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Amongst the other major     Europe came at 3.5 per cent   2022 to one of its worst in   drive recovery in demand for   The British households     10.4 per cent in the previous   by the trend in inflation,                                                       US Fed, in its May monetary   basis points, pressing ahead   Credit Suisse was taken over by   such as Japan and China are
        economies, global slowdown   in 2022. Surging oil and gas   nearly half a century. After   foreign services; boost     continue to contend with high   month. The main upward   monetary policy as well as   CENTRAL BANKS                                         policy raised interest rates by   with its campaign to tame   Switzerland’s largest bank UBS.   keeping their monetary policies
        has been hitting the        prices have depleted savings   slowing to 2.9 per cent in Q4   commodity demand and        food and energy bills, while   pressure came from food,   geopolitical stability, has come   REMAIN HAWKISH AS                              25 basis points to 5.25%, which   inflation despite the threat of                 loose to bolster economic
        economies unevenly. UK      and have held back        2022, the growth for whole of   prices, particularly for oil.    workers across sectors have   recreation and cultural   off its recent peak and is   THEY AGGRESSIVELY                                      is the highest since June 2006. It   potential banking crisis after   On the contrary, economies   growth.
        economy showed near zero    investment, while forcing the   2022 came at just 3.0 per cent.                            launched mass strike amid   activities.               witnessing a downtrend.      HIKE INTEREST                                            has hinted at a potential pause
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  RATES TO CONTROL
        growth (0.4 per cent) in Q4   European Central Bank into   The contraction in real estate,                             disputes over pay conditions.   Noteworthily, the US Dollar   Latest data suggests that US   INFLATION                                      in further increases as the
                                                                                                                               UK's inflation print eased to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           financial markets have been
                                                                                                                                                                                     Dollar Index stood at 101.0
        2022, avoiding a recession for   unprecedented rate hikes to   uncertainty around evolution   GLOBAL INFLATION         10.1 per cent in March from   index, which is widely affected   as on 13th April 2023.                                                      impacted by the collapse of the
        now even as it continues to   arrest inflation.       of the virus, shrinking      EXHIBITING SOME                                                                                                                                                                 two banks.
        wrestle with double-digit                             population and slowing       SOFTENING FROM                                                                                                        The tight global financial
        inflation. Industrial disputes,   Japan, too, narrowly averted a   productivity growth remain a   ELEVATED LEVELS                                                                                        markets due to the near                                   Further, as inflation in UK
        staff shortages, export losses,   recession by growing 0.4 per   major headwind. However,                                                          Global headline inflation (y-o-y%)                    synchronized monetary policy                              accelerated in February, Bank of
        rising cost of living and higher   cent in Q4 2022. The   with an earlier than                                                                                                                           tightening pursued by the key                             England too boosted its key
        interest rates, all dragged   deceleration reported was on   anticipated re-opening of                                     12.0                                                                          global economies has been a                               rate by 25 basis points to 4.25
        down the growth of UK to    account of a contraction in the   China, IMF expects it to   Inflation, which emerged as a                                   10.2                                            cause for concern. Add to that                            per cent. This hike was the
        4.2 per cent in 2022 from 8.5   corporate capital investment   contribute about a third of   big risk post the Russia’s    10.0                                                                          are the collapses of the Silicon                          smallest rate hike since May last
        per cent in 2021.           as well as the private housing   global growth in 2023. China's   invasion of Ukraine last year   8.0                                     8.0                                Valley Bank and Signature Bank                            year. The bank also highlighted
                                    investment levels. For the   growth in Q12023 advanced   has started exhibiting some                                                                                         in the US in the first half of                            that in case inflationary
        As for Europe, its economy is   whole of 2022, the Japanese   to 4.5 per cent, amid efforts   softening from the elevated   6.0           5.8                                                            March 2023, which are rippling                            pressures persists, further
        bearing the brunt as Russia’s   economy posted a growth of   from the government to spur   levels, prompting central banks   4.0                                                   3.6                   through the global financial                              tightening in monetary policy
        war in Ukraine hit both     1.0 per cent as compared to   the post-pandemic recovery.    across the globe to moderate                                                                                    markets. While the direct                                 would be required.
