Page 15 - CII Artha Magazine
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job, other sources] as
 The rise in jobs ties in with   II. Employment   The various policy initiatives by   percentage of total workforce   opposed to training received  III. Conclusion
 the decline in unemployed   Net addition to employment (million) between FY18-FY22  the government over the years   stands at 24 per cent in China,
 labour force in the economy   90  86  among skilled   such as the Skill India Mission,   52 per cent in USA, 68 per cent   from formal channels. While
 between FY18-FY22.   Breakup of jobs creation (million)  Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas   in UK, 75 per cent in Germany,   a small increase has been   With addition to India’s
                                                                                          working-age population
 Encouragingly, unemployment   70  61  workforce  Yojana (PMKVY), National   80 per cent in Japan and 96 per   seen in males receiving   (15-64 years), its so-called
                                   cent in South Korea.
        Policy for Skill Development
                                                               formal training over the
 decreased by 4.0 million in   6.0  and Entrepreneurship among   five-year period, a decent rise   demographic dividend is
 the five-year period.  50  While the healthy increase in   others have contributed to this   Further, the bulk of the rise in   was witnessed in females   expected to expand by 206
 30  25  19.0  jobs over the last five years is   jump.   skilled workforce has been   receiving formal skilling with   million in the next 10 years as
 Regular/salaried jobs   an encouraging sign, an   seen in the category of   an increase noted from 1.7   per UN Population Agency
 accounted for only 6 million   10  equally important issue which   However, putting it in the global   individuals who have received   per cent in 2017-18 to 3.0   data. It is imperative that the
 of the net increase in jobs   Casual Labour  needs to be addressed is if   context, the proportion of   informal training [from family,   per cent in 2021-22.  country creates enough jobs
 during the five-year period.   -10  Jobs  Self employed  Total  the availability of skilled   formally skilled workers as a   self-learning, learning on the   and prepares the work force
 workforce has also increased                                                             adequately, so that its
 Source: Various rounds of PLFS and CII Research  at a concomitant pace. To               demographic dividend may
 attain a particular skill, one                                                           not turn into a liability.
 has to undergo certain
 vocational training. Vocational   Percentage of population with vocational training (%)  We need an increased focus
 training prepares people for a                                                           on labour-intensive industries.
 The labour force during the   persons. Under labour force,   The working age population   specialized area of work and   The challenge for the
 five-year period increased by   employed population   (individuals aged 15 years of   makes them employable for a   88.6%  95.2%  87.7%  91.9%  manufacturing sector to
 82.7 million at CAGR of 4.8   increased by 86.5 million at an   more) increased by 71.9   range of occupations in   73.6%  80.5%  absorb the labour force is
 per cent, while the population   estimated CAGR rate of 5.3   million at an estimated CAGR   various industries and   going to increase further,
 outside labour force   per cent, over the five-year   rate of 2.2 per cent, over the   economic sectors. On   especially as globally
 decreased by 10.8 million.   period, while unemployed   five-year period.  acquiring a particular skill   22.7%  16.1%  manufacturing moves towards
 through such training, a
                                                                                          automation and artificial
 Labour force is defined as the   population declined by  person can also create   2.3%  3.7%  9.1%  3.0%  3.1%  9.3%  2.0%  3.4%  6.1%  intelligence. Focus on sunrise
 ‘economically active’   3.8 million in the comparable   opportunities for   1.7%         sectors such as renewables
 population includes both   period.   self-employment.                                    and networked products is
 ’employed’ and ‘unemployed’   Formally skilled  Unskilled  Formally skilled  Unskilled  Formally skilled  Unskilled  essential.

 SHARP RISE SEEN       Non-formally skilled     Non-formally skilled    Non-formally skilled  The quality of the workforce
 IN SKILLED                                                                               is equally important. High
 Workforce Categories (in million)  WORKFORCE IS A   Male  Female     Total               quality school education,
                                                                                          relevant higher education and
 FORTUITOUS SIGN                                                                          skill development aligned to
                                                                                          industry needs, are some of
 Sr. No.  Workforce  2017-18  2018-19  2019-20  2020-21  2021-22  Change between          the prerequisites for India to
 categories  FY22 & FY18  The PLFS survey provides   2017-18  2021-22                     become an economic
 information on whether a                                                                 powerhouse which not only
 person aged 15 to 59 years            Source: CII estimates using PLFS data              creates good quality jobs for
 1  Working age  793.8  802.7  835.7  830.2  865.7  71.9  has acquired or is acquiring    its youth, but also services the
 population 1  any vocational training, both                                              rest of the world.
 from formal and informal
 2  Labour Force  395.3  404.3  448.3  456.9  478.0  82.7  sources. We have termed this
 set of population as “skilled”
 and those with no vocational
 3  Employed  371.5  380.5  427.0  437.1  458.0  86.5
 training as “unskilled”.
 4  Unemployed  23.8  23.8  21.2  19.8  20.0  -3.8  Over the five-year period,
 [(2)-(3)]  there has been a sharp rise
 seen in the proportion of the
 total workforce (15-59 years)
 5  Outside labour  398.5  398.4  387.4  373.3  387.7  -10.8  having received any form of
 [(1)-(2)]  vocational training (formally
 or non-formally). The figure
 Source: Various rounds of PLFS and CII Research  has risen from 8.1 per cent
 1 Population aged 15 years or above
 seen in 2017-18 to 19.5 cent
 in 2021-22.

                                                                                           QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS
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