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Ongoing                    over a certain period). It is   Ownership-             On the other hand, even

                          Top sectors attracting private investment in FY23 (Rs lakh crore)  SERVICES (OTHER                                              important to analyze the                               though ongoing investments
            16.0                                                                                                               Investments                since they are a good indicator  wise                  made by the government
                                                                                                                                                          trends in ongoing projects
                   12.1                                                                    THAN FINANCIAL)
            12.0                                                                                                                                                                                                 declined marginally by 1.6 per
                             8.2       7.2                                                 ATTRACTED                                                      of the investment trajectory                           cent to Rs 140.2 lakh crore,
            8.0                                 6.9       5.2                              INVESTMENTS FROM                    This section analyses the   over a period of time.    A break-up of data shows    its share in the total ongoing
            4.0                                                    2.3                                                         trend in ongoing projects from                        that private sector         investments remained high at
                                                                             1.0           GOVERNMENT IN                       the CMIE database. Ongoing   Total ongoing investment   investment, measured by the   around 58 per cent, implying
            0.0                                                                            FY23                                projects are basically     (public + private) reported an   value of ongoing investments,   that the heavy lifting in the
                     Manufacturing  Services (other than  financial)  Chemicals &  chemical products  Transport services  Electricity  Machinery  Information  technology  As per CII’s analysis from the   outstanding projects less   expansion of 6.7 per cent in   grew by 21.1 per cent in FY23   economy is being undertaken
                                                                                                                               those for which
                                                                                                                                                                                     to stand at Rs 99.7 lakh crore.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 by the government.
                                                                                                                                                          FY23 with the print reaching
                                                                                                                               implementation has stalled
                                                                                                                                                          Rs 239.8 lakh crore in the
                                                                                                                               (which have not progressed
                                                                                         (other than financial) sector
                                    Source: CMIE capex database & CII Research           CMIE capex database, Services                                    same period.                          Trend in Ongoing Investments (Rs lakh crore)
                                     Note: Data extracted on 11th April 2023             attracted higher investments                                                                                        72.7      82.3     99.7

                                                                                         from the government. These                        Total Ongoing Investments (Rs lakh crore)      74.0      71.1
                                                                                         services mainly include airport           250.0
                                                                                         infrastructure, shipping                  240.0                                 239.8
                                                                                         transport infrastructure, road            230.0                                                  129.5     130.0    141.5     142.4    140.2
                     Top Sectors attracting Investments from the Government in FY23 (Rs lakh crore)                                                              224.7
                                                                                         and railway transport                     220.0                 214.2
              2.50                                                                       infrastructure along with                 210.0  203.4  201.1                                   2018-19   2019-20  2020-21   2021-22  2022-23
                      2.04                                                               transport logistics services.             200.0                                                               Government  Private sector
              2.00                 1.84                                                                                            190.0
                                                                                         Other sectors such as                     180.0                                                            Source: CMIE capex database & CII Research
              1.50                                                                                                                                                                           Note: Ongoing projects = Outstanding projects – implementation stalled
                                                                                         Electricity (mostly renewable                   2018-19  2019-20  2020-21  2021-22  2022-23                 Note: Data extracted on 11th April 2023
              1.00                             0.91                                      electricity) and Manufacturing
                                                                                         also attracted investments from                      Source: CMIE capex database & CII Research
              0.50                                          0.33                         the government in FY23.                       Note: Ongoing projects = Outstanding projects – implementation stalled
                                                                                                                                               Note: Data extracted on 11th April 2023

                  Services (other than  Transport services  Electricity  Manufacturing  Transport equipment  The same sectors reported
                     financial)                                                           higher government investments
                                    Source: CMIE capex database & CII Research           during Q4FY23.                        However, ongoing           The section below presents a
                                     Note: Data extracted on 11th April 2023
                                                                                                                               investments by the         break-up of ongoing
                                                                                                                               government, both Centre and   investment analysis into three
                                                                                                                               States, underwent a marginal   categories, viz
                                                                                                                               contraction, while the     ownership-wise, sector-wise
                                                                                           Outlook                             ongoing investments by the   and state-wise.
                             Government capex remains robust so far                                                            private sector reported a
                                                                                           Going forward, continuous           double-digit expansion of 21.1
            Despite the decline in new   Ministry        Capex         Capex               revival in fresh investments        per cent in FY23.
            government investments, at                   April-February  April-February    would help spur growth in
            the aggregate level, capital                 FY23 (Rs crore)   FY22 (Rs crore)  the economy and also
            expenditure made by the                                                        indirectly help tame                        Ownership-wise Capital Expenditure in FY23 (% share)
            government has witnessed a   Ministry of Railways    147028.4   95703.5        inflationary pressures and
            robust rise. In fact, according                                                reduce borrowing costs in
            to data released by CGA,                                                       the country.
            overall government capex has   Ministry of Road    195484.4   99065.2
            risen by 21.7 per cent     Transport & Highways                                                                                          41.6   36.3
            between April-February FY23
            compared to last year. Key   Ministry of Shipping    612.8   164.2                                                                           20.5
            ministries attracting higher
            capital expenditure include
            that of railways, road transport   Source: CGA                                                                             Central Government  State Government  Private sector
            & highways and shipping.
                                                                                                                                              Source: CMIE capex database & CII Research
                                                                                                                                               Note: Data extracted on 11th April 2023

        18   ANALYSIS, RESEARCH, THOUGHT LEADERSHIP & ADVOCACY                                                                                                                                               ANALYSIS, RESEARCH, THOUGHT LEADERSHIP & ADVOCACY  19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS
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