Page 31 - CII Artha Magazine
P. 31

US Fed, in its May monetary   basis points, pressing ahead   Credit Suisse was taken over by   such as Japan and China are
 policy raised interest rates by   with its campaign to tame   Switzerland’s largest bank UBS.   keeping their monetary policies   GLOBAL TRADE   Export growth across major economies (% y-o-y)
 25 basis points to 5.25%, which   inflation despite the threat of   loose to bolster economic   TO SLOW ON   40.0  40
 is the highest since June 2006. It   potential banking crisis after   On the contrary, economies   growth.  RECESSIONARY
 has hinted at a potential pause
 in further increases as the   FEARS
 financial markets have been           20.0                                                                 20
 impacted by the collapse of the   Trajectory of Rate Hike by the Major Global Central Banks (%)
 two banks.   5.0  4.0  Greater risks are building up in
 The tight global financial   4.75  the international environment
 markets due to the near   Further, as inflation in UK   4.0  3.92  for trade, financial and   0.0  8.4  9.1  0
 synchronized monetary policy   accelerated in February, Bank of   technology flows. World trade   3.1
 tightening pursued by the key   England too boosted its key   3.0  3.00  3.65  is getting fragmented by   -4.6  -6.8
 global economies has been a   rate by 25 basis points to 4.25   2.0  3.5  forceful moves towards
 cause for concern. Add to that   per cent. This hike was the   protectionism or   -20.0                    -20
 are the collapses of the Silicon   smallest rate hike since May last   1.0  friend-shoring, with each   Q4 2021  Q1 2022  Q2 2022  Q3 2022  Q4 2022  Q4 2021  Q1 2022  Q2 2022  Q3 2022  Q4 2022  Q4 2021  Q1 2022  Q2 2022  Q3 2022  Q4 2022  Q4 2021  Q1 2022  Q2 2022  Q3 2022  Q4 2022  Q4 2021  Q1 2022  Q2 2022  Q3 2022  Q4 2022
        country seeking control over
 Valley Bank and Signature Bank   year. The bank also highlighted   the production of strategic
 in the US in the first half of   that in case inflationary   0.0  -0.10  materials and industries   US  Eurozone  UK (rhs)  Japan (rhs)  China
 March 2023, which are rippling   pressures persists, further   -1.0  3.0  through subsidies and other   Source: National Sources
 through the global financial   tightening in monetary policy   incentives.
 markets. While the direct   would be required.   Q1 2022  Q2 2022  Q3 2022  Q4 2022  Q1 2023  Q1 2022  Q2 2022  Q3 2022  Q4 2022  Q1 2023  Q1 2022  Q2 2022  Q3 2022  Q4 2022  Q1 2023  Q1 2022  Q2 2022  Q3 2022  Q4 2022  Q1 2023  Q1 2022  Q2 2022  Q3 2022  Q4 2022  Q1 2023
 impact of this meltdown on   Globally, exports have started   1.0 per cent in 2023 from 3.5   slowdown as fears of a global   Outlook
 economic activity is likely to be   The European Central Bank, in   US  Eurozone  UK  Japan  China (rhs)  to lose momentum as the   per cent last year, as all   recession dampen export
        global economy has sustained
 limited, markets are bracing up   its seventh consecutive rate   Source: National Sources  multiple shocks such as ripple   indicators point towards a   demand of the major   The global outlook remains
 for tighter financial conditions   hike, raised interest rates by 25   effects from the war in Ukraine   downside.   economies. In US, the export   highly uncertain amidst the
                                                              growth has decelerated sharply
 which could present a trade-off   and its resultant food and   IMF too, has warned that global   to 8.4 per cent in Q4 2022   lingering war in Ukraine,
 between financial stability   energy crisis. The import   flow of goods is levelling off. It   from 22.7 per cent in the   high level of inflation and
 concerns and conduct of   What will be the impact of collapse of Silicon Valley Bank on India?  demand too has started to   expects the trade volume of   previous quarter. A sharp drop   aggressive monetary
 disinflationary monetary policy.   soften due to slowdown in   goods and services to slow   was witnessed in the export   tightening undertaken by the
 Silicon Valley Bank (SVB)   Given the reassurance   The statement, which, further   That said, it is important to   growth in the major   from 4.3 per cent in 2022 to   growth for UK and Europe,   central banks to tackle
