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REGIONAL VARIATIONS       together accounting for    activities, industry, and services.   cent) to the nation's industrial
                                                                                                                                                                                     Within the services sector, the
                                                                                                                                                          almost 37 per cent to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 output than its share in the
                                             GSDP and Sectoral Growth (y-o-y%)                                                  IN SECTORAL               nation's industrial production.   Southern region accounts for a   nation’s agriculture and
                                                                                                                                CONTRIBUTIONS AND         These states have          substantial 31 per cent share,   services sectors which is 18
                                                                                                                                GROWTH PATTERNS           demonstrated positive trends   with Karnataka and Tamil Nadu   per cent and 20 per cent,
                                       GSDP             Agriculture         Industry          Services                                                    in their GDP growth rates   emerging as the primary    respectively. In contrast, the
                                                                                                                                                          compared to the            contributors. In the industrial   rest of India contributes more
                                 2022-23   5 yr avg  2022-23  5 yr avg  2022-23  5 yr avg  2022-23  5 yr avg                   India’s economic engine is   pre-pandemic average. Notably,   sector, the region contributes   to the country's agricultural
                                                                                                                               fuelled primarily by services   Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur,   28 per cent to the nation's   output than it does to the
                                                                                                                               sector that account for more   and Tripura have made   industrial output, with Tamil   industry and services sectors’
          Andhra Pradesh          7.0       7.9       4.5      10.7      5.7      6.3      10.1      6.6                       than half of the nation’s GDP.   significant strides in the   Nadu taking the lead. In   output. Central region’s
                                                                                                                               Industry sector accounts for   industrial sector. If these small   agriculture and allied sector, it   contribution stands at a
          Arunachal Pradesh*      7.3       6.0       4.9      4.9      20.6      1.7      8.7       8.5                       about 23 per cent share,   states sustain their growth   contributes 28.5 per cent to   substantial 23 per cent, with
                                                                                                                               whereas agriculture and allied   trajectory, they will be on the   the national agricultural output,   Uttar Pradesh being the
          Assam                   10.2      7.9      13.3      3.6       9.3     13.7      9.7       4.4                       sector contributes only 14 per   path to become promising   with Andhra Pradesh playing a   largest contributor (share of
                                                                                                                               cent to India’s GDP. Over the   economies with the potential   pivotal role. Conversely, the   12.3 per cent) to nation’s
                                                                                                                               last decade, the contribution   to transform into     Western region, encompassing   agricultural output followed by
          Bihar                   10.6      7.4       6.6      4.0       6.9      6.4      13.0      8.8
                                                                                                                               of services sector to nation’s   high-performing states, driven   Gujarat and Maharashtra, has a   Madhya Pradesh (8.8 per cent).
                                                                                                                               GDP has experienced a      by their industrial sectors. The   greater contribution (27 per
          Chhattisgarh            8.0       6.3       5.9      5.6       7.8      7.0      9.2       5.5                       substantial growth of 10 per   service sector has
                                                                                                                               cent, while that of industry and   experienced remarkable
          Gujarat*                10.6      9.3       6.0      4.9      10.8     10.2      6.7       8.8                       the agriculture sector have   growth following the              Regional Contribution to India’s Sectoral Output
                                                                                                                               witnessed a decline of 6 per   pandemic, with nearly all states
          Haryana                 7.1       8.1       5.3      6.6       6.3      7.7      8.4       7.6                       cent and 19 per cent,      recording a substantial       35
                                                                                                                               respectively.              expansion in this sector.     30
                                                                                                                                                          Kerala, Manipur, Bihar, West
          Karnataka               7.9       9.0       5.5      6.0       5.1      7.5      9.2       9.4                       Post the covid-19 pandemic,   Bengal, and Tripura have   25
                                                                                                                               Maharashtra, Kerala and Assam   achieved growth rates of over   20
          Kerala*                 11.9      5.9       4.9      -1.7      3.1      5.1      16.8      6.2                       have seen substantial growth   10 per cent, surpassing the   15
                                                                                                                               in the agriculture and allied   national average in the   10
          Madhya Pradesh          7.1       8.2       5.7      7.8       4.8      7.9      10.0      7.5                       sector. However, Madhya    services sector.               5
                                                                                                                               Pradesh and Haryana, which
                                                                                                                               are primarily agrarian states,   Considering the regional   0
          Maharashtra*            9.1       5.4      11.4      4.5       3.8      2.9      10.6      6.9                                                                                     North  North East  East  Central  West  South
                                                                                                                               have witnessed a decline in   distribution, the Southern
                                                                                                                               agricultural performance.   region of India leads in               Agriculture & Allied  Industry  Services
          Manipur*                13.5      4.8       3.1      7.9       8.7     -3.4      15.2      5.2                       Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Tamil   sectoral contributions,                   Source: MoSPI
                                                                                                                               Nadu are industrial giants,   including agriculture and allied
          Punjab                  6.4       5.8       3.7      3.3       6.8      5.1      6.7       6.7

