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State of States

        Sectoral                   sector growth in net sales   Metals & Mining saw subdued   hand, sectors such as            Building

                                                                                          Automotive, Transport &
                                   was driven by premiumization
                                                              PAT margins in 3QFY23 on an
        Trends: A mix              through SUV demand, while   annual basis. These sectors   Logistics, Retail get the
                                                              were adversely impacted by
                                                                                          benefit from high pent-up
                                   IT sector sales remained
        of good and                strong due to healthy demand   lower realizations owing to   demand and return of pricing   Human
                                   for India’s software service
                                                                                          power, while on the other
                                                              easing global commodity
        bad                        exports in FY23.           prices A slowdown in global   hand, sectors such as Textiles,
                                                              demand is another factor
                                                                                          Metals & Mining, Consumer
                                   However, the impact of     which is likely to impact these   Durables and FMCG face
        The dampening effect of high   slowing external demand and   sectors. However, sectors   pressure from weak external
        inflation levels on consumers’   softening of commodity   witnessing an uptick in PAT   demand and high inflation.     Capital for
        purchasing power along with   prices impinged on the net   margins in Q3FY23 include
        slowing external demand has   sales growth of sectors such   sectors such as IT, Pharma,
        impacted the volume growth   as metals & mining,      Power, Transport & Logistics   Outlook
        in some sectors.           construction and consumer   as well as FMCG. Festive led
                                   durables sectors which grew   demand, cost rationalization,   Going forward, as the         Economic
        Our analysis shows that,   at a slower pace in the third   easing input prices and   economy is poised for a
        among the 17 major sectors   quarter on an annual basis.   sustained economic activity   slowdown in the current
        (these include Oil & Gas and   The net sales of Textiles   resulted in higher PAT   fiscal, the corporate sector
        financial companies) that we   contracted on an annual basis   margins for this cohort.   growth could remain          Growth
        track, except Textiles and   in the reporting quarter. In                          subdued as well. While a
        Financial Services, all other   sequential terms, sectors such   Sequentially, Consumer   recovery in rural demand
        sectors posted a positive   as Automotive, Oil & Gas,   Durables, Metals & Mining,   and improvement in
        annual growth in net sales in   Financial Services, Metals &   Pharmaceutical and Textile   consumer sentiments        [State-level Analysis]
        Q3FY23. Sectors such as    Mining, Pharmaceuticals,   sectors witnessed subdued    could strengthen the
        Automotive, Power, IT,     Power, Telecommunication   PAT margins in the said      FMCG, Retail and other
        Transport & Logistics among   services and Textiles reported   quarter.            sectors, the outlook for
        others, posted a double-digit   a contraction in net sales in                      sectors dependent on
        growth in net sales indicative   Q3FY23.              The often talked about       global demand remains
        of easing supply chains, pickup                       uneven recovery in demand    uncertain amid global
        in semiconductor chip      Of the 17 sectors, sectors   gets mirrored in the patchy   recessionary concerns.               t a time when the global   are States responding to the
        supplies and growing       such as Textiles, Oil & Gas,   performance of net sales and                                 A   financial crisis has   felt need to invest in human
        economic activity. Automotive   Real Estate & Construction,   margins for sectors. On one
                                                                                                                               accelerated the shift in   capital by providing the
                                                                                                                               economic power to emerging   requisite resources for
                                                                                                                               economies, India is well poised   improving the quality of the
                                         Snapshot of Sectoral Performance of Corporates in Q3FY23                              to emerge as a front-runner in   education system and
                                                  Corporate Performance - Q3'FY23
                  20                                                                                                           driving global growth, aided by   developing market-oriented
                                                                                                                               its demographic potential and   skills?
                                                                              IT & ITES
                                                                                                                               investment in human capital. In
                                                                                                                               this context, good quality   THE SHARE OF
                                                             FMCG                  Power                                       education would be a critical
                                                    Pharmaceutical            Chemicals        Transport & Logistics           lever, which would help      EXPENDITURE
                                                                                                                                                            DEVOTED TO
              PAT Margin (%)  Textile  Financial services  Consumer durable Construction material  Q3FY23  Automotive  Retail   Q2FY23  harness the potential of its   EDUCATION HAS
                                                            Capital goods
                                                                                                                               human capital and boost the
                                                                                                                                                            DECLINED IN
                                                                                                                               nation’s economic growth
                                                                                                                                                            MAJORITY OF STATES
                                                Metals & mining
                                                                                                                               implementation of policies
                                                          Real estate and construction   Oil & Gas                             prospects.  And since the    IN THE POST              share of expenditure devoted   around 13.6 per cent in both
                  0                                                                                                                                         PANDEMIC YEARS           to education and allied     2021-22 and 2022-23.
                                                                                                                               related to education and skill                        activities has declined in   Doubtless some individual
                                                                                                                               training lies largely within the                      majority of states in the post   states, such as Punjab and
                                                                                                                               domain of the states, it would   A comparison between   pandemic years. This is borne   Bihar, have shown a rise in the
                                                                                                                               be crucial for states to take   2019-20, the pre-pandemic
                 -10                                                                                                           the lead in setting aside funds   year and 2021-22 (RE), the   out from the fact that the   share of education in total
                    -20                          0                          20                          40                                                                           aggregate expenditure of    expenditure in 2021-22 but
                                                        Net Sales (% Y-o-Y)                                                    for developing human capital   post-pandemic year, shows   states on educational services   the increase has been marginal
                                                                                                                               in the state and country.     that even as most states have
                                                Source: CMIE Prowess Database and CII Research                                                            increased their education   as a percentage of total   and not enough to make a
                   Note: includes analysis of 2380 non-financial listed companies across 17 sectors. Telecommunication services is an outlier (10.2, -12.8), hence was removed from the chart  expenditure has dropped from   meaningful difference.
                                                                                                                               Against this backdrop, the   budgets in absolute terms in   15.1 per cent in 2019-20 to
                                                                                                                               question arises is that: How far   2021-22 over 2019-20, the

        22   ANALYSIS, RESEARCH, THOUGHT LEADERSHIP & ADVOCACY                                                                                                                                               ANALYSIS, RESEARCH, THOUGHT LEADERSHIP & ADVOCACY  23
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS
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