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The relentless push given to   services such as pensions,   service which is operated   Suraksha Bima Yojana, and Atal   launched pilots in the
 equitable growth by countries   savings, insurance. To remedy   through a private   Pension Yojana, India has made   wholesale and retail segments
 and institutions has resulted   the situation, a dedicated   telecommunications provider   tremendous progress towards   within a closed user group.
 in significant progress being   approach and effective   and has nationwide coverage   financial inclusion.  Such an initiative, if pursued
 made in achieving financial   cooperation among multiple   independent of traditional   further, would not only lead to
 inclusion. For instance, studies   stakeholders, including the   banks. Today, more than 75   financial inclusion by creating
 suggest that the proportion   G-20, is required for banking   percent of Kenya’s population   G-20 FORUM HAS   bank deposits for the
 of adults (15 and older)   the unbanked in the society.  has access to financial   HELD ADVANCE   unbanked but would also help
 having an account with a   services which has grown   DISCUSSION ON THE   in achieving sustainable
 financial institution has gone   One of the most promising   significantly from 26.7 per   CREATION OF   development goals (SDG).
 up from 51 per cent in 2011   ways to financially empower   cent in 2006 to 83.7 per cent   CENTRAL BANK
 to 74 per cent in 2021.   the poor would be by   in 2021—the highest in   DIGITAL CURRENCY   On assuming the presidency
 Similarly, the latest Global   encouraging the use of   Sub-Saharan Africa. Such   WITH 18 COUNTRIES  of G-20, India has continued
 Findex database 2021 shows   technology and digitization.   success stories could be   to accord financial inclusion a
 76 per cent of the global   Multi-stakeholder   deliberated and replicated by   primacy of place in its agenda
 population having a bank   cooperation could be sought   other countries as well. In   of priorities to facilitate
 account in 2021 as against  to deepen financial inclusion   fact, technology has created   The G-20 forum could also   equitable growth among
 51 per cent in 2011. The   and improve service delivery.   new opportunities, post   discuss expanding the   countries. Accordingly, the
 digitization drive, which was   For instance, India could share   Covid-19, for digital financial   coverage of Fintech, which in   Business20 (B20) India, an
 accelerated in the aftermath   its experience with its G20   services to accelerate and   recent times has   engagement group under G20,
 of Covid-19, has further   counterparts of how to use   enhance financial inclusion   demonstrated a huge potential   has established a Task Force
 hastened financial inclusion   public private partnerships to   and the G-20 forum should   for driving financial inclusion   on ‘Fostering Financial
 efforts.  create digital solutions like   be used for further   among the underserved   Inclusion and Empowering
 UPI to promote financial   strengthening the digital   population in remote areas. By   Societies’. The Task Force
 inclusion. In fact, the United   ecosystem and addressing the   using technologies such as   would draft a policy paper
 USE OF TECHNOLOGY   Payments Interface (UPI), by   risks associated with it.  artificial intelligence for risk   outlining a framework for
 AND DIGITIZATION IS   creating a digital platform for   assessment, and being agile   linking financial inclusion with
 IMPORTANT FOR   promoting cashless   At the same time, the policies   and consumer-centric, fintech   economic empowerment, for
 FINANCIALLY   transactions, has emerged as   and schemes launched by the   companies can provide credit   both users and businesses
 EMPOWERING THE   an excellent example of   Indian Government such as   to people in the ‘high- risk’   keeping ‘strengthening of
 POOR  technology boosting financial   Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan   category in remote areas or   livelihoods’ at the center.
 inclusion and for accelerating   Yojana, which has facilitated   low-income, unbanked
 financial literacy among the   universal access to banking   individuals and encourage   To conclude, financial inclusion
 Despite this, more than a   masses.  facilities, promoted financial   them to save, grow their   has emerged as an important
 third of the global population   literacy, facilitated access to   money, and take advantage of   tool to strengthen the
 continue to be financially   KENYA’S MOBILE   credit, insurance, and pension   government programmes and   livelihoods of underprivileged
 excluded due to challenges   PAYMENT SERVICES,   services along with channeling   assistance. This gives   consumers and, in turn, drive
 arising from inadequate   M-PESA HAS SEEN   all benefits through direct   small-ticket borrowers and   their economic
 access to finance, high capital   HUGE SUCCESS IN   benefit transfer, can be shared   local businesses access to   empowerment. Hence, the
 costs, lack of consumer   ACHIEVING FINANCIAL   with G-20 nations.  As a result   microfinancing services for   B-20 forum, created during
 awareness, trust deficit,   INCLUSION  of the scheme, the share of   important purchases and   India’s Presidency of G-20,
 limited digital and physical   unbanked adults has dropped   capital investment, which is   which would deliberate and
 infrastructure, among others.   from 47 per cent in 2014 to   unlike the case with traditional   suggest a toolkit of measures
 As a result, some of the most   Similarly, the success of Kenya   22 per cent in 2021. Besides,   banking systems.  to bridge the rich-poor divide,
 vulnerable segments of the   in achieving financial inclusion   the Pradhan Mantri Mudra   especially in developing
 economy, such as women,   through use of new financial   Yojana has benefitted more   The G-20 forum has also held   countries, is a salutary step
 farmers, rural poor, and small   technology and innovations,   than 400 small and micro   advance discussion on the   forward.
 businesses, continue to be   especially in mobile money   enterprises since its launch in   creation of Central Bank
 unserved and   and mobile banking, is also   2015. Similarly, with social   digital currency with 18   [Note: Mr Bajaj is the Co-Chair of the
 underpenetrated, resulting in   worth emulating. Kenya’s   security schemes such as   countries having agreed to the   B20 Taskforce on ‘Financial Inclusion
 increasing credit gaps and   mobile payment services,   Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti   proposal. Of these seven   for Economic Empowerment’]
 limited use of financial   M-PESA, is a well-known   Bima Yojana, Pradhan Mantri   countries, including India have

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