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Global Trends

 T he global economy   The rise in central bank policy   Its labor market has remained   year (January-July), China’s   Global commodity prices,   Finance Minister has forecast
 continues to be mired in
                                                               especially food and crude oil,
                                                                                          inflation to fall to about 5.0
                                   exports fell by 5.0 per cent on
 rates to fight inflation
        tight since March 2022.
 uncertainty as disruptive   continues to weigh on   Employment levels in the   an annual basis, while imports   which were on a downward   per cent by the end of
 events such as the Covid-19   economic activity. As a result,   country rose by 222 thousand   dropped by 7.6 per cent   trajectory, have started to inch   the year.
 pandemic followed by the   the International Monetary   to 161.5 million in August, with   during the same period.   higher since July 2023. The rise
 Russia-Ukraine war are   Fund (IMF), in its latest World   major job gains occurring in   in food prices, which could be   On the other hand, China
 continuing to create   Economic Outlook projects   healthcare, social assistance,   Amongst other major   a seasonality issue, may keep   reported a 0.3 per cent drop
 turbulence in the global   the global economy to slow   financial activities and the   economies, Eurozone, is still   food inflation elevated in the   in CPI inflation in July, the first
 economy.  Not surprisingly,   from 3.5 per cent in 2022 to   wholesale trade sector. The   reeling from last year’s sharp   near term.   decline since early 2021. The
 economies across the world   an estimated 3.0 per cent in   labor force participation rate   spike in gas prices caused by   fall in prices could be attribut-
 are slowing, and growth   2023 and 2024. While the
 trajectories are diverging   forecast for 2023 is modestly   inched up to 62.8 per cent, the   the conflict between Russia   Among select countries, the   ed to the weakening of the
 across regions amidst   higher (~ 20 basis points)   highest since February 2020.   and Ukraine. Its growth rate   British households, which   economic momentum in the
 moderating but above target   than that projected in April   decelerated to 0.6 per cent in   were facing inflation in   country due to lackluster
 inflation, tight financial   2023, it remains weak by   China’s growth of 6.3 per cent   the second quarter of 2023.    double-digits due to high food   domestic demand. The CPI
 conditions, simmering   historical standards. This is   in Q2 as compared to 4.5 per   The moderation in growth of   and energy bills until Q1 2023,   deflation may put pressure on
 geopolitical conflicts,   the weakest growth profile   cent in Q1 came on the back   the Eurozone economies was   have started seeing some level   the government to consider
 geoeconomic fragmentation,   since 2001 except for the   of a low base. Going forward,   largely due to a large drop in   of softening, thereby releasing   additional fiscal stimulus to
 along with extreme weather   global financial crisis and the   with a sharp deterioration in   real incomes and surging   pressure on household   mitigate the challenge.
 conditions.   acute phase of the COVID-19   its economic activity and   interest rates.    budgets. Further, the British
 pandemic.  credit flows, the Chinese
        economy is now the biggest   UK, on the other hand,           Trajectory of Global Inflation in Key Economies (y-o-y%)
 to decline to 2.1 per cent in   oil stood at $94.9 per barrel   threat to global demand. A   reported a growth of 0.4 per   12.0
 Global Growth Trajectory (y-o-y%)  2023, a full percentage point   (as on 22nd September 2023).   slowdown in the US and   cent in the second quarter of   10.0
 less than in 2022, before   The rise also comes at a time   major economies have   2023, with household   8.0
 Country/Region  2022  (Forecast)  (Forecast)  recovering marginally to 2.4   when Russia has announced a   dragged down Chinese   consumption, along with   6.0  6.8  5.3
        exports and domestic demand
                                   manufacturing output driving
 production cut by 50,000
 per cent in 2024 as inflation
 Advanced Economies  2.7  1.5  1.4  pressures persist and tight   barrel per day, starting August.   too remains lackluster thereby   growth during the quarter.   2.0  3.2  3.3
 monetary policy is expected   Saudi Arabia, too, is likely to   threatening its recovery   Further, as per the forecasts by
 United States  2.1  1.8  1.0  to weigh substantially on   extend its voluntary monthly   prospects. China’s exports fell   the Bank of England, UK will   -2.0  -0.3
 Euro Area  3.5  0.9  1.5  economic activity.   production cut of one million   by 14.5 per cent in July, on an   be avoiding a recession this   Q3 2022  Q4 2022  Q1 2023  Q2 2023  Q3 2022  Q4 2022  Q1 2023  Q2 2023  Q3 2022  Q4 2022  Q1 2023  Q2 2023  Q3 2022  Q4 2022  Q1 2023  Q2 2023  Q3 2022  Q4 2022  Q1 2023  Q2 2023
 barrels per day, in its next   annual basis, while imports   year and is likely to see a   Q3 2023 (July)  Q3 2023 (July)  Q3 2023 (July)  Q3 2023 (July)  Q3 2023 (July)
 Japan  1.0  1.4  1.0  Some of the high frequency   meeting in October. Such   dropped by 12.4 per cent in   boost in business investment
 global indicators also point in   output cuts, together with   US dollar terms. Further, for   in the coming quarters.  US  UK  Eurozone  Japan  China
 Emerging and  4.0  4.0  4.1  the direction of a slowdown   stimulus measures announced
 Developing  in August on account of a   in China to revive the   the first seven months of the   Source: National Sources
 decline in the services sector   economy and hopes of an
 Brazil  2.9  2.1  1.2  and a contraction in   improved winter demand may   7.0  Trajectory of Real GDP growth in Key Economies (y-o-y%)  interest rates, after raising
 manufacturing sector activity.   keep the prices elevated in   6.3
 China  3.0  5.2  4.5  The J.P Morgan Global   the near term despite global   6.0  POLICY RATES ARE   rates to a 22-year high of 5.5
                                                                LIKELY TO STAY
 India  7.2  6.1  6.3  Composite PMI fell to 50.6 in   recessionary concerns.  5.0  HIGHER FOR LONGER  per cent.