 collapse is not something that  provided by the statement by   said that no losses associated   note that SVB has invested in   economies.  World Trade   inflation. The above stated
 Just as markets were pricing in   comes as a shock, for when   US Treasury Secretary Janet   with the resolution of the   around 21 Indian start-ups   Organisation (WTO) in its   2.5 per cent in 2023.   while that for Japan and China
 the possibility of further   interest rates rise so sharply,   Yellen said that all deposits of   SVB will be borne by the   including major ones like   latest report, expects the   The latest data available for Q4   showed a contraction in Q4   reasons are likely to dampen
                                                                                          the growth prospects of
 tightening of financial condi-  there is always a possibility of   the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB)   taxpayers and salaries of bank   Paytm, Carwale, Bluestone,   merchandise trade to slow to   2022 points towards a   economies across
 tions, bouts of volatility have   such instances.   will be secured by the US   employees will be paid, is a   Naaptol, among   geographies in the current
 unsettled investor sentiments   Treasury, we expect the   good sentiment booster for   others, so the collapse has   year. However, there are
 with the collapse of three   The US authorities are seized   impact of collapse of SV Bank   the market.   injected a bit of uncertainty in   signs of growth recovering in
 banks in the US.  of the matter at the highest   on Indian banking system to   the sector, which will entail an   many of the developed
 level and are making efforts   be minimal. Moreover, the   Another competing bank, the   adverse short-term impact on   economies, with India and
 to prevent a contagion,   Indian banking system is not   Signature Bank which also   funding for these start-ups.   China further contributing a
 The market sentiments in the   though a bailout has been   invested in SVB.   collapsed will benefit from a   Moreover, the Indian   major chunk to the world
 aftermath of the collapses,   ruled at present.   similar resolution plan.   government has urged   growth. Moreover, as
 appear to be running out of   state-run banks to remain                                  inflation trajectory is on a
 steam. The J P Morgan   Silicon Valley Bank, catering to the tech industry for three decades   vigilant, watch interest rates,   downward trend, we can
 Emerging Bond index has fallen   collapsed on 10th March 2023. It suffered from an old-fashioned bank run.  concentration risks, adverse   expect central banks across
 by 2.0 per cent in March from   During the pandemic, when SVB and other banks were ranking in more deposits than   exposures and regularly take   the world to lower the pace
 stress tests.
 its level in January. Morgan   they could lend out, they invested in ultra-safe US Treasury securities.   of interest rate hikes going
 Stanley Capital International   Rapid rate hikes by the Fed to tame inflationary pressures caused value of these   The banking system in US has   forward, which would
                                                                                          further propel demand.
 EM stock index lost nearly 4.0   securities to plunge.  gained strength post the
 per cent, while Dow Jones,   collapse of SVB ?     2008-09 crisis in part due to a
 FTSE 100 and Nifty 50 also   What led to the   SVB suffered a loss of US$ 1.8 billion on sale of some of these securities and were   slew pf reform measures such
 declined by 2.0 per cent, each   unable to raise capital to offset the loss.  as the Dodd-Frank Act passed
 in March from its level in end   This triggered mass panic among the prominent venture capital firms, leading to a run on   in 2010 which has ensured
 better safeguards for the
 January.   the bank. SVB’s stock plunged 60% in a single day, prompting regulators to step in and   banking system.
 shut it down.

                                                                                           QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS
 MAY 2023                                                                                               MAY 2023
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