).   Scheme to include green   India can unlock the full   landscape and drive the   CORNERSTONE OF   companies and research   to split water into hydrogen   AEL or PEM electrolyzers.   multi-pronged approach   Goods and Services Tax   consistent, and adaptable
 various challenges are -  potential of green hydrogen and   GREEN HYDROGEN               and oxygen. The choice of                                 This high-temperature    focused on:                 (GST) associated with       regulations and standards to
 Similarly, we suggest that a   methanol vehicles in it. It   its derivatives. Moreover, it will   nation towards a sustainable                     operation can lead to
 •  There isn’t much existing   quota should be mandated   will not only boost the   provide a much-needed boost   future. However, unlocking   PRODUCTION  electrolyzer technology is   higher efficiencies,   renewable energy     attract investors and instil
 demand and a developed   for the use of green   market but also provide   for the production, distribution,   this potential hinge on the   critical and is influenced by   especially when integrated   1.  Building a Robust Financial   equipment and   confidence in the sector's
 market ecosystem for   hydrogen in sectors like   support to the green   and usage of green hydrogen and   development of a robust   factors such as efficiency, cost,   with heat sources like   Ecosystem:   infrastructure.      longterm viability.
 green hydrogen and its   fertilizers, chemicals, steel,   hydrogen ecosystem in the   its derivatives across sectors.   electrolyzer ecosystem and a   Electrolysers act as engine for   scalability, and source of   industrial waste heat or   •  Targeted financial   3.  Accelerating Technology
 derivatives like green   and power generation.   country.  Such initiatives will not only help   comprehensive understanding   the generation of green fuels   power. The three main types   concentrated solar power.   instruments: Deploy   •  Expanded SEZ/EoU norms:   Adoption:
 ammonia and methanol, not   Creating demand through   •  There’s a need for funding   India in achieving targeted   of the prerequisites for   for downstream technologies   are:  SOECs hold the potential   mechanisms like green   Integrate wind assets
 only in India but also   policy will spur sectoral   and support for research   climate goals but also position it   that transform Green   1. Alkaline Electrolyzers   for lower operational costs   bonds, low-interest loans,   within Special Economic   •  Strategic import duty
 globally, compared to other   growth and reduce the   and development in the   as a leader in the green energy   establishing efficient Green   Hydrogen into Green   (AEL): These are the most   and the ability to directly   Zone (SEZ) and Export   waivers: Minimize or
 conventional fuels.   production cost of green   areas of green hydrogen   revolution.   Hydrogen and Ammonia   Ammonia, synthetic fuels, and   established technology,   split steam rather than   and dedicated grants to   Oriented Unit (EoU)   eliminate import duties on
 hydrogen.  production facilities.  more. The Electrolyzer market                           used extensively in                                                                stimulate private         frameworks to leverage
 •  Project developers face   and methanol-based                                                                                                    liquid water, enhancing    investment and mitigate                               essential equipment and
 difficulty in getting final   •  Leveraging its international   technologies. It will further   is rapidly evolving, driven by   industrial applications.   overall efficiency. However,   initial capital demands.   tax incentives and   technologies to incentivize
 offtake agreements signed.  relations, the government   help enhance efficiency and                                                                they currently face                                  favorable regulatory        deployment of advanced and
 should expedite the signing   reduce costs.  Derek Michael Shah, Vice-chairman, CII Taskforce on Green Hydrogen and Senior Vice                    challenges in terms of   •  Cost-optimization        environments.
 •  In the absence of advance                    President – Green Manufacturing & Integrated Development, Larsen & Toubro                                                                                                           cost-effective solutions.
 offtake contracts, lenders   of bilateral agreements   •  The government should                                                                    long-term durability and   measures: Facilitate access
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