                                                                                                                               Conclusion                 development.               support to promote their    foster investment promotion,
          Rajasthan               8.2       5.4       5.2      5.2       6.3      3.3      10.7      6.7                                                  economic growth and        be provided with targeted   infrastructure development,

          Tamil Nadu              8.2       6.8       3.9      5.4       9.2      8.6      7.8       5.4                                                                             industrial prowess. This involves   and promote sustainable
                                                                                                                               India holds a promising    Firstly, there is a need to   implementing industry-friendly   agriculture in these regions to
                                                                                                                               prospect of emerging as a   prioritize agriculture as its   policies, enhancing   harness their capabilities.
          Telangana               7.8       9.0       8.8      9.8       3.1      9.1      10.8      8.5                       US$9 trillion economy by   contribution to India’s GDP   infrastructure, and attracting
                                                                                                                               2030, but this realization   remains low despite large   investments to further   Moreover, it is imperative for
          Tripura                 8.9       7.3       4.1      6.2       8.7      3.1      11.5      9.2                       depends on the effective   population dependent on it.   strengthen their industrial   all states to diversify their
                                                                                                                               utilization of its states'   States like Madhya Pradesh,   sectors. States excelling in the   economies beyond their
          Uttar Pradesh           8.3       6.5       4.1      4.0      15.4      8.9      5.7       7.0                       potential. A significant   Haryana and Punjab, which are   service sector should focus on   traditional sectors so as to
                                                                                                                               challenge lies in the      primarily agrarian but have   boosting the sector through   enhance overall economic
                                                                                                                               persistence of regional    witnessed a decline, require   skill development initiatives,   resilience. Inter-state
          West Bengal             8.4       5.8       1.9      2.5       7.7      9.2      11.4      6.0
                                                                                                                               disparities driven by varying   immediate attention. These   conducive business   collaboration and prioritizing
                                                                                                                               economic growth rates and   regions should be provided   environment, and further   inclusive growth is important
          India                   7.2       6.7       4.0      4.5       4.4      5.4      9.5       7.6                       diverse geographies across   with financial support and   investments in technology and   to address regional disparities
                                                                                                                               states. To ensure that every   encouraged to adopt    innovation. Small states, notably   across the states towards
                                                                                                                               state contributes optimally to   sustainable agricultural   Assam, Tripura, Manipur, and   achieving a balanced and
          Notes: 5 year average is calculated from 2015-20
          *2021-22 estimates                                                                                                   India’s growth story, it is   practices to revitalize the   Arunachal Pradesh, have   sustained economic growth
          Source: MoSPI
                                                                                                                               important to harness each   sector. Industrial powerhouses   demonstrated growing   trajectory, steering India
                                                                                                                               state’s unique potential and   like Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamil   potential in recent times. It is   toward the US$9 trillion
                                                                                                                               contribute to overall      Nadu, and Karnataka should   imperative to prioritize   economy milestone by 2030.

        26   ANALYSIS, RESEARCH, THOUGHT LEADERSHIP & ADVOCACY                                                                                                                                               ANALYSIS, RESEARCH, THOUGHT LEADERSHIP & ADVOCACY  27
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS
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