Page 23 - CII Artha Magazine
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Domestic Trends

 Completed  Rs 1.47 lakh crore in the   CHHATTISGARH AND   in the electricity transmission   Corporate                                                                                            was also mirrored in Q1FY24   higher PAT Margins during the
 and railway transport
 previous quarter and Rs 1.39
                                                                                                                                                                                                  GDP print as these continued
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             said quarter. The PAT Margin
 Investments   lakh crore in the comparable   TAMIL NADU EMERGED   infrastructure services, while                                                                                                 to benefit from government’s   for the oil & gas sector
 quarter last year.
 for Tamil Nadu it was in the
 WITH HIGHEST VALUE   road and shipping transport                                                                                                                                                 sustained push towards     received a boost from lower
                                                                                                                                                                                                  infrastructure spending. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             crude oil prices compared to
 VALUE OF COMPLETED   The data suggests that the   OF COMPLETED   infrastructure services.                                                                                                        continued sluggishness in   a year-ago period and no cut
 Maharashtra reported
 decline in value of completed
 PROJECTS SLUMP IN   projects was driven by the   completed projects in road                                                                                                                      external demand, however,   in retail prices of petrol and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             diesel. Also, earnings in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  impacted on the net sales of
 Q2FY24  private sector, while the value   transport infrastructure and   Performance                                                                                                             the Textile sector.        refining segment are likely to
 of completed projects by the   A state-level analysis shows   housing construction. Delhi,                                                                                                                                  have benefitted from the
 The value of completed   government recorded a   that Chhattisgarh, Tamil Nadu,   on the other hand, reported                                                                                    Of the 15 sectors,         availability of cheaper Russian
 projects slumped on both   double-digit growth as   Maharashtra, Delhi and   completed projects in the                                                                                           Pharmaceuticals, ITES, Power,   crude oil in Q1 FY24.
 sequential and annual basis   compared to the previous   Madhya Pradesh emerged as   commercial complexes and                                                                                    Consumer Durables saw
 standing at Rs 1.0 lakh crore   quarter.  the top five states with higher   recreational services, while
 in Q2FY24 as compared to   number of completed   for Madhya Pradesh it was in
 projects in Q2FY24.   the education and irrigation   espite the unseasonal   It is important to note that
 sector.  D                                                                                                                                                            textiles and oil & gas, posted a
 Trend in Completed Projects by  heavy rains, lagged   the tepid topline performance                                                       Corporate
 Ownership (Rs lakh crore)  Most of the completed   impact of monetary tightening   is not indicative of weak                                                          positive annual growth in net
 3.50  projects in Chhattisgarh were   undertaken by RBI and weak   domestic demand. Factors                                               performance                 sales in Q1FY24. Sectors such
 3.00  2.87  external demand, the   such as sluggish demand from                                                                                                       as Automotive, Capital goods,
 2.50   corporate results in the first   overseas markets and lower                                                                        across sectors              Real estate & Construction,
 1.34  1.92  quarter of the current fiscal   commodity prices may have                                                                                                 Construction material,
 2.00  1.81  have displayed signs of   contributed to this. On the   positive factors leading to   constant at 9.0 per cent in                                         Consumer Durables,
 1.50  1.32  1.42  1.22  1.39  0.51  0.85  1.47  States with Higher Value of Completed  resilience.  other hand, a pause in   higher profitability.   Q1FY24 as compared to the   While the easing of input cost   Pharmaceuticals, Financial
 Projects in Q2FY24 (Rs lakh crore)
 1.00  0.72  0.48  0.55  0.42  0.91  1.00  interest rates, improvement in                 previous quarter and was a                       pressures supported margin   Services and Transport
 1.52  0.70  1.30  0.27                                        Additionally, the PAT Margin   tad higher than the 6.2 per                                              Logistics posted a
 0.50  0.33  0.97  1.07  0.35      corporate earnings and                                                                                  expansion for most sectors in
 0.84  0.87  0.73  Q1FY24 SEES A JUMP
 0.39  0.52  0.56  0.31            robust macroeconomic        for the same set of companies   cent margin in the same                     Q1FY24, the slowdown in net   double-digit growth in net
 0.00  0.30  IN PROFITS, WHILE
 Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q1FY24 Q2FY24  trends are some of the   under analysis remained   quarter last year.  sales was more pronounced   sales which is indicative of
 Government  Private sector  Total investment  0.25  NET SALES GROWTH                                                                      in the export-oriented      easing supply chains and
 Source: CMIE Capex database & CII Research  0.20  DECELERATE                                                                              sectors as high domestic real   growing economic activity.
