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State of States

 was also mirrored in Q1FY24   higher PAT Margins during the
 Interest Coverage Ratio (ICR)  GDP print as these continued   said quarter. The PAT Margin   Analysing
 8.0  to benefit from government’s   for the oil & gas sector
 7.0  7.2  sustained push towards   received a boost from lower
 infrastructure spending. The   crude oil prices compared to
 6.0  continued sluggishness in   a year-ago period and no cut
 5.0  5.9  external demand, however,   in retail prices of petrol and   Economic
 4.0  impacted on the net sales of   diesel. Also, earnings in the
 3.0  the Textile sector.   refining segment are likely to
 2.0  have benefitted from the   Performance
 Q1FY21  Q2FY21  Q3FY21  Q4FY21  Q1FY22  Q2FY22  Q3FY22  Q4FY22  Q1FY23  Q2FY23  Q3FY23  Q4FY23  Q1FY24  Of the 15 sectors,   availability of cheaper Russian
 Pharmaceuticals, ITES, Power,
 crude oil in Q1 FY24.
 Consumer Durables saw
 Note: includes analysis of 1910 non-financial listed companies
 Source: CMIE Prowess Database and CII Research  of Indian
 Corporate  textiles and oil & gas, posted a   Outlook
 positive annual growth in net
 performance  sales in Q1FY24. Sectors such   The outlook for corporate   The volatility in crude oil   States
 profitability remains mixed
 prices and external
 as Automotive, Capital goods,
 across sectors  Real estate & Construction,   in the second quarter. While   headwinds will impinge on
 the corporate performance
 on the one hand, high
 Construction material,
 Consumer Durables,   inflationary pressures in the   too.
 While the easing of input cost   Pharmaceuticals, Financial   second quarter (July-Sept)
 pressures supported margin   Services and Transport   along with subdued   In contrast, the momentum
 expansion for most sectors in   Logistics posted a   prospects for the   seen in capital goods and
 Q1FY24, the slowdown in net   double-digit growth in net   agricultural sector are   infrastructure-related   ndia stands as the world's   and surpassing pre-pandemic   potential to catch up with the   GDP. In the northern region,
 sales was more pronounced   sales which is indicative of   expected to weigh on   sectors is likely to continue   I fastest-growing major   levels.  high-performing states in the   states like Punjab, Haryana, and
 in the export-oriented   easing supply chains and   domestic demand having   due to the government’s   economy and is well poised to   years to come, given their   Rajasthan make significant
 sectors as high domestic real   growing economic activity.   implications for sectors such   push to boost investment   reach US$9 trillion milestone   States like Gujarat,   current trajectory.  contributions, accounting for
 rates and slowing global   The growth in net sales in the   as FMCG, etc.   levels in the economy. The   by 2030. States hold the key to   Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and   18.5 per cent of the GDP.
 economy impacted demand.   automotive sector in Q1FY24   Export-sensitive sectors   upcoming festive season will   achieving this vision, as they   Karnataka are the economic   Regionally, the Southern region   Eastern states, represented by
 was on the back of healthy   such as textiles could   drive India’s economic growth   powerhouses, driving the   stands out as the most   West Bengal, Odisha, and Bihar,
 Our analysis shows that,   demand, especially in the SUV   continue to feel the heat of   further bolster domestic   and development trajectory.   nation’s GDP by contributing   significant contributor to   contribute 12.5 per cent and
 demand and lead to a rise in
 among the 15 major sectors   segment as well as price hikes   uncertain global economic   private consumption.  However, regional disparities   to nearly half of the nation’s   India’s GDP, with states like   Central region, including Uttar
 (including oil & gas and   implemented by automakers.   conditions.   loom large in India’s economic   economic output and   Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka,   Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh,
 financial services), all sectors   The healthy performance of   performance, stemming from   outperforming national GDP   Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and   contribute 13.6 per cent to the
 barring chemicals, power,   construction related sectors   diverse geography and varying   growth. These are large and   Telangana contributing around   nation’s output. The Northeast
        state-level economic growth.   diversified economies with a   30 per cent to the nation’s   region, comprising states like
        Five states – Maharashtra,   well-established manufacturing   economic output. The western   Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, and
 Snapshot of Sectoral Performance of Corporates in Q1FY24
        Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka   base and a robust services   region, anchored by Gujarat   others, has a relatively modest
 20     and Uttar Pradesh are the   sector. Rajasthan, Uttar   and Maharashtra, contributes   economic share, standing at
 ITES     major contributors to India’s   Pradesh, West Bengal and   roughly 23 per cent to India’s   just 2.7 per cent.
 Power   Transport & Logistics     GDP, with a collective GSDP   Chhattisgarh are emerging as
 Consumer Durables   of about Rs 75 lakh crore   high-potential states, displaying
 Q1FY24   representing a substantial 47   robust GSDP growth rates
    10  Chemicals     FMCG     Construction material   per cent share in India’s GDP.  that surpass the national   Regional Contribution to India’s GDP (%)
 PAT Margin (%)  Oil & Gas    Metals & mining   Capital goods    Real estate & construction   India’s GDP for the fiscal year   average in the post-pandemic   18.5
 Financial services
                                   period. These states have
        lakh crore (at constant prices),
                                   contribution of nearly 20 per
 0  Textiles   2022-23 has reached Rs 160   collectively made substantial     30.0             2.7
 Further, higher profits also   average rate of 4.43 per cent   improved to 7.2 from 5.9 a   surpassing its pre-pandemic   cent to the nation’s GDP.
 helped the companies sustain   in the first quarter of the   year ago, thereby reflecting   five-year average of Rs 130   Smaller states such as Assam,   12.5
 their debt servicing capability   previous fiscal. The interest   stronger financial health of   lakh crore spanning from 2015   Tripura, Manipur and
 despite higher interest rates.   coverage ratio, which is a   the corporates. Robust   -10  to 2020. Majority of the states   Arunachal Pradesh are poised   22.7  13.6
 During the first quarter, RBI   ratio of the company’s   balance sheets of the private   -20  0  20  40  have shown a remarkable   to become new frontiers,
 kept its key policy repo rate   earnings before interest and   sector and banks, too, confirm   Net Sales (y-o-y%)     recovery from the challenges   demonstrating significant
 unchanged at 6.5 per cent,   taxes over its interest   this trend.  Note: includes analysis of 524 non-financial listed companies   posed by the Covid-19   progress in growth. They have   North  North East  East  Central  West  South
 which is much higher than the   expense during the period,   Source: CMIE Prowess Database and CII Research  pandemic with their GSDP   recently registered rapid   Source: MoSPI
        witnessing significant growth   growth rates and hold the

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