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Domestic Trends

 India’s GDP  On the demand side, the 6.0 per   also encouraging. The government,   DESPITE STRONG   pressure on food items is

        cent growth in consumption
                                     too, continues to frontload its
                                                                                           expected to be transitory, as
                                                                                           evident in the steady
        demand has been particularly
                                     capital expenditure, though there
                                     has been some drop in the
        noteworthy, which came against
                                                                                           performance of the
                                                                    PRESSURES HAVE
                                     quantum of spending during
        the backdrop of 2.8 per cent
                                                                                           agriculture sector in Q1,
 grew at a  growth recorded in Q4FY23.   Q1FY24 as compared to the year   RE-EMERGED,      along with expected fresh
                                                                    LARGELY DRIVEN
                                     ago period.
        Similarly, the 8.0 per cent growth
                                                                                           arrivals of crops in the
                                                                    BY GLOBAL
        in gross fixed capital formation is
                                                                    HEADWINDS AS
                                                                    WELL AS PATCHY
                                                                                           On the external front, India’s
                        Demand Side Components (y-o-y%)
                                                                                           export performance has
 healthy  10.0          6.0           -0.7           8.0          Despite the strong growth   been adversely impacted by
                                                                                           a slowdown in demand in its
                                                                                           major trading partners
                                                                                           including EU, US and China.
                                                                  prospects, inflationary
                                                                                           Both merchandise exports
                                                                  pressures have re-emerged,
                                                                  driven primarily by global
                                                                                           and imports are in the
                                                                                           negative trajectory with
                                                                  disruptions, along with
 pace in  -6.0 Note: PFCE is private final consumption expenditure; GFCE is gross fixed capital expenditure  domestic factors such as   exports showing a degrowth
                                                                  patchy monsoon and slow
                                                                                           of 15.9 per cent while
                                                                                           imports shrinking by 17.0
                                                                  crop sowing. The CPI-based
                                                                  inflation, after accelerating
                                                                                           per cent in July. Services
                         and GFCF is gross fixed capital formation
                                                                                           exports on the other hand
                                                                  to 7.44 per cent in July,
                             Source: CSO, CII Research
                                                                  slowed to 6.83 per cent in
                                                                                           continue to do well, growing
 1QFY24  INDIA RECORDED A   demand is also noteworthy as   On the supply side, growth in the   output, owing to the weak   August as the pressure from   8.1 per cent in July. However,
                                                                                           services imports reported a
                                                                  food prices, especially from
                                                                  vegetables moderated a bit.
                                                                                           contraction of 2.2 per cent.
                                     demand conditions, both
        economy was led by the services
 it augurs well for stimulating
                                                                  Furthermore, the price
        sector, which rose by an
                                     domestic and external. It posted a
 demand in other sectors too
        impressive 10.0 per cent in
                                     growth of 4.7 per cent in Q1FY24
 on growth.
 CURRENT FISCAL   through its multiplier impact   Q1FY24. This is being reflected in   from 4.5 per cent in Q4FY23,   Outlook
        the robust performance in the
                                     however, remained much below
 (Q1FY24) AS   financial, real estate &   the 6.1 per cent growth achieved
 COMPARED TO 6.1   Encouragingly, India has been   professional services which   in Q1FY23.   Domestic activity has   from the upcoming festive
 PER CENT IN THE   able to withstand the external   notched a 12.2 per cent growth   displayed resilience on   season demand cheer.
 PREVIOUS QUARTER   headwinds far better than   to take the economic momentum   Further, agriculture, forestry, and   the back of healthy
 (Q4FY23)  many other countries. At the   forward. The growth in real estate   fishing have also done well, despite   domestic demand.   Among the major
 time when other economies,   and construction services could   the unseasonal and deficient   Investment activity is   challenges, rising inflation
                                                                    doing well mainly led by
                                                                                           is a significant one, which
        be the result of the rise in
                                     rainfall, having clocked 3.5 per
 T  he world has gradually   while bank credit grew at a   growth was buttressed by   including that of US, UK and   government capex and a fall in   cent growth in Q1FY24 as against   public capex spending,   is however, expected to
 China are facing a slowdown,
 recovered from the
 robust domestic demand and
 healthy 14.9 per cent as on
                                                                    which has been
                                                                                           taper in the months
 impact of Covid-19 pandemic,   August 25, 2023. Amongst   resilient service sector growth   India clocked its highest GDP   input prices while strong credit   the 2.4 per cent recorded for the   front-loaded in the   ahead when fresh kharif
        demand and pick up in business
                                     corresponding period last fiscal.
 but global growth remains   other indicators, passenger   even as net exports remained   growth in four quarters, which   services would have lifted   However, the outlook for   current fiscal. Healthy   harvest hits the market.
 fragile and inflation stubbornly   vehicle sales, rail freight, port   a drag on growth. The   further reaffirmed its high   financial services and business   agriculture production remains   seasonally adjusted   On the external front,
 persistent. The Indian   traffic, air passenger traffic   continuing robust   growth trajectory.   services growth respectively.   uncertain considering the   capacity utilisation levels   while tepid global
 economy, however, has been   performed well during the   performance by investment   deficient and skewed rainfall   maintained by the   scenario has slowed
 exuding strength and stability   period. Additionally, the rural   The manufacturing sector has   distribution.  manufacturing sector   down India’s merchandise
                                                                    firms in the first quarter
 despite the massive shocks to   economy is also gaining   shown a marginal improvement in   of FY24 bodes well for   exports, service exports
                                                                                           have remained firm.
 the global economy in recent   momentum as evident by   Quarterly GDP of major economies (y-o-y%)  sustaining the signs of
 years.   rising FMCG sales and growth   Supply Side Components (y-o-y%)  recovery seen in private   Going forward, with risks
 in agri incomes.   US  Eurozone  UK  Japan  China  India  20.0     capex.  Discretionary   evenly balanced, we
 The performance of several   15.0                                  demand, on the other   believe India is firmly on
 high frequency indicators on   All these trends were   Q4 FY23  1.8  1.1  0.2  2.0  4.5  6.1  10.0  10.0  hand, is a bit weak   track to post a growth
 the domestic front have been   mirrored by the impressive   [Jan-Mar 2024]  5.0  3.5  4.6  currently as high inflation   rate of 6.5 per cent in the
 holding up well. Latest data   GDP growth of 7.8 per cent in   0.0  has taken a bite off   current fiscal and remain
 suggests that GST collection in   the first quarter of the current   Q1 FY24  2.6  0.6  0.4  1.6  6.3  7.8  demand of FMCG and   the fastest growing major
 August stood at Rs 1.59 lakh   fiscal (Q1FY24) as compared   [Apr-Jun 2024]  -5.0  Agriculture  Industry  Services  other consumer linked   economy for the third
                                                                    sectors. It is however
 crore recording a growth of   to 6.1 per cent in the previous   Q1FY23  Q2FY23  Q3FY23  Q4FY23  Q1FY24  year in a row.
 Source: National Sources                                           expected to get a leg-up
 11 per cent on an annual basis,   quarter (Q4FY23). The higher   Source: CSO, CII Research
                                                                                           QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS
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