        business activity and drive-up   2.2 per cent recorded last                       the size and pace of rate hikes.          2.0                                                                1.3       impact of this meltdown on
        energy prices. Europe       year. Rising fuel costs after   The re-opening of China is   IMF expects the global             0.0                                                                          economic activity is likely to be                         The European Central Bank, in
        economy eked out growth in   Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,   likely to boost global   inflation to fall from 8.7 per             Q1 2022  Q2 2022  Q3 2022  Q4 2022  Q1 2023  Q1 2022  Q2 2022  Q3 2022  Q4 2022  Q1 2023  Q1 2022  Q2 2022  Q3 2022  Q4 2022  Q1 2023  Q1 2022  Q2 2022  Q3 2022  Q4 2022  Q1 2023  Q1 2022  Q2 2022  Q3 2022  Q4 2022  Q1 2023  limited, markets are bracing up   its seventh consecutive rate
        Q4 2022 even as sky-high    yen’s depreciation and a drag   economic growth faster than   cent in 2022 to 7.0 per cent in                                                                                for tighter financial conditions                          hike, raised interest rates by 25
        energy costs, waning        down in net exports impacted   expected, through ‘three direct   2023 and to 4.9 per cent in                                                                                 which could present a trade-off
        confidence and rising interest   the growth in 2022.   channels’, viz increased   2024.                                              US           UK         Eurozone     Japan        China             between financial stability
        rates took a toll on the                              domestic demand, which will                                                                                                                        concerns and conduct of
        economy. However, its growth   The Chinese economy was   lift core good exports among   The pace of consumer price                                      Source: National Sources                         disinflationary monetary policy.
        at 1.8 per cent in Q4 2022   also seen slowing  due to   China’s trade partners;   increase eased in a few
        was the slowest in the year.   stringent covid curbs, which   international travel, which will   countries like US, Europe,                                                                              Just as markets were pricing in
        The full year growth for    dragged out the growth for                            Japan and China but are still                                                                                          the possibility of further
                                                                                          far from the tolerance range                                                                                           tightening of financial condi-
                                                                                          of the central banks. Despite                                                                                          tions, bouts of volatility have
                                                                                          the moderation of inflation                                                                                            unsettled investor sentiments
                                  Trajectory of Real GDP growth (y-o-y%)                  from its peak, the core                                                                                                with the collapse of three
          12.0                                                                            inflation, which removes food                                                                                          banks in the US.
                                                                                          and fuel prices remains
          10.0                                                                                                                                                                                                   The market sentiments in the
                                                                                          elevated, which is a cause for
           8.0                                                                            concern.                                                                                                               aftermath of the collapses,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 appear to be running out of
           6.0                                                                            The global commodity prices                                                                                            steam. The J P Morgan
                                                                                  4.5     have been on a downward                                                                                                Emerging Bond index has fallen
           4.0                                                                                                                                                                                                   by 2.0 per cent in March from
                                                                                          trend amid the slowing
           2.0                                                                            demand globally and a healthy                                                                                          its level in January. Morgan
                              1.6            1.3     0.4                                  supply outlook. However, the                                                                                           Stanley Capital International
           0.0                                                     0.4                    recent announcement by                                                                                                 EM stock index lost nearly 4.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 per cent, while Dow Jones,
                  Q12022  Q22022  Q32022  Q42022  Q12023  Q12022  Q22022  Q32022  Q42022  Q12023  Q12022  Q22022  Q32022  Q42022  Q12022  Q22022  Q32022  Q42022  Q12022  Q22022  Q32022  Q42022  Q12023  OPEC+ to cut oil production   FTSE 100 and Nifty 50 also
                                                                                          by 1.16 million barrels a day
                      US        Eurozone         UK        Japan        China             could push the prices higher,                                                                                          declined by 2.0 per cent, each
                                                                                          thereby leading to higher                                                                                              in March from its level in end
                                         Source: National Sources                         import bills for certain                                                                                               January.

        28   ANALYSIS, RESEARCH, THOUGHT LEADERSHIP & ADVOCACY                                                                                                                                               ANALYSIS, RESEARCH, THOUGHT LEADERSHIP & ADVOCACY  29
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS
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