 0.15  0.13                                                    Corporate Performance Snapshot                                              rates and slowing global    The growth in net sales in the
 0.11                                                                                                                                      economy impacted demand.    automotive sector in Q1FY24
 organic chemicals and dyes &   0.10  0.09  70.0                                                       12.0                                                            was on the back of healthy
 MANUFACTURING   polymers. This was followed   0.05  0.06  The aggregate performance of                                                                                demand, especially in the SUV
 SECTOR SEE THE   by the services (other than   India’s corporates in Q1FY24   60.0                    10.0                                Our analysis shows that,    segment as well as price hikes
 HIGHEST VALUE OF   financial) sector, in which   0.00  Chhattisgarh  Tamil Nadu  Maharashtra  Delhi  Madhya Pradesh  pointed to a sharp uptick in   50.0  9.0  among the 15 major sectors   implemented by automakers.
        profits, despite a substantial
                                                                                                                                           (including oil & gas and
 COMPLETED   most of the completed   deceleration in sales growth.   40.0                              8.0                                 financial services), all sectors   The healthy performance of
 PROJECTS IN Q2FY24  projects were related to air   Source: CMIE Capex database & CII Research  As per the CII analysis of   30.0  6.0     barring chemicals, power,   construction related sectors
 and road transport
 infrastructure services.   1910 non-financial listed   20.0
 Additionally, while new project   A break-up of data showed   companies from the CMIE                 4.0
 announcements are a good   that private sector investment,   On a sectoral basis, the   The construction & real   Prowess Database, net sales   10.0
 barometer of business   measured by the value of   manufacturing sector   estate sector also witnessed   reported a contraction of 2.2   0.0  2.0
 sentiments, the value of   ongoing investments, increased   witnessed the highest value of   a relatively higher value of   Outlook  per cent in Q1FY24, the first   -10.0  -2.2  0.0
 ongoing investments is a   to Rs 105.5 lakh crore in   completed projects at Rs 0.44   completed projects at Rs   in the last nine quarters.
 better indicator for gauging   Q2FY24, registering a   lakh crore in the quarter, with   0.11 lakh crore in the said   Going forward,   investments further and   Concurrently, net profits   Q1FY22  Q2FY22  Q3FY22  Q4FY22  Q1FY23  Q2FY23  Q3FY23  Q4FY23  Q1FY24
 the investments happening on   double-digit growth of 23.1   most of the projects related   quarter.  government’s continued   the government can take   jumped nearly 43 per cent as
 to drugs & pharmaceutical,
 ground as it nets out the value   per cent on an annual basis,   push for capital   initiatives like expanding   compared to the 13.8 per   Net Sales (y-o-y%)  PAT Margin (% , rhs)
 of stalled projects from the   but remained a tad lower than   Top Sectors for Completed Projects  expenditure, at both the   the PLIs to some of the   cent in the previous quarter   Note: includes analysis of 1910 non-financial listed companies
 outstanding projects. Latest   Rs 105.7 lakh crore in the   in Q2FY24 (Rs lakh crore)  central and state levels,   labour-intensive sectors   and 7.5 per cent in the   Source: CMIE Prowess Database and CII Research
 data suggests that while the   previous quarter. On the other   will not only help   such as footwear, toys, etc;   corresponding quarter last
 total value of ongoing   hand, even though the value of   Sectors  Q1 FY24  Q2 FY24  crowd-in private   come up with an   year as lower input prices
 investments moderated albeit   ongoing investments made by   Manufacturing  0.21  0.44  investment at a higher   Employment Linked   boosted margins. This trend is
 marginally to Rs 243.3 lakh   the government contracted   level, but also stimulate   Incentive Scheme (ELI) for   in complete divergence from   Further, higher profits also   average rate of 4.43 per cent   improved to 7.2 from 5.9 a
 crore in Q2FY24 from Rs   both on a sequential and      -Metals & metal products  0.01  0.24  demand in other sectors   select employment   what was witnessed in the   helped the companies sustain   in the first quarter of the   year ago, thereby reflecting
 244.6 lakh crore in the   annual basis to stand at Rs      -Chemicals & chemical products  0.05  0.09  through its multiplier   incentive sectors; address   last fiscal, where the sales   their debt servicing capability   previous fiscal. The interest   stronger financial health of
 previous quarter, it was higher   137.8 lakh crore, its share in   impact on growth.   issues related to the Cost   growth was impressive, but   despite higher interest rates.   coverage ratio, which is a   the corporates. Robust
 than Rs 225.5 lakh crore in the   the total ongoing investments   Services (other than financial)  0.51  0.39  of Doing Business, etc to   profits were depressed due to   During the first quarter, RBI   ratio of the company’s   balance sheets of the private
 corresponding quarter last   remained high at around 57      - Transport services  0.38  0.27  It is important to   help revitalise private   higher input costs in the   kept its key policy repo rate   earnings before interest and   sector and banks, too, confirm
 year, marking a growth of 7.9   per cent.  invigorate private   investment in the economy.  aftermath of the war in   unchanged at 6.5 per cent,   taxes over its interest   this trend.
 per cent in year-on-year terms.    Construction & real estate  0.13  0.11  Ukraine.   which is much higher than the   expense during the period,
 Source: CMIE Capex database & CII Research

                                                                                           QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS
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