Page 33 - CII Artha Magazine
P. 33

Sector in Focus

 Railways:  In this overall context of the   collection, increase in axle   modal share of the Railways in   The conventional approach and
                                   loads, door to door service,
                                                             freight to more than 40 per
                                                                                        ‘Business as Usual’ (BAU)
        economy of the nation, Indian
                                   ease of moving piecemeal
                                                                                        scenario of 3.75 per cent CAGR
        Railways need to carry 40-45
                                                             cent. The objective of the Plan is
                                   traffic etc. These factors have
                                                             to create infrastructure capacity
                                                                                        is insufficient to achieve 3000 MT
        per cent share of freight on
 An Engine of  the economic and    induced gradual & consistent   ahead of demand, which in turn   by 2030. This will increase the
                                   modal shift in favour of road
                                                                                        modal share of railways in the
        environmental considerations.
                                                             would also cater to future
                                   over a period.
                                                                                        logistics sector and overall cost of
                                                             growth in demand up to 2050
        However, due to chronic
                                                                                        transportation will decrease.
        under-investment in IR over
                                                             and also continue to sustain it.
        years in expansion/
 Growth for  augmentation of the network   NATIONAL RAIL     In synergy with the National   Accordingly, Indian Railways has
                                    PLAN TO INCREASE
                                                             Rail Plan, Indian Railways has
        and its upgradation, there
                                                                                        formulated a threefold strategy to
        were severe capacity
                                                             also prepared a roadmap for
                                                                                        address the constraints of
                                    THE MODAL SHARE
                                                             achieving future peak demand
                                                                                        Infrastructure, Rolling Stock and
        constraints especially on its
                                    OF RAILWAYS IN
        HDN/HUN routes. Capacity
                                                                                        Marketing, pricing, customer
                                                             of freight loading of 3000 MT
 Aatmanirbhar  constraints eventually resulted   Hence, to create a future ready   per annum by 2030, from the   service & policy related issues.
                                                             present loading of 1512 MT in
        in low average speed of freight
                                                                                        A. Network Expansion/
        traffic, sub-optimal throughput
                                                             2022-23, by identifying the
                                                                                          Augmentation and
        and poor reliability. In contrast,
                                                             works for upgradation of
                                                                                          Upgradation works to improve
        other modes of transport,
                                                             network systems for carrying
                                   Railway system, IR has
 Bharat  mainly road, became more   formulated the National Rail   3000 MT, induction of wagons   B.  Commensurate Augmentation
                                                                                          the carrying capacity for
                                                                                          3000MT+20 per cent
                                                             and locomotives, prioritising
                                   Plan. The National Rail Plan is
        competitive owing to vastly
        improved infrastructure during
                                   aimed to formulate strategies
                                                             strategies & identifying
                                   based on both operational
        the last 25 years coupled with
                                                             marketing, pricing, customer
                                                                                          and Upgradation of Rolling
        cargo friendly initiatives such
                                   policy initiatives to increase
        as GST, electronic toll    capacities and commercial   service and policy related   Stock Fleet (Locos & Wagons)
                                                                                        C. Policy, Strategic and
                                                                                          Customer-centric initiatives for
                                                                                          inducing modal shift to Rail
 T he transportation sector   logistics cost in India for   pilgrimage across the country.  for consumption of goods, as   3000  Growth of Freight Loading  The above strategies (A), (B) &
 improving the competitiveness
 is crucial for economic
 has also been witnessed in the
 growth of any country, which   of Indian goods both in   India’s logistics industry   developed economies. With   (C) have been translated into a
 not only connects different   domestic as well as export   handles over 10,000 types of   rising income levels, higher   2500  detailed action plan with 24
 parts of the country but also   markets. Reduced logistics   diverse products and   exports, rapidly growing   2000  Mission items. Indian Railways has
 facilitates the movement of   cost improves efficiency   generates about approximately   e-commerce and retail market   1500  planned for time bound
 goods and people, which is   cutting across various sectors   4500- 5000 MT of Cargo   and a projected GDP growth   ntkm in billion  implementation of the above
 essential for trade and   of the economy, encouraging   annually, which translates into   of around seven percent in the   1000  loading in mt  items through close monitoring
 commerce. Indian Railways   value addition and enterprise.   about 3 trillion NTKM of   next five years, the demand for   500  of sanctioning of works and
 (IR), the 4th largest Railway   Indian Railways with its more   transportation output at a   goods movement is expected   execution by respective Mission
 network in the world, has   than 170 years of existence, is   cost of approximately Rs 9.5   to grow more than 7 per cent   0  2009- 2010- 2011- 2012- 2013- 2014- 2015- 2016- 2017- 2018- 2019- 2020- 2021- 2022-  Leaders.
 always been the backbone of   now making a transformative   lakh crore. Demand for freight   and transportation output is   ntkm in billion  601  626  668  650  666  682  655  620  657  701  669  678  820  901
 the transportation sector in   change which has been the   transport has been increasing   expected to increase from the   loading in mt  892  926  975  1014  1058  1101  1108  1111  1161  1223  1210  1233  1418  1512  Indian
 India. IR plays a stellar role in   result of years of planning and   rapidly to keep pace with the   current level of 3 trillion.
 meeting the logistics needs of   dedication. The vision of Indian   high economic growth   Source: Ministry of Railways  Railways-
 the country and is rightly   railways is to provide safe,   coupled with the rising   Moreover, there are massive
 called the lifeline of the nation.  efficient, affordable, customer   population and improved   expectations in the passenger   Achieving new
 focused and environmentally   standards of   segment, where the travel
 sustainable integrated   living,   patterns of citizens have   Cumulative Track Electrification (RKM)  New Lines, Doubling & Gauge Conversion  heights and
 INDIAN RAILWAYS   transportation solutions to   which   changed due to the pandemic   (KM Per Year)
 ARE THE BACKBONE   the needs of the country. It   together   and there is more focus on   70,000  4500  focus areas
 OF LOGISTICS   aims to be a modern vehicle   fuel   undertaking more meaningful   60,000  52,247  58,812  4000  3925
 SECTOR IN THE   of inclusive growth,   higher   journeys. In this context, the   50,000  45,881  3500  The above outlined strategies
 COUNTRY  connecting remote regions,   demand   competition between roads   40,000  39,866  3000  2908  are beginning to show results in
 communities, ports, mines &   and railways has been levelling   35,488  2500  2226  2370
 centres of industry,   up. Indian Railways has been   30,000  2000                     Indian Railways. Many new
 IR is a major part of the   commerce,   continuously making efforts to   20,000  1500  heights have been reached in the
 National Logistics Policy, which   tourism and   provide passengers with   1000        year 2022-23. Indian Railways
 envisages to reduce the   speedy, efficient, low cost and   10,000  500                has achieved a new high in New
 modern transportation   0                         0                                    Line/ Gauge Conversion/
                                                                                        Multi-tracking of about 14.4 km
 Shri Anil Kumar Lahoti, Chairman & CEO  solutions from origin to   18-19  19-20  20-21  21-22  22-23  2019-20  2020-21  2021-22  2022-23  per day and about 18 Route Km
 Railway Board, Government of India  destination.   Source: Ministry of Railways        of electrification per day.
                                                                                           QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS
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