 August from 51.6 in July, to   4.0
 World  3.5  3.0  3.0  register its lowest reading                                        The rate hikes in the US have
 since January. The momentum   3.0  2.6      2.0                                          triggered outflows from many
 Source: IMF World Economic Outlook, July 2023  MIXED RECOVERY   2.0                      emerging markets & developing
 of the services sector,                                       With the easing of inflationary
 including business activity,   WITNESSED ACROSS   1.0  0.6  0.4  pressures from their peak, the   economies and resulted in
 new orders and employment   MAJOR ECONOMIES                                              higher bond yield as well as a
 The above table indicates that   2024. Another positive is that   slowed in August, as a result   0.0  US  Eurozone  UK  Japan  China  central banks across the globe   strong dollar.
 the advanced economies   Asia is expected to   of which the J.P Morgan   As the central banks across   have somewhat scaled down
 would experience a marked   contribute about 70 per cent   Global Services PMI   the world continue to hike   Q22022  Q32022  Q42022  Q12023  Q22023  the pace of monetary   The Bank of England, too, has
 slowdown as growth is   of global growth this year,   moderated to 51.1 in August   interest rates in their fight   Source: National Sources  tightening. However, the   raised rates for the fourteenth
 expected to fall from 2.7 per   boosted by reopening of   from 52.7 in July. On the   against inflation, many global   continued interest rate   consecutive time to 5.25 per
 cent in 2022 to 1.5 per cent   China and strong momentum   other hand, the J.P Morgan   economies have been   levels but remains well above   increases, in order to bring the   cent in August 2023, bringing
 this year and would remain   of the Indian economy.   Manufacturing PMI stood at   witnessing a slowdown in   INFLATION SEEN TO BE   the central banks’ target. IMF   inflation print within target   interest rates to their highest
 subdued at 1.4 per cent in   49 in August, with operating   growth.  With fairly resilient   MODERATING THOUGH   range of the central banks, are   level since February 2008. The
 2024. By contrast, growth in   The World Bank, too, in its   conditions decelerating due   labor markets, the US   REMAINS ABOVE   expects global inflation to fall   likely to keep the borrowing
 emerging markets and   latest Global Economic   to acute weakness in the Euro   economy has been able to   TARGET RANGE  from 8.7 per cent in 2022 to   costs higher for longer than   bank also highlighted that some
 developing economies is   Prospects Report, projects   Area and signs of a slowdown   sustain its economic growth   6.8 per cent in 2023 and to   expected by the investors,   key indicators, notably wage
 expected to remain almost   the global economy to slow   in China.   in the second quarter of 2023   5.2 per cent in 2024, on the   businesses, and households.   growth, suggest that some of
 the same  with year-on-year   significantly this year, with   as it grew by 2.6 per cent on   Inflation, which emerged as a   back of lower commodity   the risks from more persistent
 growth at 4.0 per cent in   weakness continuing in 2024.   Global commodity prices   the back of stronger business   big risk post the Russia’s   prices. However, core inflation,   The US Fed, in its latest   inflationary pressures may have
 2022 and 2023 and rising   According to the Bank, the   have also been on a rise in   investments.  invasion of Ukraine last year,   which removes food and fuel   monetary policy meeting   begun to crystallize.
 marginally to 4.1 per cent in   global economy is expected   recent months. Brent crude   has started exhibiting some   prices, is expected to decline   maintained a status quo on its
        softening from the elevated
                                   more gradually.
                                                                                           QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS
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